Chapter 7

It seemed we were inside some sort of room which felt a bit cozy. The sun was streaming in and gave the whole room a soft warm glow about it. It looked like a place to just relax to be honest or something. There were plush, cream couches and a piano in the corner. I was taking my time examining the white walls and the brown tiled floors, the paintings decorating the walls and basically everything but him.

I must have looked so weird but who cares. I could literally feel his eyes on me. Watching me, it was like this heat would run down my body where ever his sinful eyes scanned. I felt the heat go from my toes up my body to my head. I inhaled deeply and the most delicious smell graced my nostrils. Man it smelt good like the type of smell you just want to grab and eat,

'What is that smell? '

'That would be me.'

His deep voice said. Please tell me I did not say that out loud. Groaning I closed my eyes. Did he say it was him, the ego on this guy. I faked gagged and scrunched my nose up in distaste, still avoiding his eyes.

'Look at me,' He said. No I'd rather not thank you. Why did I agree to come... why, why?

'I said look at me.' He said louder, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

'Does it look like I care what you said and I heard you the first time. 'I shot back finally looking at his face that took my breath away, again, let's just hope I don't faint, again, god that would be even more mortifying. Sometimes it feels like I betray myself.

'Well, I would not know as I could not see your face,' he retorted. He sat in a chair at a little round table with food on it. I don't even know how he managed to look all mighty and powerful sitting next to cream crackers and a flowered tea pot.

I just sneered at him and scoffed.

'Well, do please sit down and join me.' He said leaning back in his chair, sipping his tea and studying me with his stormy grey eyes. I don't want to sit with him, but then again the food does look really good and I am hungry. Him- food, Him - I walked towards him and sat down opposite him. He seemed pleased with himself, ha if only you knew I sat down for the food. Pushing down my laugh I stared at him.

'Would you like some tea?' Who is this weirdo? Drawing my eyebrows together I gave him the 'are you stupid look?' I don't have anything against tea but is this what I came for? Tea, we have other things to discuss. He's probably just trying to reject me in the nicest way; you know buttering me up first.

'No.' I snapped. He just raised his eyebrows ever so slightly and continued to stare at me, making me feel so uncomfortable. His gaze was patronizing. Finally having enough of this weirdo I said,

'Would you just get on with it already, I have better things to do.' He looked confused and asked,

'Get on with what?' God he's not just weird he's also dense.

'The reason why I'm here. Get on with rejecting me and whatever I have things to do.' That hurt so much to say for some reason. I could feel my wolf's sadness and I was not happy about it but what was I supposed to do. Food forgotten completely, I just wanted to get out of here. He looked taken aback by that and uttered,

'Where ever did you get the idea that I would reject you?'

'Come on, don't play dumb.'

'I am not playing dumb. In fact I am insulted that you would think that. I never even thought of rejection.' I was SHOCKED! No way na ah. He can't say that, he can't be like this, he can't, and he was supposed to reject me like everyone else had. No I can't, I can't be with him! No! My mouth was hanging open.

'N-no, a-ah, I can't ...I can't!' I stuttered rising from my chair. He looked surprised and like he was deep in thought.

'What do you mean no?' He asked rising as well, to his full height. My god he was tall. I turned around and was speed walking to the door. I was just about to reach for the handle when he grabbed my arm softly, causing a few little sparks to run through my arm (so cliche I want to vomit). I looked down at his hand in shock and asked him softly to let my arm go, he did.

'Are...are you rejecting me?' It looked like he was in pain saying that. I really wanted to take that pain away until I realized that I caused him pain. I knew I would hurt him. I'm just an awful person.

'Yes...I mean no, yes No! Just I-I can't. ‘With that I pushed open the door and rushed out. Tears waiting to fall but I was strong and I held them back. I rushed out towards the car and ripped open the car door I jumped in and yelled to Ginger to go. She looked confused and worried but didn't say anything and just went. We drove out and I couldn't help but look out of the mirror and watch the eye gorging mansion fade away.

Do you know what the sick part was, I actually wanted him to grab my arm again and stop me from leaving.

*The next day (Monday) *

'Well, aren't you a moody cat today.' Adam said smiling lightly next to me as we walked into school.

'Shut up, Adam.' I said frowning, opening the door to school.

'I can't but I can shut down.' Adam replied smirking. Urgh, this guy, why are we best friends again? (oh, yeah he's my only friend... like ever). That didn't even make sense, at all...

'Then do that, will you.' I said smiling on the inside. He pouted.

'Come on Tori, please tell me why you are more moody than usual? Wait does that even make sense, "more moody"?' I just rolled my eyes and walked towards my locker. Nothing ever makes sense with this guy.

'I don't want to talk about it.'

'Come onnnnnnnnnn.'Adam dragged on and on and on and onnnnnn.

'FINE, yeash! Would you shut u-...I mean would you shut down already.' Adam just laughed.

'No, now tell me, phease.' He said sounding like a baby.

'WelllikeIsortamaybefoundoutwhomymateis.'I said super fast and all in one breath.

'What I didn't get any of that?' Phew, that was dumb Adam doesn't know about werewolves. Luckily he doesn't know what mates are. I hate hiding things from him. I wish I could tell him. I really do need his advice and someone to talk to about what happened.

'I'm just mad about pretty little liars. I still don't know who A is and it's annoying me so much.' I lied. I think Adam was suspicious but didn't take it further. He seemed to believe me after a while and he knows not to push questions when it comes to me. He may nag but he knows his limits and I respect him for it.

'You girls and that show, I mean like three seasons and you still don't know who A is! 'Adam said rolling his eyes.

'Actually it's been four.'

'Even worse!'

We walked of towards our classes after saying goodbye. As soon as Adam left I felt my smile drop and I let that empty, needy feeling come back from its hiding place. I've been feeling so weird after the show down with him. My wolf's sadness is constantly bugging me and I don't know what to do.

I guess this whole mate thing is going to be harder than expected. I swear the moon goddess or who ever invented this whole ridiculous mate thing had some serious relationship problems. I mean why make mates so needy and left feeling desperate for the other all the time, it sucks!

Just as I thought that I felt foreign wolves present.

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