Chapter 4) HADES Met ANGEL
Flashback ...
After a Week NY :-
MOMPI please pick it up my call ... ,, Rudra murmured softly and again tried Mompi number but again she didn't pick it up his call .
It's been two weeks of him in NY and he was dieing just to hear her voice . Lastly he called Porishma and got to knew that she was at her parents house in kolkata . He felt relieved but something was different in his heart . Like a voice was nagging in his mind telling him to go back to his First love .
He was walking and scrolling his phone suddenly he collided with a little girl who stucked to his body like a baby monkey . He amusingly looked at her .
Her eyes were closed and her face were bruised . Tears were streaming down from her eyes to cheeks
P. Please H . Help ... ,, She said while She was trying to catch the oxygen to breathe normally . Rudra stared at her innocent face which had tears .
Rudra POV :-
That little girl was about to fall and immediately I wrapped my strong muscular arms around her tiny waist .
Are you Okay ? ... ,, I asked panickly when I saw her bruised lips and swollen red cheeks . She shook her head and burst into tears . Her tears pinched my heart .
Help me bhaiya please ... ,, She was saying and sobbing at the same time .
Bhaiya ? This is the first time when someone said Bhaiya to me . Apart from my future bhabhi Maa . She is going to marry my bade Bhai sa ( Yudhishthir ) . She calls me Rudra Bhaiya . why ? only she knows but I like to hear bhaiya from her mouth and now when this little girl calls me bhaiya I felt happy .
I didn't know why but she jumped on me and hide her face in my chest and made me chuckled loudly and I hold her protectively in my toned Musculine arms.
Hey Kiddo !! Will you always jump on a stranger like this ? .. ,, I asked in my deep manly voice which sounded like an arrogant man but she was calmned by my booming voice and shook her head again and sobbed loudly . I again hugged her and rubbed her back . I felt bad for her . I didn't knew what happened to her but I got one thing that she was Emotionally and physically hurt .
At least open your eyes and see whom you're sticking with like a baby gorilla... ,, I said and made her giggled . At least I made her smile
She stood up on her feet but winced and I held her and not even for a second I removed my hands from her hands and her waist . Finally She opened her eyes and I saw deep brown-ish beautiful eyes which had fat tears in them because of tears her eyes were red and puffy .
I saw her appearance and immediately closed my eyes and looked away from her . I cursed under my breath . Who the hell in the right sense to gave this kind of dress to a child . My heart burnt and i gave my jacket to covered her body .
She wore my Jacket and I felt relieved to saw her comfortable around me . I saw her inhaling my jacket and I chose to shut my mouth .
I really didn't knew what happened But soon She started crying and I hold her again..
H . H . He . Help P . Please !! ... ,, She stuttered badly
I nodded .. I observed her and got to know that something wrong must happened with her
She was shaking like a dried leaf ...
I rubbed her body and pulled her close to my chest and asked her ... ,, Will you tell me what happened with you ?
She started sobbing again and I sighed loudly and I did what my mother used to do for me whenever I cried . I ran my fingers in her thick smooth locks .
Stop crying Kiddo . If you tell me then I'll help you so please stop crying ... ,, I said . No I pleaded and she stood Properly and i gave my hanky to her . Not mine actually that hanky belonged to My Mompi .
She wiped her face and blow her little red button nose in his handkerchief . I chuckled at her .
Why will you help me and how ? ... ,, She asked me and I stared at her innocent baby face . She wanted knew why I will help her . I'm a law Person and soon going to join Police Force .
We don't know each other and most importantly I don't have any money with me to give you ... ,, She told me in her soft voice and looked directly into my black orbs . I knew it that I had to work hard for her just to made her understand that I'm not a threat for her .
I don't want your money because I have mine and second because it's my job to punish bad people .. ,, I replied in all seriousness and didn't disclose anything about my real self .
Really ... ,, She asked and her eyes were big as soccer which held so much purity and innocence . Such a sweet and pure child like an angel . Like my Rassogulle .
Mere Rassogulle ... ,, I remembered my Mompi
Mompi ... ,, I said her name mentally but soon my eyes landed on her hands and what I saw made me to see only Red .
I was staring at her bruises and knew someone tried to ruined her purity .
I wanted to hurt that bastard who hurted this kids to this extent . I fisted my hands and clenched my jaw tightly . I badly wanted to beat someone . I waa angry .
Let's go ... ,, I took her hands and started to move .
Aah !! ... ,, She Yelp in pain and I saw the reason of her pain .
I looked at her legs which was swollen and red . I sighed and bend down on my knees . This was the first time when i bend down on my knees that too for a kid . I never bend down for my Rassogulle too but I'll soon when I'll propose her for marriage . I smiled and tried to concentrate on the little Angel who was hurted badly.
What are you doing ? ... ,, She whispered and her eyes were wide
Come and hop on my back !! .. ,, I said to her and God knows what I was doing . Whatever I was doing was first and new for me .
Huh ? .. ,, she looked at me confusedly.
Kiddo !! I'm giving you a piggy back ride ... ,, I said but little Angel didn't knew what i was saying to her so i taught her to climbed on my broad back and locked her little hands around my neck .
She climbed on my back and I knew she felt safe and secure around me .
No one carry me like this ... ,, She murmured softly but I heard her words and smile at her childishness but I sensed the hidden pain behind her words . Don't worry kiddo Everything will be fine .... ,, I said to myself.
I heard the sound of her pounding heart and she again inhaled me but I caught her action and turned my neck to look at her .
Did you sniffed me ? Kiddo ... ,, I asked her and she nodded " Yes " and I was stunned at her innocence
Why ? ... ,, I asked but burst into laughter ...
I like your smell ... ,, She whispered and looked down embarrassingly . I smiled and remember Mompi . She said the same things whenever we were closed . Mere Rassogulle loves to hide her face in the crook of my neck . I tried to lightened up her tensed mood .
What are you kiddo ? Werewolf ? Don't tell me that I'm carrying a werewolf baby pup on my back ... ,, I joked about it but she was so naive and innocent to understand my words
Where are you taking me ? ... ,, She asked but hiccups were still with her.
Where you want to go ? ... ,, I asked her because I didn't knew anything about her and her family.
I don't have any house and family !! .. ,, finally she said what was running in my mind .
Oh ! okay then firstly I am going to take you at my house ... ,, I said and felt her uneasiness .
She stiffened !!!
Don't worry kiddo ! I'm here with my family and you need a dress to wear and most importantly you need a doctor for your treatment ... ,, I said and smile warmly at her . I have to take her at my house and timing was good too because my brothers went to attend an important marriage function . Suddenly my thoughts broken by Her loud growled and she blushed slightly
You're beautiful Kiddo !! ... ,, I said and smile widely at her . She is really beautiful but I wish that her smile will always be there on her face .
But I want to know everything so will you tell me what exactly happened ? ... ,, I asked her because i really wanted to know who stoop so low to snatches the purity of a child
Bad man tried to tore my clothes .. ,, she sobbed and clutched my neck tightly made me choked .
I closed my eyes in angered .
"Who dared to hurt a Child" .. ,, i thought
"Tell me everything . Who did this to you?" ... ,, I was angery and She told me everything how she came here and how she ended up in the hotel room and what that old Bastard tried to did with her ...
"How can anyone hate a child to this extent ? Her father ? Her step mother and step sister ? And not to forget servants too . You'll pay for this who ever you are ?" ... ,, I thought and took steps towards my house which was not so far away from the street .
I took her with me to my house and I was glad that my brothers were not here to ask numerous questions .
"Looks like my family is not here" ... ,, I said to her and bend down on my knees again and put her down on the couch . She was observing the house . I don't want her to get scare .
"Kiddo ! Firstly took shower. I'll give you something to wear" .. ,, I said but she was staring at me.
"Kiddo ! Trust me. I'll not harm you . You're safe here with me " ... ,, I said and hold her tiny hands in my big hands and she nodded in agreement and I took a deep breath . I helped her and took her into the bathroom. I arranged my childhood clothes for her but I heard her sobbing noices which were coming from the bathroom.
"Kiddo come out ! You're inside from an hour" ... ,, I knocked at the bathroom and she said, Im coming".
"My childhood clothes suited you well" ... ,, I said and She blushed again in embarrassment
"How old are you kiddo?" ... ,, I asked
"I'm twelve years Old" ... ,, She replied
"And You ?" ... ,, She asked me and I smiled, "I'm twenty One" . I gave a glass of warm milk to drink and she drank it in a gulp . I smiled at her
"You're a Good Girl . No tantrums on drinking milk" .... ,, I said and wiped her milky moustache with my thumbs . She gave her sweet smile to me . Mompi don't like to drink milk and I remembered How Pari always complaint about her to me .
Rudra tell her to finish the glass of milk" ... ,, Pari said loudly and I heard all complaints about mere Rassogulle . I shook my head .
"Eat something then we'll visit to the doctor"... ,, I said and gave her pancakes to eat
She ate the pancakes and tears welled up in her eyes and I got Panicked to saw her tears .
"Hey ! Is it not tasty?" ... ,, I asked panickly
"It's very tasty" .. ,, she replied and chewed up her food
"Then why are you crying?" ... ,, I asked and wipe her teary eyes with my hands
"Actually I ate something good after a year" ... ,, She said.
I stood frozen And I killed her so called family in my mind thousands of times .
"What's your name?" ... ,, I asked and looked directly at her
"AASHMAAN" , She whispered lowly
Thank you
ShineeSunshine ❤️