Read with BonusRead with Bonus


-I know the answer, but I'll ask you one last time, are you sure about this, Lailah?- Jim asks me putting a hand on my shoulder.

-Yes. -I say lengthening the vowel with some fatigue.- I'll try harder at the university next year, I promise you, but I don't want to have to live this last year again, and less without my best friends -sigh.

This year has been the most intense and hardest year of my entire life, and honestly, I can't wait to turn the page. I want to start over and overcome everything that has happened.

-Well OK. I'll pick up your mother from therapy at 7:30 and we'll be there at 8:00.

Jason's car whistle sounds from outside my house, signaling that he has arrived.

-Okay, I'm going. I love you! -I say goodbye to him walking towards the door.

-Me too! You look gorgeous! -I hear him say before closing it behind my back. I smile at his answer.

He is my real father, even if he doesn't have my blood.

As I leave, I sigh when I see Jason, and Cara Styles in the passenger seat. I don't know why I'm surprised, it was to be expected.

I should get used to it. Thanks to her and her extensive talk of conviction with her father, the director, she has managed to have only the first and second-semester notes on my file, making the third semester, which was all a damn zero, totally extinguished, and let me go to college. We must also bear in mind that the police have part of the situation that I have experienced and that surely the director has accepted out of pure pain, but what difference does it make? The fact is that thanks to her I will not repeat a year, so I am trying not to get along.

-Hi Lailah. -Jay greets me as soon as I enter.- You look gorgeous.

I shrug my shoulders with a smile.

-You too- And then I sigh again as if the words were struggling not to leave my mouth- And you too, Cara.

-Oh, thank you, dear- she murmurs in her still shrill voice.

Come on Lailah, you can.

I force a grateful smile and decide to keep quiet for the rest of the ride.

Nor have I told any lies. Although I don't like to admit it, Cara is pretty, and she has money, so she's always pretty and ready for every occasion. I don't even want to imagine how much the fuchsia pink dress she's wearing cost her, but it's gorgeous. It is long and dropped, with very thin straps. She has curled her shiny charcoal hair on top and it looks great on her.

My dress was given to me by Azael a few days ago. It is white because it says that I look like an angel, and close to my body, highlighting the few curves I have. It's beautiful, and I don't know how much it cost him either, but I'd rather not ask. If I find out that a lot of money has been spent I will be angry with him.

When I get to high school, I still don't believe that I will finally graduate. There are all of my class making preparations, setting up chairs ... with which I barely speak. Apart from Gigi, of course. I'm practically a freak. A weirdo that everyone knows because my best friend died in a car accident, I reported Azael Grimm, then I went out with him, I spent four months sunk in depression, and then I disappeared to rescue my mother who had been kidnapped by my father, although of course, they do not know the latter. They only know that I directly disappeared and returned to her. It was easier for Jason, he joined the high school team, made new friends, and now he's dating Cara Styles, the director's popular daughter. Everyone loves it.

When we finish all the preparations, people begin to arrive and take their positions, sitting in front of the stage. The others are taken to the side, going through the order of the list that the whole class is present. I search the people's heads for Azael, but can't see him. My parents are sitting in the second row, so I raise my hand and wave to them. My mother carries a video camera in her hand. What a bloody shame.

Our tutor interrupts me to take my arm.

  • Lailah, can I talk to you for a second?

I nod somewhat puzzled and he leads me behind the set.

-It may sound a bit hasty, but I'd like you to give a little speech. There are a couple of minutes left and well, you are one of the most recognized students on the school grounds. You've been through a lot and judging by your grades in the first semesters I think you would give an excellent speech.

  • I don't know ...- Before I can say no, the teacher speaks again.

-All teachers agree, and one of the rectors will be here and it would be good for us to make a good impression.

-I have nothing prepared- I say nervously- The truth is, I don't feel like giving a damn speech at all.

-You improvise, you will do great she says before leaving, not taking no for an answer. Great.

I return to my place and wait for the ceremony to begin. They call all the students in my class one by one, past Jason, Cara, and Gigi, and I applaud and smile. Finally, they call me.

I go upstairs to the stage feeling my nerves grow, everyone is watching me and my mother does not stop recording. I pick up the diploma and when they put my cap on I go to the lectern. A sigh comes out of my mouth when I see so many people. When I get closer to the speaker a beep sounds from the speakers. My hands are shaking.

  • Well ...- I speak looking at the audience. Azael is still away. I try not to think about it too much so as not to be distracted, but it's impossible.- I have nothing prepared, so I don't know what to say- I mumble before releasing a small throat clearing. A cough sounds in the audience. Everything is silent. This is painful.- The truth is that I could make a beautiful speech about everything that the future will bring us and about how fun the institute is, but I am not going to do it. -I say looking at my tutor.- Mainly because for me, it has not been like that. So I would like to name a person who, unfortunately, is no longer here. -Everyone looks at each other, confused to bring up a subject as taboo in Middleton as she is.- And that's Alison, my best friend.

Several whispers are heard from the crowd and people begin to speak. Jason goes up on stage and instead of stopping me, he walks over to the computer and a huge picture of her appears on the screen.

That is my best friend.

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