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Chapter 3 His Evolution

Erin felt like her eyelids weighed like bricks.

Slowly, she let her eyes flutter open. Her mouth felt like the desert as she licked her lips, bewildered by how dry they were. Grumbling, she gently pushed herself up with her elbow, searching the room she was currently inside.

The entire place was rustic, the smell of ancient fabric wafting through the air almost making her sneeze. Pressing her lips together, she turned her head sideways.

The curtain on the window was pulled aside, letting her see the outside.

It amazed her to see that she was now in Hawthorne.

She was more startled when she saw the full moon.

Instantaneously, she dragged herself from the bed.

Grimacing as an intense pain struck an area just below her rib. A cry escapes her lips as she limped towards the window, her hands gripping onto the windowpane as she gawked up the sky, peering at the magnificent full moon, her mouth wide open in amazement.

Without all the city lights, she was blessed with the view of constellations connecting with one another. A blanket of stars spread all throughout the night sky. Softly, her mouth curves into a smile as she gazed at them.

“You’re not supposed to be up and about, young lady.”

A squeak comes out of Erin’s mouth as she spun around, fists at the ready as she backed away, her hip bumping into the windowpane. Her entire body felt like someone had flung her around and punched her like a sandbag. Everything ached with an intensity that she had no choice but to hunch over and wrap her arms around her body.

The old woman scrambled to her side, hoisting an arm under her shoulder as she was led to the bed.

“There’s a reason why you woke up in bed,” the old woman informed her. “You’ve just been in an awful accident, sweetheart.”

Reality comes crashing in and Erin pulled away from the old woman.

“August,” she breathed, thrill coursing through her as she searched around. “Please, let me see him.”

There was something in the old woman’s eyes.

She shook her head, slinging an arm under Erin’s shoulder once more as she shuffled her back to the bed. Begrudgingly, Erin let herself be hauled to the bed, let the old woman lay her down, and tuck her in under the blankets. Biting the inside of her cheek, she looked through the room once more, taking in the empty walls.

There was nothing but a closet, a table, and a hanging rack.

This was an inn.

The cheaper ones her company didn’t avail when they had their nature retreat last year.

“I don’t know anyone with that name,” the old woman brings up, already striding towards the door. “There’s no one named August here.”

Panic coursed through Erin as she sat up.

“I saw him!”

“You saw wrong,” the old woman countered. Erin swore she saw the old woman’s eyes darken. “Be grateful that I was the one who found you. If it had been other people, you wouldn’t even be on some pleasant bed. You would have died, young lady. Do you understand that?”

“If this is about Hawthorne’s weird custom, I know about that,” Erin piped in, sliding off the bed once more and stepping towards the door. The old lady narrowed her eyes, taking a step sideways to block her path. Erin grumbled in irritation. “Listen, I don’t have all day. I don’t want to be here. I just want to bring August back with me. Please, I won’t even make any noise. The town can do what they need to do.”

The old woman sighed, “I told you there’s no August here.”

“Impossible,” Erin insisted. “I heard him. Even after a year, I can still remember his voice.”

The old woman opened her mouth but was overpowered by another loud sound.

The noise brought chills to Erin’s skin.

Outside, she heard a howl.

A wolf.

“What was that-”

Before the question even left her mouth, she felt a wrinkly hand cover her mouth.

As quick as lightning, all she heard was a closet opening. Before she even realized it, she felt a hand press against her belly as it forced her into a stuffy closet, dust falling all over her, making her eyes water as her nose itched.

“Whatever happens, do not go out.” The old woman warned. “I’m serious. Do you understand that?”

Erin blinked, confused as she covered her nose as the dust settled all around her.

“What’s going on?!” she hissed under her hands, her eyes narrowing into slits. “What the hell was that?!”

“Cover your mouth and don’t breathe.”


The old woman didn’t answer her.

Instead, she was pushed further into the closet, the old lady closing it in front of her. The thing was, as soon as the old lady stepped away from the closet doors, it opened slightly ajar. Tentatively, Erin leaned her face towards the narrow opening, light casting inside the closet. She covered her hand on top of her lips, careful not to make any noise as she heard the door burst open.

A deep voice bellowed, “What the fuck, Charlotte?”

The old woman’s voice was cranky.

“Just because you’re now our superior after your initiation a few months ago doesn’t give you the right to talk to me in that way, boy.”

“Fuckin’…” The owner of the deep voice groaned, heavy footsteps making the floorboards creak. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. You’re right. I’m being an asshole. It’s just… I heard from Pike that there was some trouble on the border because of that fucking newbie. I swear I don’t know what Julia saw in that guy.”

“Is there a point to this conversation, Locke?”

There was silence, followed by a funny sound that reminded Erin of an angry dog.

Chewing on her bottom lip, she leaned further into the narrow opening, the sight of the old woman being blocked by a broad back hugged perfectly by a black shirt. She heard the old woman chuckle.

“Are you offended I didn’t call you by your title?”

“You’re pissing me off for a reason, Charlotte.” Locke, the man with the deep voice and broad back, responded with a snarl. “The full moon is out tonight. I should be with the others and proving that challenging my old man was the best thing that happened here in the village. Something happened on the border, something that you’re not telling me.”

A fire burned in Erin’s lungs as her organs cried for oxygen.

Before she could stop herself, she removed the hands covering her nose and mouth as she sucked in a deep breath.

Big mistake.

The closet door bursts open as a rough, calloused hand wrapped around the collar of her shirt. A scream erupted from her throat as she was yanked out of the closet roughly and flung to the floor.

“What the fuck, Charlotte?!”

Erin lifted her head to find out just who the hell tried to lay his hands on her.

All of her life, not once had a man placed a finger on her, not even August. And now, someone she barely knew shoved her to the floor. Grating her teeth, she felt something strange coursing through her veins as she seethed in pure rage.

Except she doesn’t see Locke’s face.

She sees the old woman’s back, Charlotte, shielding her from the man.

“She does not know what’s going on,” Charlotte pointed out. “Just let her stay the night and she’s going to leave by morning.”

Locke forced a bitter laugh out his mouth, “She’s going to tell the world everything by morning.”

“She won’t. She’s going to leave, just let her be.”

“First the fucking newbie Julia’s obsessed with,” Locke barked, “And now you’re hiding some human bitch from me. Move, Charlotte. I will not ask again.”

Charlotte didn’t move.

Erin felt awful.

She’d always just let people do as they please around her.

With newfound bravery, she boldly stood up, wiping her cheeks as she pushed Charlotte safely aside and stood in front of her.

She lifted her eyes, narrowing them into slits, as she glared furiously at Locke.

She met his gaze, and the man froze.

There was something strange coursing through Erin’s body, but she ignored it.

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Erin snarled, not liking the way that some man, who looked about three years younger than her, was screaming at a poor old woman. If she hadn’t heard him speak, she would probably consider the man attractive. His wavy black hair and bright green eyes were charming in itself, but his personality was terrible. “You have no right to scream at an old lady that way!”

Locke was still frozen, his eyes locked on Erin.

Rolling her eyes, Erin turned around, checking the old woman.

“Are you alright, ma’am?”

There was a calculating look in Charlotte’s eyes, “I’m fine, sweetheart.”

“Great,” Erin grinned, peeking over her shoulder to jeer at the man still staring at her. “I just want to know where August is. After I see him, I’ll leave. The only condition is if I can take him with me.”

Charlotte sighed behind her, “I told you, there’s no one named August here.”

“I told you,” Erin countered instantly. “I heard him. It’s his voice… I’m never wrong when it comes to him.”

“This… August,” Locke’s voice startled Erin as she spun around to face him. Crossing her arms against her chest, she lifted her head to meet the man’s gaze. “What is he to you?”

Erin’s lips curved into a smile as memories of her fiancé flashed inside her head.

She didn’t get to answer.

“I’d like to know the answer to that too.”

And when the door opens, Erin thought she was daydreaming.

August, her fiancé, the love of her life, was standing by the door.

Erin felt her eyes water at the sight of him.

Her lips trembled as she pressed fingers against her lips.

“Oh my god, August-”

“That’s not my name,” August deadpanned. “Who are you?”

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