Chapter 7) PERSEPHONE's Last Hope
After Rudra went to NY :-
My parents are calling me back and I don't want to go there and most importantly they don't have any idea about D that we are living together in Delhi . They only knew that I'm here for my study . It's true that I'm here for my study but D is more important for me than study and now I have Rudra too . He is my life and I don't want to go back there because I know they'll force me to get marry to any boy they'll find suitable for me . I can't imagine anyone in my life except Rudra .
He is my love that's why I gave myself to him . That was the most beautiful night of our life . We shared our Emotions with each other not once but twice that night . I cried when he entered into me . He was Panick when he saw me in tears . He was in pain too . We were new in this situation . That was new for us and first also . He was immature too . I Cried and laughed at the same time when he asked me after entering into my womanhood that what after this . He is cute and innocent and all mine . And Everything happened in flow and we became one . He helped me next morning . I was in pain and he was feeling bad . He even asked me to get married and I smiled at him . He was worried for me and that was enough for me to wait for him . He dropped me at my house and we were lucky that D wasn't there at that time because of her part time job . After this he went to NY with his family .
He called me few times and I talked to him but after few weeks , I fell sick , very sick and my health started to drop . I started to feel nauseated and dizzy . I was scared and my mind hit me that I missed my period . D asked me few times what's wrong with me ? Why I was puking and this and that . It was tough for me to control my Emotions . I bought pregnancy kit and did test and I got the answer of my all dizziness and nausea . Two pink lines stated that I was pregnant .
I'm Pregnant and scared . Not scared because I'm carrying a baby without wedlock but I'm scared because of my cruel parents . If they'll find out about my baby then they'll surely harm him .
Him ? Yes I have a feeling that He will be a boy . Innocent , Calm and Mature boy . At the moment I got to know about my pregnancy I'm in love with my baby but I have a fear in my heart like something bad will gonna happen that I won't be able to see my Rudra ever again . My morning sickness is killing me and I want Rudra with me but he is with his family and that he'll join his training . If he'll get to know about my pregnancy then I'm thousand percent sure that he'll leave his dream aside just for me so I am thinking very carefully how to handle this situation without getting caught by my parents and mostly my Love .
So I went all alone to the hospital for checkup .
Flashback :-
At the Hospital :-
I was at the reception desk and nurse asked me What's my name and here I got scared . I had to do something for this .
Think Mompi . Think carefully for your baby . For baby's future .
"Ma'am ! Your name Please" ... ,, Receptionist asked me again and I what I thought best for my baby . I wrapped my arms around my stomach and smiled at her
"PORISHMA DAS" ... ,, I said to her and she noted down
That's it . I gave D's name instead of mine because I knew if ever anything happens to me then she'll Protect my baby . Uncle and aunty is no more in this world . D already cut all her ties with her paternal and maternal families . Why ? I never asked her about this . So D is all alone and I know I'm wrong here to say her name instead of mine but I'm selfish here . Just to protect my baby from my parents I'm doing this . If ever they'll know about him even after the delivery then they'll kill my baby and me too just for their status and name .
I was not scare of my death but I didn't wanted to imagine that someone will think bad about my baby or try to kill him .
"I'm Sorry D but I'm not guilty" ... ,, I said to myself and went inside the doctors cabin
"Ms . Porishma Das" ... ,, Doctor asked and I nodded
"Please sit" ... ,, Dr . Said and I sat down Infront of her
"Where is your husband or any other relative ?" ... ,, She asked
"I'm not married and I'm an orphan" .. ,, I replied to her . Yes I became an orphan just to protect my baby .
Doctor stared at me and nodded and did the test and after one hour my test results came .
"Yes , You're Pregnant Ms Das and baby is weak . Here I'm recommending you some multi vitamins and other important medicine for the baby" ... ,, Dr . Said and I nodded
She said to laid down and I did . She performed Sonography and I saw the most beautiful sight . Tears were brimming from my eyes . I sobbed loudly to saw the dot size baby . She wiped my tummy and I correct my dress .
"Ms . Das ! Are you sure you want to keep this baby ? Because this society won't leave alone for this " baby without wedlock" ... ,, Doctor said and I understand what she was trying to say but I decided my fate .
I'm ready to give birth to my Ansh .
"ANSH ?" ... ,, My mind asked to my heart
Yes ! Ansh ..
My son ..
Our Son ..
Son of Mine and Rudra ..
A part of Me and Rudra ..
My last Hope .. My Dream .. My everything ..
"I'm ready for everything Doctor" ... ,, I said and came out of the hospital . I bought medicine for the health of baby .
But everything was not fine with me . My morning sickness disclosed my pregnancy Infront of D . She got to knew that I'm three months pregnant and too with Rudra's baby . She was shocked and didn't understand How and When . So here I told her Everything but add a little bit of lie just to test her . I know what I'm doing with her is wrong but I'm helpless here . So I said that it was drunken mistake and I wanted an abortion . My heart churned at the word of Abortion .
Abortion , Drunken Mistake these words were like acid on my tongue which burnt my heart , mind and soul . But I have to do this to protect my Ansh from evil eyes .
My heart cried when D supported me and said that abortion is wrong . You can't do this with your baby ... And I felt proud of my friend . I knew it that she will protect my baby from every evil eyes but nothing was this easy for me .
Rudra called me and I told Porishma to said that I'm at my parents house . She said what I said to her but D is angry with me because I'm ignoring Rudra . Only I know how I'm handling myself .
Rudra came back from NY and came to saw me but I wasn't strong to face him so again I made D to lie to him . I saw him and my heart broke and at last he left the house . I broke down and D helped me but I knew what my heart wants .
End of flashback :-
I know Rudra is going to join the training camp so I decided to call him for last time just to hear his voice .
He picked it up finally and I control my hammering heart .
"Rassogulle" (name of a sweet)... ,, He said and I smiled
"Rudra ! How are you ? I'm sorry I didn't called you back . I am at my parents house" .... ,, I said and bit my lips to stop my sobs
"Mere Rassogulle! I'm dieing to see you . I don't know how panicked I was just for you" ... ,, He said and I laughed
"Baby! Are you still at your parents house ?" ... ,, Rudra asked
"Yes ! I'm here in kolkata" ... ,, I lied to him
"I want to hug you . I want to kiss you . I want to see you Rassogulle" ... ,, He said while singing
"Rudra ! We will meet when you come back from your training okay" ... ,, I said
"Okay! but I really want you in my arms . I don't know but I'm not getting good vibes Mompi . My heart is restless I don't know why ?" ... ,, Rudra said and tears welled up in my eyes
"You know what Mompi . For weeks I've been feeling nauseating and sometimes my head spins too" ... ,, Rudra said and I feel his pouting
My heart skipped to hear him . He is getting all symptoms of pregnancy same as mine . I heard that sometimes husband gets these morning sickness with wife or instead of wife .
"Rudra! I'll talk to you later . I have to go for my classes . Take care . I love you" ... ,, I said and it was tough for me to not to burst Infront of him
"I love you too Mere Rassogulle . Take care baby" ... ,, Rudra said and I immediately cut the call .
I Cried and cried . D was staring at me and she hugged me tightly .
"D" .. ,, I said
"Hmmm" .. , Porishma hummed in reply
"If ever anything happen to me . Will you Protect my baby from all the harshness of this cruel world ?" .... ,, I asked and she slapped me and I smiled . She glared at me.
"Don't you dare talk nonsense to me . Nothing will happen to you and about your baby I'll always take care of your baby" ... ,, She said and rubbed my red cheeks with her palm
She is D . My D who loves more than my parents . I'm lucky to get a friend like her . I know I'll pass this situation and I'll live happily with My Ansh and Rudra .
End of POV :-
Thank you
ShineeSunshine ❤️