Chapter 6

I was groaning and moaning the whole drive to his house. I can't even believe he would call me to his house. Why not have manners and come and see me yourself? What an awesome mate I have right there.

Ginger kept glancing towards me probably sensing my discomfort and disapproval of this whole entourage.

I was highly annoyed and on edge. I couldn't sit still I couldn't think straight...and it was all because of him, Mr. I'm so powerful because I'm an Alpha and I'm so desirable because I'm so freaking good looking girls faint (aka me) and I'm so important I have body guards...blah blah, blah!

I mean come on...''Stupid Alphas, stupid mates, stu-''

''Tori darling, you're rambling again.'' Ginger said glancing at me slightly.

I just huffed and slouched back into my seat. I mean what am I going to even say to him? ''Hey there gorgeous specimen, are you going to reject me now?!'' Um... No that won't work to well on my part.

All of a sudden Ginger starts pulling over onto the grass patch beside the road.

''Ah...Ginger why are you pulling over?'' She didn't answer me until she stopped the car and turned to look at me.

''Because...Tori I just wanted to tell you're an amazing person and you're extremely beautiful, you're clever, brave, passionate, strong willed and an endless amount of many other things.''

''Listen Ginger I -''

ā€˜'No let me finish. Now I know you've had a hard time growing up and I'm sorry Chris and I couldn't help you enough but I know you're destined for greater things.

I know you're really anxious to speak to your mate and this is a really huge step but I just want you to give him a chance don't push him away.''

''How do you know he even wants me? 'ā€˜I asked on the verge of tears, Ginger looked at me and then drew me into her arms.

''Don't say stuff like that. I know he wants you for sure,'' she let me go and kissed my forehead.

''Ginger I'm, I'm scared...''

''I know, but you're a fighter as well.'' With that said she started the car and continued driving to the man that caused all these emotions.

I rested my head on the window and watched the green forests pass by they were all natural and thick with growth.

I really didn't know what to make of Gingers speech to be honest. I just know that all she said about me is wrong. I'm not a fighter I'm not brave or beautiful. Maybe I'm strong willed and passionate but those don't really count.

I know my mate won't want me and I don't really want to believe it because it hurts... a lot.

I think I'm just getting to the stage where I can't be bothered anymore about being an outcast. I mean I've been living with this, this curse my whole life that's it's become second nature now.

I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself and I'm tired of getting pity looks from Ginger and Chris and I'm just done.

This whole mate thing has really struck a chord. As much as it hurts to say it, it's what I expect from people now, to be rejected.

We pulled up at a set of huge iron gates. The type you know leads to a mansion.

The two security guards glared at us and asked us our reason for being here. They were very friendly about the whole matter, note the sarcasm.

We had to wait for like ten minutes while the security guards made phone calls to who knows who and then they had to search the car after all that they finally let us in. Seriously my mate is just an Alpha it's not like he's royalty for goodness sake and besides how would two females do any harm?

Tall trees stood high in the sky on both sides of the road leading to his estate. It was very beautiful. And it was just his driveway... He finally reached his mansion, what I said, I knew it. I hated it because it was magnificent.

It was a cream color and it looked like it held twenty plus rooms. About a million windows were littered all along it. Sparkling and without a speck of dust, I wonder how long it takes to clean them all?

All this for one man I mean Alpha. No wonder he left me he must think I'm so beneath his fanciness. I mean a nobody loser like me got him as a mate. Perhaps the Moon goddess was punishing hi-

''Victoria, are you not going to get out?'' Gingers voice broke me off my train of thoughts.

''Hmmm, yup, totally,'' I beamed up at her. She just smiled softly at me.

''Okay, Tori, I'll just wait in the car for you. You take your time and just, just hear him out and have an open mind. Don't do anything rash, okay.''

''I'll try but no promises.'' With that said I flung open the door and stepped out.

Almost immediately an older looking woman in what looked to be a maids outfit appeared.

''Good afternoon ma'am please follow me this way.'' She had a bit of a weird accent but I couldn't figure out from where.

She was a stout woman with quite a generous bottom if I do say so myself. Oh my am I really commenting on this lady's bottom. I must really be nervous.

The inside was way more worthy of my hate because it was surprise, surprise utterly stunning.

A huge chandelier hung in the entrance. Huge rugs were everywhere and stylish expensive furniture. I wonder if all Alphas are this blessed. I mean I know they are usually rich but this rich was insane.

So not only is he

1: Gorgeous beyond imagination

2: An alpha

But he's also filthy rich.

Oh man this just keeps getting better and better. Although he may be and have all those things but the main thing is his personality and by the looks of it, it seems quite shitty (excuse the French). At least I have a con now after all those pros.

While I was thinking as usual I didn't realize we had already reached our destination.

''Here it is ma'am, his highness is waiting.''

Wait what 'his highness?' Did she just say that or did I imagine it. I turned around to ask her but she had already vanished. I probably imagined it or he thinks he's high and mighty so he makes his staff call him that.

Taking a deep breath I pushed open the door, which didn't even move so I tried harder and it still didn't open. After huffing and puffing I pushed with all my might and finally the stupid door opened.

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