Chapter 5

It was Saturday and I was currently laying in bed watching pretty little liars on my laptop, all snuggled in my king sized bed in my pj's which were a light blue with yellow polka dots (I know I don't wear black to bed) .

My room was dark so I didn't know what time of the day it was yet. I was pigging out and stuffing my face with popcorn, a snack I loved and a snack I ate by stuffing as much as I possibly could in my mouth. It went everywhere and I got scolding for messing the lounge last time.

I just finished a series and I still don't know who A is! Now it's just getting on my nerves.

All of a sudden I felt strange for a moment, my stomach started getting butterflies for some reason and my wolf became alert...

It's probably because I haven't eaten any breakfast. So with my mind made up I grabbed my popcorn and stuffed my feet in my huge, claw like, fluffy slippers and departed down the corridor to the top of the stairs. Stuffing my face as I wobbled along, I'm so lady like its unreal.

When I got to the foot of the stairs I tripped on the corner of the rug and almost died, I spat my popcorn out and I watched it fly out of my mouth, this resulted in me having a full blown coughing fit.

No joke, my mouth hung agape, as my popcorn fell to the floor with a thud. I was too stunned to even notice the popcorn roll down the stairs.

''This is the end. Ginger is going to kill me and I'm going to die for real this time! My life is over. Unless I can somehow clea-,'' my rambling was cut short when all of a sudden someone coughed and not like my cough like a ''um...excuse me '' cough.

As I looked up and towards the front door my eyes bulged out of their sockets. There in my foyer were five men all in black suits. They stood in a semi-circle shielding someone. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

I think my heart stopped beating when the men stepped to the side to reveal a man that knocked the breath out of me. Let's just say I almost died for the second time.

My eyes couldn't help but scan him from toe to head. He was wearing a black suit that fitted his toned body perfectly I could see he was lean and muscular with just one glance. He was tanned and tall about over six feet.

My eyes moved to his face and my word! He had a defined jaw with a straight nose; he had short, black hair that made me want to run my fingers through them.

His eyes struck me; they were the most beautiful thing about him. They were a striking grey... I have never seen eyes that colour before in my life and it was a shame because they belonged to this man, no god.

To say the least he was the epitome of gorgeous. I think I feel a bit nauseated...

As soon as I locked eyes with him it was like I could see, not only feel our wolf's connect.

I could feel this overwhelming energy capture my body with this unknown force. All around me I saw white surrounding just the two of us, all I could focus on was him. I could literally feel his power radiating of off him in such a way I couldn't describe.

I don't know if it was his god like looks or the fact that my body just went through the freakiest thing or how I didn't have breakfast and just stuffed my face with junk food but the moment he whispered those four words in a voice so gentle and so musical I didn't know what to do.

''I finally found you.''

Before I knew it my eyes rolled to the back of my head and then all I saw was black before I fainted in front of the scary men in black suits, Chris and Ginger gaping at me and last but not least him.

As I opened my eyes slowly I saw I was on the couch in the living room and no one was present. I mean it was not like I was expecting to see him looking down on me or Chris and Ginger but...

Rising slowly I grunted softly and heard hushed voices coming from the kitchen.

''Chris, does she know who he is?'' That was Ginger talking.

''I don't know Gin; all I know is that she's too young to handle this now. I mean do you know how much responsibility she's going to have to take on? Not to be impolite but she still needs to sort some things out in her life.'' Ouch, that one hurt even though I have no idea what they were talking about.

As I tried to sneak closer I accidently knocked over the books on the coffee table.

Cringing slightly and shutting my eyes tightly I crossed my fingers and hoped they didn't hear it. To answer my question they did as all the whispering came to an abrupt halt.

I jolted for the couch and just as they came in I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Looking all innocent I asked in a soft and gentle voice.

''What happened?'' They both looked at each other and then sat opposite me.

'How are you feeling?' Ginger asked totally ignoring my question.

''Um...fine I guess just a little light headed. So are you going to tell me what happened you know the incident.''

I cringed again as I thought about it and how utterly mortified I feel about how I must have looked.

My ratty hair, spitting out popcorn in my blue polka dot pajamas with my claw slippers, and then dropping the bowl, ogling him openly then finally fainting, fantastic.

"I bet my mate will get one look at me and then shun me just like the rest of them." I remember thinking that and now thinking about how I must of looked I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Taking from his absence I think he already left.

''Well, Chris carried you to the living room and put a wet cloth on your head then those men you saw left shortly after and well that's about it, sweetie.'' Ginger said fiddling with her fingers. Hmm, they both looked at each other again.

''We were told to inform you when you woke up to go to K-...I mean Alpha Xavier's house as he wants to speak with you.'' Who, hold up Alpha Xavier... he's an Alpha.

That can't be right. He couldn't even wait for me to wake up he just left and told my adopted parents to tell me to come and see him...

He probably wants to tell me to leave him alone and forget that we're mates. Holy moly!

That just dawned on me that my mate is a FREAKING ALPHA! "But he doesn't want you." A tiny little voice said inside of me and it hurt so much more than I wanted it to, to realizes the ugly truth, and boy did it sting.

Just to think that gorgeous specimen won't want me yet he was made for me, hilarious. Why am I complaining? Isn't that what I wanted?

From the time I was a little girl I said that I wouldn't want to ruin my mates life by with how messed up I am so it's a blessing in disguise I guess.

I won't have to contaminate him and he won't have to put up with me. I'll forever be lonely. "You still have Adam, Ginger and Chris." The voice said again and once again it was right.

I didn't need a mate to make me whole or be there for me no one was there for me, okay Chris and Ginger were but still...

''Great I'm so excited to go see him.'' I said with sarcasm lacing my voice. Chris and Ginger just shared a look that said it all. Some shizzle is about to go down.

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