Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Graduation dance


I look at my hands nervously and go back to looking at myself in the mirror.

It's been just a year since Alison died. Yes, today is the day of the prom, the first day I saw Azael, and the last day I saw my best friend.

I don't even know how to feel, but I can't help but look back at the past.

A year ago everything was completely different. I had just lost the person I loved the most in the world and I didn't even know who I was. I just wanted revenge. Take revenge and do him justice, and boy did it not work out for me, because I ended up falling in love with the last person I thought I could do it with. Azael Volkov. The culprit in the whole thing.

I only remember hating him before I started loving him. Our relationship was shit. It was toxic, and we didn't even know how to handle it. I didn't have an iota of dignity and he was a mentally unstable fucking bastard who just made me cry and change my mood over and over again, making stupid decisions. We were both immature and irresponsible and we destroyed each other. We hurt each other. Finally, my delusional hope ended up forgiving him once more, and he left.

And that was the best decision he could have made. Put an end to that loop of agony that kept absorbing us both. It ended everything. And he did well. Otherwise, we would have ended up consuming each other.

Time passed. At first, he cried. I missed it and felt stupid about it. But I learned to value myself. I grew as a person and matured. And it was the best thing I could have done because when he came back, I was a different person. And he, despite still having his character, too.

I don't even know how we ended up here, but our relationship is going well and we have learned to love each other, so I feel proud that after everything we've been through together, it finally works. We both deserve it. We deserve to be happy once and for all, and above all, together.

Two knocks on the door interrupted my thoughts.

-Lailah, Azael is downstairs- My mother speaks, leaning through the doorway.- Wow, you look beautiful.

I smile and look at her through the mirror, as I touch my index finger to the daisy necklace that belonged to Alison, just like the first day of school.

-Are you okay? - she asks me putting a hand on my shoulder.

I'm the one who should ask him that because although he already has fewer dark circles and has regained some weight, my mother has been having a terrible time. I'm glad therapy is going well for you.

I nod and take one last look in the mirror before sighing and turning around.

She rushes down the stairs quickly to catch the camera and I go down the steps one at a time and care to avoid falling. Azael is waiting for me downstairs, in a black tuxedo, and Jim is next to him. They both smile when they see me and my mother doesn't stop taking pictures of me. Jim keeps saying I'm beautiful and they both walk me to the door, where Amon's motorcycle is parked. It has started to rain, but luckily it is not too much.

-Are you going on a motorcycle?- my mother asks, disgusted.

-Yes, nothing will happen, we are wearing a helmet. -I answer for him, starting to walk.- Besides, the institute is close, we won't get too wet.

-Nothing of that- she murmurs, taking some keys out of her pocket- It's dangerous. And I don't want your hair to spoil, here. -she says before throwing them to Azael.- take our car.

Azael catches them in the air.

-He is old, but if you scratch him, you will know the part of me that is not at all nice- Jim assures her- Well, and Lailah too.

We both laughed and said goodbye before getting into the vehicle. Small raindrops begin to soak into the glass.

-You wear me a lot with that dress- he murmurs before starting, going over me from top to bottom.

-Oh, thank you... You are also very handsome with that tuxedo -I smile flirtatiously.

-I'm always handsome.

I roll my eyes and laugh. Some things never change.

Azael turns up the volume on the radio and taps his index finger on the steering wheel in time for the music.

I stare at his features reflected by the lights coming from the road. It is perfect. And I think for the first time, I can say that I am grateful to have it. To have found us and to have found us again. Maybe life would have taken my soul mate from me and then given it to me again. I will never know.

Azael is a few feet from turning the corner on the right when I stop him. I feel a strange sensation in his chest. Like a kind of intuition.

-Wait, he turns left.

-On the left?

-Yes do it.

-We'll take longer to arrive. -He says something confused.

-You do it.

Azael obeys, turning left and avoiding the stretch where we had the accident just a year ago.

I sigh in relief not knowing why, but that strange feeling just goes away.

Once we get to the institute, everyone is waiting for us at the entrance. And with everyone, I mean Jason, unfortunately, Cara, Mark, and Gigi with their huge nine-month-old belly. Scott has not been able to come as he is still in the hospital and Kya has decided to stay with him. It's not like they study here either, so they didn't care too much, plus Scott is improving fast, and that's great.

-Why did it take you so long?- Jason asks as soon as he sees us- You know what? I'd rather not know.

We all know that he is imagining something very different from what has happened, but we don't say anything.

-Can we go in now? I don't want to miss the dance, thank you. -Cara speaks irritating us all.

We give him the pleasure of listening to him and we all started walking toward the entrance of the institute. This one is all decorated and full of balloons, the music is already on and it seems that there is no one else to arrive because it is full of people.

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