Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Epilogue 1.2

It's amazing, but when Cara and I decide to get along ... we end up being friends. Very good, by the way. Sometimes we would argue about anything, especially because Cara is very impulsive and hardly tactful, but afterward, we had such a good time that we forgot. So we keep in touch after so many years.

  • Hi ...- she murmurs looking at Jay somewhat self-consciously. Then he clears his throat.- Hello everyone! -exclaims.- I've arrived, now the party can begin!

She has a bunch of bags hanging from her arms, which she throws to the ground to run and hug me tightly.

-Have you missed me? -question. I do not have time to respond when he speaks again.- You know what? It doesn't matter because I have brought gifts.

I watch Jason behind her scratching the back of his neck, somewhat uncomfortable. I think I forgot to tell him I was coming, but eight years have passed and he is well older. Get over it. Plus they see each other every year, I had to suppose.

And again the damn doorbell.

  • I ...- Jason speaks.

-Do not! - I exclaimed, interrupting him.- I open. -I go ahead.

I know who is on the other side of the door and I want to be the one to open it. I'm dying to see them.

-Hi, best friend- Gigi exclaims with a smile. she is radiant. Her blonde hair is perfectly combed and her big blue eyes blink at me. It looks almost the same as when we went to high school. Mark is behind me, and he greets me with a smile and a nod. And in front of both ...

-Hi Aunt Lailah!- exclaims little Alison before hugging me tightly.

-How is the most beautiful girl in the world? -I bend down and hug her back. I swear I can't love her anymore. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and her parents have taken it upon themselves to raise her very well despite being so young. I am proud of them for having done so well.

And yes, her name is Alison, like the one who was once my best friend. Gigi put it in his honor.

-Well, we are all here!- I exclaimed, closing the door.

-Not all Azael murmurs hoarsely as he enters the room.

He has put on a white shirt that shows his tattoos and his hair is wet. I think that with each passing year it improves twice as much, although I don't know if that is even possible. As soon as it arrives, I feel safer and more complete. Since I've been pregnant it's like I need to have him around every second of the day.

They all continue greeting each other and talking, so I sit at the table, and little by little they come.

-Where the hell are my three nephews? - Azael asks looking around.

  • Those three demons ...- Scott says, rolling his eyes- I don't want to hear about them- They are unbearable.

  • Stupid is our children!- Kya answers, hitting him on the arm.

Azael laughs.

-Who are they dating ...?- he asks indirectly, looking at Scott.

-Hey...! I know where you are going. -he complains.- You know perfectly that they could have been ours, now do not come to me with that jealousy my love ...

-Do you want me to go?- Kya asks, dragging the chair.

-Needless. -answers Azael- We will continue with this later.

Scott winks at her.

-I'm hungry! - Cara exclaims, giving us to understand to hurry and end their conversation.

-Yes me too. -answers Jay.- Let me cut the turkey- he says, getting up to get a knife.

We have made more friends since high school. I went to Brooklyn University, yes, where I had always wanted to go. And Azael dedicated himself to boxing and to enjoying all the money he had made thanks to his father and the entire drug trafficking world, giving his father's mansion to Gigi and Mark and the house where we both used to go when we escaped with the motorcycle Scott and Kya. It was also decided to invest in the stock market, and I must admit that we made a lot of money. No wonder knew how good he was at poker.

The fact is that we never invite them on the last day of the year. It is a day that we use to get together all of us who have always been, and I hope it continues to be that way for a long time. We spent our first last day of the year apart, so we would spend all the next days together.

When we finish eating, Cara gives us presents. She used to have money already, but with her successful modeling career, I think she has doubled it. I'm glad that he changed his attitude and made an effort to continue growing as a person because he deserves it. And the gifts ... my God, they sure are very expensive. I should be used to it since well, Azael has always used to be very generous on that subject, but I can't. I'm still the same Lailah as always.

After a while, we all ended up dispersing. Kya and Scott fall asleep on the couch, Gigi and Mark help me wash the dishes, and Azael picks up the rest of the table and the preparations. The others, I have no idea where they are.

-I'm going to the bathroom for a moment. -I apologize for leaving the kitchen.

Azael grabs my arm as I pass through the dining room.

-Are you okay? -He asks me worried. I can't even go pee without him worrying about me or the baby.

  • Easy ...- I smile at him.

Once I get to the top floor and go to the bathroom I see that the door is half open and that there is light inside. I'd say it's because it's busy, but guests always go to the first's bathroom, not the second. And this one, always, always, has the door closed.

I do not like this at all.

I sneak up on it, and when I'm close, I kick it open.

-Oh God! -scream.

-Lailah fucking! - yells Jason.

Naked Jason.

-Close the door!- Cara demands covering herself with her hands.

-I'm coming!- I answer, covering my eyes with my hand while I try to find the doorknob with the other.

Before I can do it, the door closes securely, driven by one of the two, causing a crash.

I knew something was going on. But I didn't mean this kind of "something". Yuck. It's okay with them wanting to be together, but not in my bathroom! I don't think I can erase that image from my mind. I'm going to be traumatized.

I go downstairs to go to the other toilet when I see little Alison outside, sitting on the porch hugging her knees. He's not even wearing a jacket and it's snowing outside. What are you doing there?

I go for a blanket and then go back to where she is, stepping outside before wrapping it around her shoulders and sitting next to her. When I look at her, I see that she is not only here alone, but also crying.

  • Hey, little one... What's wrong?

-Nothing- she answers, shaking her head, without looking at me. Her cheeks and nose are red from the cold and he spews some steam from his mouth.

-Well, when you want to tell me I'll listen to you- I reassure her, putting an arm around her to give her some warmth. The girl is silent for several seconds until finally, she speaks.

-There is a class boy that I like.

-And he doesn't like you?

-He told me if I want to be his girlfriend.

A small laugh provoked by tenderness threatens to leave my throat, but I hold it back and am grateful that she isn't looking at me so she can't see my smile.

-And what is the problem then? -I ask again.

-My parents say that he is a bad boy and they won't let me hang out with him- she says before absorbing the mucus through his nose.

-It is?

Ali shakes her head.

-He's my best friend.

I don't know what kind of trouble an eight-year-old can have so that Gigi and Mark won't let Alison go with him. Yes, she's a little too small to have a boyfriend, but what are they going to do, hold hands while they drink soda?

-Look, Ali, I know your parents only want the best for you, but there are things ... There are inevitable things, you know? A long time ago I was also in a similar situation. -I explain.- I fell in love with a bad boy and everyone warned me that I should stay away from him and that he was not good for me.

Alison's big, clear eyes look up at me expectantly.

-And what happened? - She no longer cries, she is attentive to what I say.

-That we both loved each other, and we always ended up getting back together as if it were magnets, even when we stopped fighting for it. It was something we couldn't control.

She nods her head. I doubt that I have understood it perfectly, but it helps me as long as I have stopped crying. I get up to go back inside our house when her little voice stops me.

-Who was he?

I form a slight smile before speaking his name aloud.


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