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Kya saved your life

We both turn to see how Kya grabs his hand. She is telling him things like to do it again, but he does not respond. It's fucking shit.

-I can't keep seeing this. -I indicated to Lailah.- We have to disconnect it now. Get Kya out of here, or he won't take it.

-It's fine. -accept this.

And just when we turn around, a beep sounds. A long, high-pitched beep from the machine. A beep announcing that Scott is officially dead.

-No no no no!- Kya yells, standing up - Nurse!

At that point, the nurse runs in and when she sees the situation, she presses a button on the stretcher. Within seconds, more doctors and nurses enter the room, knocking the gurney over and pulling out two metal pieces connected to two wires, which instantly hit Scott's chest, causing him to rise into the air.

We can't even move, we are completely in shock. Kya has pushed aside and she takes refuge in the arms of Lailah, who has her eyes wide open and welcomes her, protecting her from everything.

They are trying to revive him, but it doesn't work.

-More power!- shouts one of them.

Another picks it up and they hit him again, one after another.

Finally, Scott's pulse works again.

  • Oh my God, thank you ...- Lailah murmurs relieved, with tears in her eyes.

He passed. I can't keep seeing this. If Scott's pulse has already failed once, it will not take long to do it again, and the time will come when his body will not take it anymore and they will no longer be able to revive him. How will that leave Kya and Lailah after they've held out hope until the end? It is going to destroy them completely. And Scott will have suffered to the end.

It's all fucking shit. I just can't go through with this.

I don't think about it anymore and hurry out of the room. I pass by the others who ask me what is going on, but I ignore them.

I'm starting down the stairs when a hand grabbing my arm stops me.

-Do not go.

Her calm, angelic voice calms me down. His clear, wet blue eyes look up pleadingly at me, still holding my arm. Lailah.

Without thinking, I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face into his neck and taking a deep breath. It doesn't take long for him to hug me back, while he strokes my hair.

-You can't go now. You gotta see This. he whispers to me.

-I can't stay in there. I can't see you all like this. -My voice comes out hoarse and deep, but calm. Maybe it's the effect she has on me.

Lailah pulls away to stare into my eyes.

-Trust me.

How not do it? I have risked my life multiple times to protect her, I have done my best to make it work and it is obvious that she has also put her life on the line to be with me. She is the person I trust the most.

So holding her hand, we both walked down the hospital corridor, back to the room. I mentally prepare myself to see such a scene again. I've seen a thousand more heartbreaking scenarios than this, but it has never affected me so much. Maybe it's because this time the only important people in my life are involved.

Gigi, Mark, and Jason are no longer in the hall. Lailah looks at me with a weak smile before opening the door.

I swallow hard.

-Azael. -a weak and broken voice names me as soon as I enter.


-You look horrible.

-You should see yourself- I answer wiping my eyes before anyone can see me cry.

Scott is still connected to the machines, with the oxygen mask and the droppers. But he is alive. Scott is alive. I don't understand fucking shit. It's not supposed to be. But hell, it is. I'm watching.

Lailah and Kya laugh with tears in their eyes. The latter does not stop holding his hand as if afraid that it might disappear at any moment.

  • I'm fucking starving ...- he murmurs through the oxygen mask- How many days have I not eaten?

-One week- Kya replies without stopping smiling.

-One week? -exclaims this scared.- That ... that is horrible.

-We'll go find something to eat. -Says Lailah wiping her tears.- Will you accompany me, Kya?

She doesn't seem to agree, but she still nods after kissing her forehead and walks away with Lailah. I sit in the chair Kya was sitting in, next to Scott's gurney.

-You're a bastard, I thought you were dead- I murmur looking into his eyes. 10

He smiles at me on the other side of the mask.

-You were not going to get rid of me so easily- he says with an amused grin.

And if someone asks me this sometime in my life, I will flatly deny it, but helplessly a tear falls down my cheekbone. Shit.

-You're crying?- Scott asks, about to laugh.

-Do not- I say wiping the tear. Fucking Scott.

-Ohh ... Tommy missed me.

-Don't screw me, Scott. That you almost died does not mean that you can hesitate- I replied- Don't tell this to anyone.

Scott lets out a laugh. A pretty weak one by the way, but at least he gets a laugh.

-Quiet sir, I'm the hardest.

I let out a laugh through my nose, but then I get serious again, putting my hand on his shoulder.

-Kya saved your life- I murmur, looking into his eyes.

If it had been for me, Scott would have died yesterday.

-I knew you would.

At that Lailah and Kya re-enter the door, accompanied by Gigi, Mark, and Jason. All three have a huge smiles on their face and bright eyes. Nobody believes it. Everyone approaches the table in disbelief and starts talking, Kya doesn't leave him at any fucking moment and Lailah wraps her arms around my back.

-It is a miracle- she says so softly that only I can hear her.

I sigh and draw her to me, wrapping my hands around her waist and leaving her back close to my abdomen, while we both look at the scene in front of us.

-Thanks- I whisper to him.

-Why?- she asks turning to look at me. Her big blue eyes look at me expectantly and she smiles.

-For making me not lose faith.

She turns and smiles weakly before giving me a short kiss on the lips that leaves me wanting more.

She has been the only good thing I have had in my life. He has always known how to guide me on the right path, he has known how to forgive me and he has taught me to trust. He has known my hell and every one of my demons and not only has he remained despite it, but he has also learned to love them. She is all I have.

-I love you- I whisper to her before hugging her again.

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