Chapter 8

I decided to follow the smell of the foreign wolves. I was already late for my first lesson so why not go and investigate. The scents became stronger as I neared the front office.

I peaked up into the glass window on the door and saw two solid backs facing Mrs. Martha, our school secretary. They were male wolves and not from my pack. I groaned as I realized their probably from his majesty the oh so glorious' pack.

I was just about to leave when they both turned around so fast and looked in my direction. My heart jumped into my throat and I quickly ducked down, eyes wide, breathing rapid. Saying a slight prayer I quickly got down onto my knees and hands and started to crawl away from the door.

Suddenly I heard someone cough behind me, I froze. Shutting my eyes and sighing I got up from the floor and turned around, dressed in jeans and t-shirts two guys stood smirking. I swear I just keep embarrassing myself to new people every day.

'What?' I snapped. They just looked at each other and smirked more.

'Nothing...' the blond one said slowly as the one with brown hair snickered.

'What are you doing here?' I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

'I was going to ask you what you were doing too,' Blondie said.

'I was sweeping the floor. Now why are you here? And what pack are you from?'

'We're from the Moon Crescent pack and our Alpha is on business here so we asked if we could join school for the time being.' Brown head said.

'Oh, okay. Well good luck then.' I said and was about to walk of when one of them asked.

'Wait, what's your name?' I turned around.

'Tori, and you are?'

'James and this is Ethan. ‘James said and pointed to Ethan the brown haired guy with blue eyes. Ethan smiled and waved.

'Okay, bye.' With that said I rushed of to my second lesson. Not wanting to go to the first as it was math and Mr. Walker could be a tyrant if you were just a minute late imagine if I walked in there half an hour late, no thank you, I wanted to live.

lunch time

I was getting really irritated with the traffic in the halls. People kept bumping into me and after I glared at them I would push my way to the cafeteria. After a few glares and pushes I reached the cafeteria and found Adam already wolfing down his sandwich. I wonder why they say "wolfing ". I mean I'm a wolf and I do not eat like that. It should be called 'Adaming it down'.

Taking my seat I huffed and took out my chicken sandwich. Adam swiped his sleeve over his mouth and swallowed. I wonder why I ever thought he was posh.

'How has your day been? I heard you skipped first period.' Adam said trying to look reprimanding.

'Yeah, I met these two new students.' I said taking another bite out of my sandwich.

'Really, who are they?' He said raising his eyebrows and pulling out chips. Just as he said that James and Ethan walked over to our table and sat down. The whole cafeteria went quite.

'I'm guessing this is them.' Adam whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes and softly elbowed him. He groaned and acted like I just beat him.

'You see, do you see how she beats me. I mean I tried telling people but they won't believe me. Please tell me you're here to save me!' Adam babbled on. I just smirked and stamped on his foot.

'Ahhhhh! She abused me again!' Adam hollered, over exaggerating everything.

'Hi, James, Ethan, this is cry baby.' James and Ethan started laughing and Adam stopped complaining and glared at me. He huffed and turned away from me.

'Aw poor baby, Tori you hurt his whittle feelings.' James said in a baby voice. I couldn't help but smile a little. Ethan just smiled as well. Adam was going red with embarrassment.

'Just kidding bro.' James said and shook hands with Adam. Ethan followed. Well this is going to get interesting.

I could tell Ethan was the quiet one whereas James was the loud jocular one.

The boys hit it off after that and I was beginning to feel a little left out but it didn't bother me I was glad Adam had some male friends instead of just me, it was nice.

After lunch nothing interesting happened and before I knew it the day was over and I was on my way home. Walking extra slow on purpose I couldn't help but notice my lush green surroundings. It was warming up a bit but I still held my leather jacket tight against my body.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. You know that life source that makes you aware, I was getting that and also feelings of a heated stare. I couldn't hear anything out of the ordinary though. Butterflies started in my stomach. I frowned; I didn't know if I was in danger, it didn't feel like that though, I felt, I felt sort of... peaceful for some bizarre reason.

I was to busy thinking that I didn't see the car speeding towards me before I knew it I was pushed to the ground and something heavy landed on top of me, crushing me. I could hear the car swerve to the side and its tires screeching. My eyes were shut tight, my heart was racing. I felt an electric buzz envelope my whole body. I didn't know what or where that buzz came from, everything happened in a flash. Slowly, I opened my eyes to be met with grey (even stormier than usual) eyes that were filled with one dominate emotion, anger.

Anger swept through my body as I realized my weirdo mate was on top of me.

'Get of off me you weirdo. What the hell do you think you're doing?' I said to him while pushing him of me. I was so fed up, His stupid intoxicating scent was driving me insane and his gorgeous eyes were doing things to me AND on top of that I could feel every muscle every ridge, every curve and boy was I getting irritated. It's like he's perfect on purpose just to get on my nerves. I pushed and groaned until he got of me himself, anger still lacing his eyes even though his stone face was calm. He gritted his teeth and said,

'Me, what were you doing may I inquire? You were the one who almost got hit by a car because you are so careless.'

Wow he's said more than like three words in a sentence, shocker I must be in huge trouble now, the big guns came out, idiot. Rolling my eyes and scoffing I said,

'Pff, it was under control. You're just exaggerating,' lies.

I didn't want to be blamed so I accused him, ‘Why were you stalking me anyways, huh? One, that's creepy, two it's rude and three you're invading my privacy.' I said ticking the reasons of my fingers in his face.

Dusting my jeans and jacket I turned to look at the car that was now surrounded by his blady freaky men in black (I wonder if they fight aliens).

Before weirdo could answer I fired back.

'I can't believe you even brought your men in black. Were you all having a little stake out? Mission: stalk Tori?' I mocked. It looked like he found me amusing because I could see his lips twitch but I probably imagined it as he didn't smile or laugh.

He turned around and walked to one of the men in black. I turned to go to the car that almost hit me when a black SUV pulled up out of nowhere and no it did not hit me. It stopped near me and then weirdo came striding along the side of the road like he owned it...what's the bet he did.

'You will be driving with me. I shall escort you to your home,' yeah sure pal, you do that.

'No thanks, I have two arms and legs and guess what? They work perfectly fine. ‘I was about to walk away when he picked me up and dropped me into the leather seats of the SUV! My mouth dropped open and I became red again. He opened the other side of the car door and glided in. I almost laughed as he was so tall he reached the roof of the car but I didn't as I was fuming at him.

The whole drive he said nothing and I said nothing. I was still very angry at him. As we pulled up to my house I got out and slammed the car door, childish I know. I was stalking towards the front door when a door opened and I could feel him behind me. Groaning and huffing I jumped up onto my front steps. Ginger opened the door and she froze when she saw who was behind me, it looked like she was going to bend to pick something up but then stopped and looked at me. Almost as if she was trying to ask me what's going on through her eyes. It's a pity I don't speak eyes because then I could of told her how he jumped on top of me from nowhere, was stalking me and then he pushed me into his car against my will and now he's following me.

I walked right in and didn't bother to turn around and ask what he thinks he's doing at my house because I just didn't feel like talking to him.

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