Chapter 10

There he was, in all his perfection. As soon as he stepped through the diner, everybody went eerie silent.

I noticed he didn't have his men in black surrounding him today. He, however, was all in black, a black tuxedo to be specific and boy... I almost drooled.

Stop judging okay, I could see all the human and wolf females were drooling buckets and for some reason I wanted to smash their heads in and then let them drown in their buckets of drool.

Stop looking at what's mine!

Whoa, where did that come from? Adam was craning his neck to get a better view of what everyone was gawking at, perfection that's what.

He exerted power and demanded authority. It was like he commanded an entire room with just his presence. Even the humans were affected.

I hated it; I hated how we all had to bow down to this Alpha like he was some God, just because he may look like one doesn't make him one.

Just then his grey eyes landed on me and the heat of his stare warmed me all over.

I could feel my cheeks turn rosy. Adam glanced back at me and looked extremely confused and weirdly alarmed.

‘Who on Earth is that and why is he looking at you? '

I know Adam was just as confused as everyone else in this diner but the fact that he said it like that made me feel like I wasn't worthy of him, that hurt even though it shouldn't have.

'The hell I know!' I said back.

I snuck a glance at my mate and saw his face was impassive but his eyes said a whole different story. It was like a fire was blazing inside of them, he looked angry.

He looked straight at me and started walking my way!

I gulped and looked back at Adam who was narrowing his eyes at me.

‘What's wrong with you? You look nervous.'

‘Me...Nervous...What? No!' Adam scrunched up his face and crossed his arms over his chest. He was just about to say something when mate of mine arrived in all his glory.

I didn't dare look at him. I could feel the heat of his stare and the stares of everyone.

Adam however, bless his soul looked up.

'What do you want?' He did not just ask that! Don't look up, don't you dare look up.

I looked up.

My mate didn't even acknowledge Adams question he was too busy staring at me so deeply it was like he was looking into my freaking soul.

I gulped again and with a lot of effort broke his stare and glanced at Adam.

Adam was still looking beyond confused. Wow is it that shocking a guy like weirdo would approach me?

'Victoria, I would like to speak to you alone.' Of course he would make it obvious he knows me.

I was just about to speak when Adam beat me to it.

'Wait a minute... I thought you said you didn't know him?' I mentally face palmed.

'Ah...Ha-ha... Well you see it is kind-'

'And who are you?' My mate just cut me off and I don't know whether to kill him or kis- no I mean pat him on the back. Adam narrowed his eyes at my mate but as soon as he got one look at my mates glare he immediately looked down.

Well it's getting awkward in here.

‘Um... Adam I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay.'

I quickly got up and walked to the door. Yeah, I know it got awkward real fast so I ran. What else could I do? Thank the goddess weirdo followed straight after.

He was so close behind me I could feel his body touching mine.

As soon as we exited I exploded.

'What the hell is wrong with you?'

'Why is it you always start our conversations like that?'

'No I don't! Now stop changing the subject. Why are you here? Are you following me again like a creepo?'

'Get in the car.'

'Stop ordering me around and start answering my questions!'

'As soon as you stop screaming and start walking towards the car.'

With that said weirdo walked straight past me and towards a black convertible. He got in the driver's side and I just stood there for about a minute calming myself down.

It didn't work, I wasn't calm. I walked nice and slowly towards his little convertible and yanked the door open, I sat inside and crossed my arms.

Once again I'm being semi-forced to sit in a car with him.

'Yes, I am following you,' my little mate said while starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. I honestly did not expect him to be upfront with me.

'I appreciate your honesty but I don't appreciate you stalking me and barging in on me whenever you feel like it. It's rude and just creates problems and unwanted attention. '

'Well I do not appreciate you going on dates with human boys when you have a mate.'

I narrowed my eyes so much I could barely see the face I wanted to punch right now.

'Really now, isn't that too bad. For your information he most certainly isn't a 'boy' and it most certainly wasn't a 'date'. I would also like to inform you of the fact that you can't order me around and stick your snout in my business.'

He glanced at me and I noticed his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white due to him squeezing the life out of the steering wheel.

'It is my business. mate.'

I just made a 'yeah right' sound in my throat and turned my body towards the window.

'I would like to go home now please.'

I couldn't see his facial expression but I bet he was ticked right of, makes two of us buddy.

'As you wish,' he said without any emotion.

Why is it we always end up fighting? Every single time we have been together it's ended up in a disaster and I'm always screaming and going on a rampage. I don't think I've ever screamed at someone this much before. He turns me into a crazy woman!

He's so frustrating he makes me want to tear my hair out, no wait, I love my hair, let me rephrase, I want to tear his gorgeous silky clipped black hair out. Great I just complemented him.

My wolf was in an even pissier mood. I could feel her annoyance towards both me and her longing for him. I don't even know why she's mad at me it's not me, it's his entire fault.

Heat was spreading across my face and down my body and I just knew he was looking at me.

I wonder what he's thinking about me. Probably how pleasant I am to be around and how awesome I am, yeah definitely. Such a shame I don't have mural feeling.

I was to busy thinking about everything as usual that I didn't realize we were pulling up to his mansion!

I jumped and faced him.

'Ah, why are we at your mansion?'

'It's not a mansion.'

'Just answer the question!'

'If I recall correctly you asked me to take you home'

'My, you really are dense.'

'Pardon me.'


'This will be your home from now on. You will be staying with me. I have already informed Ginger, Chris and you're Alpha, so there is no reason to worry.'

'No-no reason to WORRY! Have you completely lost your freaking marbles! I don't even know you, hell I don't think I even like you at this stage! I can't live with you!'


'It's just Tori!' I shouted.

'No, you have a beautiful name and that is what I am going to call you and I am afraid you do not have a choice. We have issues we need to sort out and I cannot know you are safe if you are living away from me. There are things and dangers that you do not know about. Stop hyperventilating, there is nothing you could say that would change my mind.'

I gaped at him in utter disbelief.

Who said I would say anything. I'm a werewolf who knows karate or at least watched karate movies.

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