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Chapter 7 His Truth

Charlotte snickered as she opened the door with a knock.

Erin and Locke seemed like they were in their own little bubble, seeing as the old woman needed to clear her throat three times before either of the two paid her any attention. Locke immediately let go of Erin’s hand and stepped back, averting his gaze as the entirety of his face turned a deep shade of crimson. Erin smiled despite herself, the man actually acted like a child that had just been caught putting his hand inside a cookie jar. Her laughter echoed across the room, and none the wiser, she missed the way a certain Alpha was staring at her.

Charlotte, of course, caught the lingering stare the young man was giving the human woman. The probability of finding one’s true mate was thinning. Locke was lucky that he had found his, especially days after his initiation as the Alpha of the pack. The only thing left was for the young man to admit it rather than sneak lingering glances and steal accidental touches. The human woman seemed like she was capable of love. Charlotte just knew that it was currently misplaced to someone she no longer needed in her life.

“Your name’s Erin, isn’t it, child?”

Erin swiveled her head in the woman’s direction, bristling like she had just forgotten that someone else entered the small little station. With a nod, Erin tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Much like moments ago, Charlotte caught the young Alpha following the movement of Erin’s finger, probably wishing and hoping inside of his mind for it to be him that tucked her hair in such an intimate way. Charlotte’s lips curved into a smile as she stepped closer to the bar of the cell, meeting the human’s gaze.

“That’s right,” Erin answered quietly. Charlotte didn’t miss the way she glanced towards Locke’s direction, probably an unconscious action. Despite being human, Charlotte knew that a mate’s bond transcends even that of a species. The human still had no idea just how attached Locke was, but her body does. Once Locke stiffly nodded, as if in guidance that Charlotte wouldn’t hurt her, the human’s body lost its rigidity. She let her shoulders relax as a cool, calm, and collected smile appeared on her face. “That’s my name, yes. And you’re Charlotte, right? Since I was stuck here, I kind of forgot to thank you about last time.”

Charlotte nodded, scanning her small little cell. Locke would never admit it, but Charlotte knew the young Alpha threw his mate into the cell because he didn’t want anyone else looking at her. And by anyone, Charlotte meant the new werewolf that was supposedly Julia’s mate. Locke was many things but oblivious, not to mention he was still at the stage where his hormones were all over the place. The only reason that none of the other werewolves still hadn’t caught on to what their Alpha was doing is because Locke had been too secretive.

Charlotte had to crinkle her nose and look at the blanket and pillows that were all around the human’s tiny cell. To her, it might have the smell of every single thing she loves and finds comfort in. Though to most werewolves, it smelled like absolutely nothing. A scent blocker. Locke had placed it strategically all over his mate in order to make sure no one, most especially other male wolves, tracked her down or knew that she was here in hiding. Quite a medieval act, but Charlotte did give the man points. It was better than just marking the woman.

“I want to ask you a question, Erin.”

Erin’s head propped right up as Charlotte finished her question. Just a few feet away from the cell, Locke narrowed his eyes into slits. The change was immediate. The precinct that once had the smell of nothing filled to the brim with the smell of suspicion and anger. Locke, for whatever reason, wanted to keep her mate in the dark. Charlotte, ever the rebel despite her old age, simply glared at the young Alpha. Even though it had been years, she would always just remember him as the sweet old boy that ran around crying all over Hawthorne.

“Absolutely,” Erin nodded eagerly. Her eyes glanced over to Locke once more. As if realizing his mate’s anxiety, Locke took a step closer towards her, the bar separating them. Like it did moments ago, Erin’s shoulders relaxed. She unconsciously leaned against the bar where Locke was closest and gave Charlotte a smile, the dimples on the side of her cheek appearing. “What is it, Charlotte? Though I must say, if you’re expecting an answer to a very hard question from me, you won’t be getting it. My brain is currently fried and isn’t working.”

The joke wasn’t funny. Locke chuckled anyway.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, seeing Erin’s entire face light up as Locke chuckled her way.

“Do you believe in fairytales, Erin?”

The smile disappeared from Locke’s face. Erin didn’t notice, busy pondering, a look of confusion on her face as the question finally reached her ears. Tilting her head to the side, Erin rubbed her elbow, uncertainty flashing in her face as she tried to understand why Charlotte had just asked her that. Finally, once she realized that Charlotte was neither laughing or smiling, she cleared her throat. Only then did she realize the severity of the question once she noticed how weird Locke had gotten.

She furrowed her brows.

“I mean, I guess. I loved fairy tales, almost all the little kids did.”

“That wasn’t my question,” Charlotte corrected, feeling Locke send daggers at the side of her face. She paid him no mind, focusing instead on the woman who had both fear and confusion in her eyes. “My question is if you believe in them. I don’t care whether you loved them as a child or heard a dozen stories before you went to sleep. Do you believe in them, Erin?”

Erin chuckled nervously, “I don’t think I’m understanding your question, Charlotte. Are you really asking me if I believe in fairy tales? Like the fairies that grant wishes or the trolls that hide under bridges? Is that really what you’re asking me?”

“Charlotte,” Locke warned. “If you don’t have anything else to say, then I suggest you leave us.”

Charlotte simply lifted a finger towards the young Alpha to shush him.

Locke growled under his breath at the blatant disrespect.

“That’s what I asked, didn’t I, child?” Charlotte continued, shrugging her shoulders as she stared straight into the human’s eyes. Erin gulped audibly, her eyes glancing Locke’s direction again, probably asking for assistance. Charlotte snapped her finger in the air in frustration, “It’s a simple question, child. You don’t even have to look at Locke just to answer it. Do you believe in fairy tales or not?”

“Fairy tales aren’t real, Charlotte,” Erin answers, laughing. Neither Locke nor Charlotte laughed. Once she realized that she was the only one that was finding the question funny, her laugh slowly diminished until the only thing that left them was a loud silence that left a ringing into their ears. “They’re not real. Both of you are seriously kind of freaking me out.”

“You visit a tiny little town that has a strange little custom,” Charlotte lifts a finger as she counts. Beside her, Locke was seething. Charlotte felt her lips quirk into a smirk as she realized the only reason the young Alpha wasn’t yanking her back to her place was because he didn’t want to make a bad impression on his mate. “You didn’t even question yourself. The town celebrates the full moon, we adore it. We’re gone for an entire week, we don’t allow visitors, and tourists aren’t allowed to spend the night. That doesn’t tickle your bones of curiosity, Erin?”

Erin chewed her bottom lip as she slowly backed away from the bars.

“You’re scaring me, Charlotte.”

“Fairy tales are real, Erin,” Charlotte grinned, already feeling anger rolling off in waves from the young Alpha beside her. “The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can adapt yourself into this place. I don’t think you’re going to leave any time soon. Why do you think you’re even inside that cell? Why do you think he broke your phone? The moment you stepped foot in this place, you surely knew that you weren’t ever going to get out.”

“What the fuck?”

Erin’s eyes scanned the room, immediately stumbling back, pressing herself against the gray speckled wall of her cell. Her entire body shook as the color drained from her face. Locke growled, glancing at his mate’s direction as the scent of her anxiety flooded the entire room. Charlotte watched as the human’s chest rose up and down as she quickly took in sharp breaths. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she shook her head, her lips trembling.

“Locke,” Erin breathed, her eyes on Charlotte alone. Wary. Nervous. Terrified. “What is she saying?”

Locke pressed his body close to the bars. He tried to reach for her but Erin shook her head, pressing herself against the wall due to fear. Charlotte watched as the young Alpha’s face fell, his emotions all over the place at his mate’s rejection of his touch. She could just seem to read what the young Alpha had in mind. And whatever it would be, she didn’t like it.

Sooner or later, they would thank her for what she did.

“Ignore her,” Locke tried, smiling gently, urging her to approach him. “She’s just an old crazy woman. She talks like this all the time.”

“That’s not true,” Charlotte defended herself. “And you know it too, Locke. That’s why you destroyed her phone. That’s why you cancelled all of the tours that were scheduled for the upcoming months. That’s why you’re keeping her locked in a cell despite her not having any crimes. You want to keep her in this place. Don’t even deny it-”

“-Shut up!” Locke yelled, his eyes flickering from dark to it’s normal color. Charlotte smirked, the sound of Erin’s hyperventilation bouncing through the four walls of the room. “Shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you!”

“Then let her go if what I said isn’t the truth.”

Locke paused, gritting his teeth.

His silence spoke enough.

Finally catching on, Erin cried, choked sobs escaping her lips as she placed a trembling finger to cover her anxiety and fear. It didn’t work. Both were werewolves and could easily scent her terror. Shaking her head, Charlotte watched as the human woman forced herself to speak, stuttering her words, most of them coming out as an incoherent, unintelligible mess. Thankfully, there were some parts of her statement that they understood.

Primarily the one where she begged once more for her supposed to be dead fiance, August.

Though Charlotte figured it would be best to call him by the name he’s currently called.


“Please,” Erin pleaded, stammering as her entire body trembled like a leaf. “Please let me leave. I promise, you would never hear from me again. I just want to take my August back with me. You know him. You know he doesn’t really belong here. You know that, both of you do. Please, I love him. Terribly. He’s just confused and lost, once we get to talk, he’s going to know who I am. And he’s going to-”

Locke’s control flew out the window.

Charlotte bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

“Stop talking about him!”

Erin flinched at the sudden bellow, her fear tripling in size. Locke’s entire eye was now a deep shade of black. Erin saw that. Charlotte knew she could. The human woman stared into the pitch of darkness that was now Locke’s eyes. The young Alpha usually had tremendous control over his emotions, but Charlotte figured the declaration of his mate of her undying love towards someone else was something he couldn’t help but be emotional about.

“Stop talking about him! He’s not even yours! You’re not his! You’re not!”

Erin shook her head, fear making her eyes widen. “I’m not anybody’s, I belong to myself.”

“You’re wrong!”

Locke barked a growl erupting from his throat, gripping the bars and for a second, Charlotte thought he would break them or bend them into weird shapes. The young Alpha was that frustrated that she knew it wouldn’t be far off from what he wanted to do. Her assumption proved correct when Locke, with inhuman strength, shook the bars and in effect, shook her entire cell as well. Small chips of paint and gravel from the ceiling accompanied by smoke and dust filled the human woman’s tiny enclosure as she screamed.

“Stop lying to yourself!”

Erin continued to scream, covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut as her entire enclosure shook because of the young Alpha’s anger.

“Locke!” Charlotte finally butted in, slapping the young Alpha’s shoulder. His anger was quickly displaced onto her. With another animalistic growl, he swiveled his head in her direction, grabbing her collar with sharp claws. Charlotte rolled her eyes at the wild display of aggression. She waved her hand to where Erin was, “Stop scaring her. Look at what you just did!”

Momentarily, Locke paused.

Finally, as if realizing what he just did, his eyes returned to its normal color. He got control of his breathing as he swallowed in fear. Anxiety rolled off him in waves as he faced the cell again, his entire body sagging once he saw just how terrified his mate had gotten. Erin was tucked into the corner of the cell trembling and crying, hands covering her ears, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Locke cursed under his breath. “Erin, I’m sorry. It was an accident, it won’t happen again. Please, look at me. I can explain.”

Locke tried to reach for her through the bars, but the moment he did, Erin pressed herself further into the wall.

“Stay away from me!”

Locke seemed like he was just slapped on the face. His entire body turned saggy as he faced another rejection from the very one that was supposed to love and accept him for everything that he was, and everything that he could be. The young Alpha’s eyes turned bloodshot as he tried to fight the tears that were coming from her rejection. His wolf probably howling in grief.

With a stiff nod, Locke cleared his throat, taking a step back.

Charlotte smelled grief and pain rolling off the young Alpha in waves.

He followed his mate's wishes, and promptly left the room.

Charlotte sighed.

Well, she did expect that something fun was going to happen. Even though this was better than she had expected, she didn’t really know that the young Alpha and the human woman would react this dramatically. Pressing the bridge of her nose, Charlotte looked over her shoulder towards the door that Locke had just walked out of.

His scent was still lingering outside, accompanied by the scent of tears.

He hadn’t left.

With that in mind, Charlotte crouched and grabbed a bar.

Erin stared at her with a wary eye.

“Stay away from me.”

“I don’t think I will,” Charlotte answered. “I want to tell you the truth.”

And with that final remark, Charlotte felt her lips curling into a mischievous smirk as she made claws erupt from her skin as she bent the metal bar of the cell with strength that was far better than that of the young Alpha’s.

Erin froze, and then, she screamed.

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