Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Run Wolf Run!!…

I dare you to touch my woman, and I’ll make sure that people will stop calling you man!!...


"Wrong move!" I warned her. She looked confused as if still deciding if she could trust me.

“We don't have the whole damn day. Give me the dagger,” I growled, making her shudder. That guard made another mistake of slapping her. The way he looked at Proserpina, I swear I’m going to pluck his eyes, break his jaw and tear his arm from that bloody socket. Every breath he was taking was giving a foul taste to my mouth.

“Don’t touch me!” She snapped to that guard.

“Ahh, you spoke something…what was that?” The guard asked, holding a hand up his ear and smirking at her like she spoke some joke.

“Dagger!?” Cerberus growled. I could feel his raw need to harm that guard at an unspeakable level, but I couldn’t let his scarred and terrifying form take over in front of Proserpina.

“And who the hell are you?” The guard looked at me.

“Your death!” I growled.

“You what exactly? Oh…you think you’re in a position to make such claims? Go on, try it!” That guard mocked me, but I noticed he kept his distance.

“I won't give you my dagger,” Proserpina told me.

“What!? You can’t defend yourself against this man…give me the dagger now!” I nearly growled at her, even though I didn’t want to scare her.

“What if you steal it and run away?” Her reply almost made me laugh. Her innocence made my stomach tighten and shot a thrill straight to my cock, making it thicken and pulsate.

“I wish I could never run away from you!” I whispered without taking my gaze off her eyes. She didn’t even realize when I took her hand and put it on my chest, close to my heart, slowly unfolding her soft fingers around the handle of the dagger.

“You can toy with her after I send you both to hell. Now it’s my turn,” the guard spoke, adjusting the front of his pants like the filthy shit he was. “Show me, princess, what have you got!”

His words drove me to the edge. With Cerberus pumping his power, I could cut off the rope to free my left foot.

“Don’t you dare touch me, you swine,” Proserpina shouted at the guard, who twisted her hand and kicked her.

“Say a word, and I will slit your throat, bitch! Now on your knees!” The moron threatened her, opening the zip of his pants. He was so drowned in his lust that he didn’t notice when I was free of the rope and was on my feet.

“You were saying something,” I smirked with a dangerous glare, looking at the guard’s shocked and pained face. He looked down at the gush of blood between his thighs. The dagger’s handle was protruding from where his dick should be. I winked at Proserpina, whose face was almost as shocked as that guard's.

“Didn’t you get any other place to thrust my dagger!” She snapped while I removed the dagger and cleaned it with that guard’s uniform.

“Trust me, raven; he got what he deserved,” I said, handing her the dagger.

“Is he dead?” She asked with that innocent voice of hers. I kicked him hard that he slumped on the floor.

“Pretty much!” I spoke casually.

“Are you going to kill me, now!” She spoke in her that sweet voice of hers.

“What are you talking about? I’m not here to kill you but kill for you,” I winked at her.

“Ah, shit!” I said the second I saw another guard with a sword approaching us. I whipped my body around, hitting his hand and knocking his sword to the side whilst bringing the other hand to grab the back of his head and smack him down into the wall. Another asshole burst through the passage. I dropped to the floor, picked up the sword, and stuck it into his head.

We both reached the end of the passage; it branched into two doors and one staircase leading downstairs. The guards blocked all three exits. I quickly scanned the area, locking my eyes on the guards blocking us at the stairs.

‘Cerberus,’ I mind-linked him. We both work in sync during challenging times. I use my speed, agility and precision to calculate the moves, whereas Cerberus lend me strength and aggression.

‘At the count of three,’ he responded.

“Hold me tight,” I turned to Proserpina. She reluctantly held my wrist.

“Not like this…hold me from here,” I whispered, careful enough not to scare her. I took her hand in mine and placed them around my waist. Her soft curves flushed against the rugged ridges of my muscles. She stiffened at first, unsure of how to react. Her eyes sought mine, fueled with hundreds of questions. I softened my face with a slow blink of my eyes. She relaxed under my touch but firmed her grip.

‘Three…two…one…NOW!’ I shouted. Cerberus was quick to jerk, lending me the strength needed. I jumped into the gap between the stairs and landed on the railing of the floor below, the poor wooden frame had cracked and crumbled under the pressure of my landing, and before it gave away, I jumped on the floor. I ensured Proserpina was correctly tucked in my arms, protecting her from any injury, with my body acting as her cushion. She was about to stand, but I grabbed her elbow and yanked her down. She fell on me, her lips brushed my neck, and then there was a flying sword where her head was supposed to be a few seconds ago. I grabbed a rope lying nearby, twisted it into the feet of the guard, and then yanked him down. He was about to raise his sword to attack me, but I grabbed his wrist, yanked his arm straight and rolled onto his belly, trapping him beneath, in between my legs, pulling his hand upwards at an unnatural angle, making him scream in pain. I rolled out, and two kicks to his face knocked him down.

We moved through passages, climbing stairs, unsure of where we were heading until we reached the roof.

The moment we were under the open sky, I heard disturbing noises like giant crickets crackling their bones in the air. They were Vlad's vampires with wrinkled skin, red eyes and three rows of incisors. Their wings curved around the long bones that ran through them.

Although I had the sword, I needed a plan B, as blades won't help when they decide to attack in numbers.

“They’ll kill us,” Proserpina's voice wavered in fear.

“Nope, not if they die first,” I spoke, grabbing her waist, pulled her closer and whispered in her ears, “Trust me.” Then, I rushed toward the edge of the wall, with its other side leading to the immense drop to death. Although I was ready to fight those fugglies, I also mentally calculated which would be worse…Falling to death on the rocks or being torn apart by ugly vampires!

One of the vampires got closer and leapt at me, trying to sink its fangs. With a quick motion, I removed my jacket, wrapped it around the creature, trapping it inside, and then with a swirling motion, threw it on the creatures following it, taking down dozens of them in one go. A few of them still followed us.

And then we jumped from the wall. She screamed in panic, but my focus was elsewhere. Cerberus pumped enough power in me, with claws tearing out of my feet and hand, that helped me to hold onto the castle wall. Then with a quick jerk, I flung around and landed at the opening running through the edge of the palace wall. The vampires dropped to catch us, spiralling out of control and crashing into the side of the narrow space as they all tried to enter it at once. I took out my sword and cut them down with one swipe. As we ran, I continued flinging my sword around in speed. I spun, ducked and bent at the waist, flipping and arching my body in a series of movements. I ensured that no ugly vampire came close enough to Proserpina.

We were jumping from one roof to another, taking giant leaps. The fugglies were showing no signs of slowing down. Soon, we were pursued by more of these creatures, with a few guards joining the party. Finally, we reached the edge of another staircase, a dead end. We were surrounded on two sides by enemies; the third side was a wall, whereas the fourth was a steep fall into the water. I made up my mind and gave one look to Proserpina, silently conveying to her what I was about to do.

“No! We’ll die!” She spoke.

“Trust me; we won’t!” I whispered, looking into her eyes. She relaxed under my grip and blinked her eyes for a little longer, which I knew was her way of showing me that she trusted me. I took one final step up the wall with one leg. I sprang up from there, gaining the momentum to flip around the edge of the staircase and take a big vertical jump into the waters of ‘Dead rocks bay’. The vampires followed us and leapt, but my bad luck seemed to have ended, as lady luck had entered my life.

The sun appeared from behind the clouds like a fireball, scorching the vampires till they turned into black ash. And with one final salute to the sun, we both were under the deep, sparkling jade waters of the ‘Dead rocks bay’, with our feet touching the deepest point.

The moment the water soaked her skin, the black paint diffused off her body like droplets of ink in water, exposing her true beauty. Her wild black hair was coiled, olive skin with few scratches and a swollen eye, and red lips with a cut still bleeding. She was a wild raven with sparkling jade eyes. They were mesmerizing but with a glint of sadness. They speak volumes of the nightmarish fairytale she was forced to live. The thought reminded me of Vlad. And the reality hit me hard. She is not mine to claim. I don’t care what Cerberus and Jericho think, but Proserpina has no place in my life. She needs to go back to where she belongs.

*She was the girl with the ghost in her eyes!! *

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