Chapter 2
A man in a familiar hoodie, both hands stuffed into his pocket was standing on the far end of the hall. What caught my attention were the piercing green eyes that looked straight at me.
Speaking of the devil.
I felt my face lose its color but the cameraman's flailing hand made me avert my glance to smile at the camera and when I looked back, the hooded man was gone.
What just happened?
I walked slowly down the stairs that was on the other side of the stage, still trying to think about what just happened.
It couldn't be him. It mustn't be him. That's impossible.
When I got to my parents, they hugged me and gushed about how proud they are with both of their eyes in a glassy state. I offered them smiles, thanking them half-heartedly.
Don't get me wrong, I was beyond delighted but I couldn't shake off the miffed feeling from seeing him after months.
Was it just a hallucination? It seemed so real.
I have to make sure. He isn't supposed to recognize me but something in his eyes indicated a sense of recognition. It was like he was analyzing every feature on my face. Strangers don't do that.
I was supposed to be a stranger to him but something tells me that he's seen me before. He didn't look at me like he did in the hospital when I said my final silent goodbye.
What threw me off was the sharp look in his eyes while he stared. He was looking at me like an opponent would in a fight; a translucent hatred. It was barely there but I saw it and that terrified me.
'Mom, can I borrow your phone for a bit?"
She looked puzzled but fished out her phone and handed it over to me. I dialed Preston's number and called him while tapping my feet impatiently as the line connects before a raspy male voice answered from the other end.
'He was here," I said without further greetings or explanations, I could hear some rustling before a sharp ‘what' was emitted from the other end.
'He was here, in my graduation ceremony. He was in his hoodie," I said slowly as if I was explaining a very complicated mathematics formula to a child.
'Are you sure you didn't mistake someone else as him?" An incoherent frustrated sound came out from the back of my throat.
'I'm positive. Is he home?" I asked, trying to confirm my suspicions.
'No, he said he was going to the supermarket," I could imagine Preston's deep frown before hearing him curse.
'He was gone a few hours ago, wasn't he?" I questioned, dread etched into my tone.
I heard more rustling and more curses being spat.
'Did you find out who he was with or where he went when he decided to run away from home?" I questioned, trying not to rub my face and smudge the makeup.
'No, I haven't figured that out yet but I will." Though he sounded worn out, you could still hear the tinge of the determination behind his words.
In the background, I heard faint sounds of children screaming in joy and I felt my spirits being lifted up a little.
'Are those the kids?" I asked excitedly and my parents looked at me with small smiles while Preston chuckled deeply, calling Pio and Cali into his room.
I could hear the phone being handed over and right after that, two voices yelled my name into the phone. I giggled lightly.
'Hey, kiddos." They instantly bombarded me with all kinds of questions and I told them that I just finished my graduation ceremony.
'Case, when are you going to visit again?" Pio's question got me smiling.
'Hand the phone back to your brother and I'll be there as soon as I can, little dude," I told him and heard the kids squeal before Preston's chuckle filled the line.
'My brother told me that he'll be spending the night at a friend's house so it's safe for you to stop by this evening and have dinner with us."
I smiled, 'Perfect, I'll be there at 5."
We said our goodbyes and I ended the call, giving the phone back to my mom who quirked an eyebrow.
'I'm going for my monthly visit this evening after I send you off to the airport," I explained to her and she smiled while my dad just hugged me while walking us to the door.
'Let's get you home then," he declared. I was happy but the smile on my face couldn't have been harder to keep on with the face of a certain man filling my thoughts.
Whatever is going on, it can't be good.