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Chapter 4 Her Plead

Erin stumbled forward, her head almost hitting the speckled gray concrete wall.

Behind her, she heard the bars of the small, dimly lit jail cell close with a resounding thud. Gasping, she hurriedly turned around, rushing to the bars. She clasped her hands around the metal bars of the cell, shaking it, pretending she could open it with sheer strength alone. Faced with complete and utter failure, she screamed in frustration, throwing her arms up in the air as she stomped her feet on the ground like a child. Lowering her head, she glared at the man who threw her in.

There was neither regret nor guilt in the eyes of her captor. An emotion flashed in his eyes as she stared for a brief period of time straight into his eyes. With a scoff, he quickly averted his gaze. Erin could see the hairs on his arms rising up as goosebumps peppered his skin. Whatever the reason was, Erin had no idea. The only thing she wanted to know was why she was thrown in the puny cell that smelled of rust and metal, and when she would be leaving the place, her fiance, August, in tow. That was the only thing that mattered.

"Let me out!" She demanded.

Locke grabbed a chair and slumped down rather forcibly, crossing his legs and raising a brow as he got comfortable. Another scream of frustration erupted from Erin's mouth as she shook the bar of the cell, not at all embarrassed that anyone would hear her. It wasn't like there would be. She was inside a sorry excuse of a sheriff station. Hawthorne was tiny, and so were its establishments. The sheriff station consisted only of a few tables, a swinging fluorescent lamp, a door that led to what she assumed was a bathroom, and her lone little jail cell, that was presses to the corner.

"Let me out!" Her anger erupted in waves but Locke kept his eyes on her. Not once moving from his position. Breathing heavily, Erin roared, shaking the cell once more. It didn't take long before exhaustion consumed her. With a sharp cry, she pressed her forehead against the cold metal bars, tears dripping down her cheeks as the reality of the situation consumed her whole. She heard shuffling coming from a few feet away, but she didn't lift her head to look at what Locke was doing. When she spoke again, her voice trembled. "Please, let me out."

"Why are you crying?" Locke's voice was strained. Erin lifted her haid just to tilt her head in confusion with how he sounded. There was something strange with the way he spoke, as if it was the first time he asked someone, dared to worry about them, that he felt oddly out of place and embarrassed. Apparently, her stare had been too much. Scoffing, Locke hurriedly averted his gaze. Surprising her, he didn't step away, he simply chose not to look into the depths of her eyes. "Stop crying. This is for the best."

Erin wanted to scream at his face. How could she believed him when her heart yelled at her that it was a mistake allowing this to happen in the first place?

After a year of his absence, she had just seen August living and.breathing. It was a foolish and terrible thing to do to be kept locked in while the love of her life was walking around the place like he belonged here. August McClaren belonged to no one but her. Despite not yet being married, they had vowed body, mind, and soul to one another. She felt like she had already failed, just staying in that dingy cell.

A choked sob rumbled in her throat.

Locke's eyes softened at the sound.

"Please," Locke still refused to look at her, pinching the bridge of his nose. "No tears."

Erin pleaded, "Please, let me go. I swear, I'll leave Hawthorne alone. I knew I made a mistake. You have this tradition, fine. Maybe this was my punishment for staying longer than necessary. It's my fault, but I can't deny that it was also just a mistake. Please, I didn't mean for it to end up like this. I just… Why won't you look at me when I'm begging you like this?"

Erin had enough.

Locke still had his gaze averted, like he couldn't even bear to look at her.

With a huff of frustration, she dug her hands inside her pocket and grabbed her phone. She felt Locke lifted his head at her sudden movement, curiosity flickering all over him as he watched her scroll through her phone. Erin clicked on the first picture she saw of August and her together. It was summer, and August had taken her sailing. They had been younger then, no older than 25, yet the love in their eyes seemed to tell the world they had loved each other for more than centuries.

Erin flipped the screen over. Locke's gaze darkened once he saw what was on it.

She paid his demeanor no mind.

"He's familiar, you see that, don't you?" Erin declared, eyes shining brightly, hope coursing through her veins as the unmistakable sight of familiarity appeared in Locke's eyes. "This is August McClaren. I have no idea what you call him in this place. I don't care. Regardless of his name, I know that he's my person. A year ago, he had a terrible accident near this place. The police had declared him dead. He's not. He's alive. Please, just let me leave this place with him. I love him!"

Locke's eyes narrowed into thin slits as a loud growl erupted from his mouth.

Erin flinched, feeling like her eyes were playing tricks on her. She swore she saw two sharp canines erupt from Locke's gums, but that would be impossible. Wouldn't it?

Slowly, he approached her, taking the phone from her hand. She noted how he was careful not to touch her. The small action comforted her, gave her a little semblance of peace that maybe, despite her crime, they wouldn't hurt her.

The thought hadn't even fully digested when Locke gripped her phone tight.

"Hey," Panic shot through her. With wide eyes, she tried reaching for her phone, to stop him. Locke stepped away, frowning as he met her gaze, tightening his fingers around the very object she was trying to retrieve. "You're going to break it!"

The last sentence didn't even leave her mouth when Locke, with inhuman strength, made her phone crumble in his hand. Words died in her mouth, leaving behind choked sounds as she watched tiny bits of metal fall to the floor in a messy heap.

The door opened with a knock, the old woman, Charlotte, wobbling inside.

Erin paid her no attention, as she screamed their ears out.

"What did you just do?! You have no right to destroy something that doesn't belong to you! That was my phone, that had everything that was important to me!" Her screams fell on unhearing ears as Locke turned around, brushing the tiny bits of metal left on the palm of his hand down the floor. There was a stinging in her eyes as Erin gripped the bars of the cell again, shaking them as much as she could, purposely causing a racket. "That had my contacts, my money, my photos, my everything! Just who do you think you are?!"

Locke whipped around. There was fury blazing in his eyes.

"I'm your-"

"-Locke," Charlotte's hand clamped over his mouth. "It might be better to say that another day when she's not pissed off. Even if she's nothing but a weak creature, she's still a woman. Trust me child, with her anger, her small stature is but an obstacle she could easily overcome. I have no doubts in my mind that she could still pack a punch when needed."

Erin wished they made sense. She hated how they talked about her like she wasn't there. Despite the fact, it seemed as if they were speaking in tongues. Locke and Charlotte had a way with words, ther sentences sounding both vague and terrifying to Erin's ears. She couldn't tell if it was a blessing or a curse that she couldn't fully understand what the both of them were trying to tell the other. The only thing she did know was that Locke had destroyed her very ticket out of the place.

And in a snap of a finger, her anger was back.

More terrifying than ever.

But came with the anger, were fresh hot tears. This time, she didn't hide it.

"Oh god, my phone," Erin's voice trembled as she covered her mouth with quivering fingers. Fat, hot tears dripped from her eyes and she had no strength to wipe them away. Her breath hitched, and suddenly she found it hard to breathe as reality came tumbling down the recess of her mind. The severity of her situation crashing down on her in waves. "How could I leave without it? How could I contact someone without it? The messages, the photos, my money, the contacts, oh my god. Oh my god. I'm dead. I'm so dead."

Locke was in front of her faster than she could blink. It was as if his entire personality switched in a matter of seconds. The coldness and anger in his eyes had long gone. The only thing that remained were worry and guilt. With furrowed brows, he moved his arms up in the air, contemplating whether he should keep his arms away from her or console her. Erin was silently put at ease when he chose the latter, keeping his hands to himself.

"Please stop crying," He whispered, inching closer. "I'll buy you dozens of new phones. Just stop crying, please. I can't bear to look at you like this."

His words confused her, but she used it as an advantage.

"You don't have to trouble yourself with buying me a new phone," She pleaded once more, this time, hoping it would work. Locke's eyes softened, and hope filled her chest. From the corner of her eye, she could see Charlotte, shaking her head like she was disappointed with what Erin was doing. Chewing on her bottom lip, Erin ignored the old woman, trying to reach for Locke as she pleaded. Reluctantly, he moved away. A cry crept out of her throat, "Please, just let me leave with my August and you would never hear from the both of us again."

Locke grabbed the very chair he was sitting on moments ago, and like he did with her phone, he showed remarkable strength. With one arm, he flung the chair to the other side of the room, breaking it completely. Erin sucked in a breath, falling flat on her bottom as she scrambled backwards, hands covering her mouth as she fought the urge to scream.

Her back was pressed against cold, speckled concrete.

Charlotte hung her head, and sighed.

"Stop talking about him!" Locke ordered, his voice sounding deeper than it was when he first spoke. A shiver climbed up Erin's spine as she watched how anger consumed him. His entire body trembled, his eyes flickering from light to dark in seconds. "All you've done is talk about him and him alone. I'm tired of it! He's not here. He didn't want to be here!"

His words stung, and she flinched like he'd just slap her.

He slammed a hand on his chest, "I'm the one who's here."

"Locke," Charlotte finally spoke, laying a hand on his shoulder. "You're terrifying the poor thing. Don't blame her for her actions, she doesn't understand anything."

Muttering a curse under his breath, Locke gazed into Erin's eyes. Emotions flashed on his face as he took in the trembling fingers covering her mouth, the tears dripping from her eyes down to her chin, the shakes that wracked her entire body.

Shame flashed on his face.

Reluctantly, he hung his head.

"I apologize."

Then, he left.

Confusion made its way inside Erin's body as she felt disappointment fill her as she watched him leave.

Who is he exactly?

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