Chapter 02
"Martin, come on, you have to help me out here. Mom fired me yesterday and I can't possibly waste my natural talent on being a secretary," I complained to him, praying he agreed to help me, although I doubt he wouldn't.
Martin and I have been best friends for the last fourteen years. A few people actually thought he'd jilt me like every other friend I've ever had but nope, he proved them wrong and stuck to my side.
No matter what he was always there for me and we got so close, I ended up developing feelings for him but it turns out he's actually gay but I still love him though, just not as a lover.
"I'm gonna try my best Ella, but I'm pretty sure with your talent, you're gonna get a job but what I don't understand is why in the world your mother would fire you only to give your job to that dumb sister of yours. I thought she was a business woman." he says, sounding as surprised as I was.
"I don't care anymore Martin. I'm sick and tired of Mom and Elle pushing me around like I'm such an idiot. I worked so hard for Elite fashion and what do I get in return? Nothing, absolutely nothing." I sigh, feeling angry with myself for hoping that one day my mom would pick me over Elle.
"Look Ella, I don't want to tell you I told you so but I told you so, you are talented and beautiful but you kept submitting yourself to your psycho sister and your stupid mother who doesn't give a darn about you."
"When you called me over, I felt happy that you finally decided to take a hold of your life and give them a run for their money." He laughed so loudly and I had to agree with him, my life would have been so much better if I didn't dedicate it to winning my mother's affection.
"So tell me, what are the options?" I changed the topic quickly, to avoid thinking too much about a mother who doesn't appreciate me.
"Well, I have a ton of options but I only choose two, I'd prefer you work with my company, Soul fashion or you try Annie's touch, but if I were to choose, it would probably be for Annie's since it's senior to Elite fashion," He explains.
"So should I send my résumé?" I chirped happily.
"Actually, there is no need, I already sent it for you and I have a friend there who could also help me pull some strings to get you employed much sooner," he tells me and in excitement, I hug him very tightly placing a sloppy kiss on both his cheeks. He really is the best.
After Martin's good news, my formerly dull spirit had come to life but there was no way in hell, I'd tell this mom or Elle this or else I can kiss my new opportunity goodbye.
Sometimes I even think I'm adopted. Maybe mom just found me on the street because the hatred she has for me can't be explained logically.
"If it isn't the black sheep of the family." Elle's annoying voice sang carelessly and all I felt like doing to her at this moment was to just kill her, but you can't blame me for feeling that way.
The bitch stole my job and my dream, even after trying to leave me penniless, and I meant that literally. Herself and mom had told me dad left nothing for me but that couldn't have happened because dad loved me and he didn't treat me like second best. If dad didn't love me, I might actually be as penniless as they think I am.
"Look who's talking, holy Mary," I drawled sarcastically, feeling very irritated with my sister.
"You know what Ella, I have never actually met a bigger fool than yourself. You always end up getting pushed around like the rag doll that you are. I mean look at you, you lost your job, your dignity and self esteem and may I add that you look even more miserable than usual," she hisses and I roll my eyes.
"Say whatever you want Elle, you already took everything from me, so what more do you want?" I snap angrily holding back the urge to slap her.
"Don't act pathetic Ella, it doesn't suit you. I'm only here to rub in your face that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be better than me and you'll always be beneath me. Don't you realize that both our parents had always preferred me?" she asks rhetorically and I mentally roll my eyes.
"I'm the star child Ella, the one everybody loves and you my dear, are nothing but a wanna be me and may I add that you are that child who should have never even been born. A good for nothing mistake," she replies back sharply, repeating the same old nonsense.
"Are you done Elle cause if you are, I'm leaving. I have way better things to do," I hiss at her and with that, I walk off angrily, feeling more enraged than usual but not because she was harsh, but because she was right.
The father I thought actually loved me left me alone in the hands of my mother and sister who loathe me.
For Elle, she has always had it all without working hard for it, all she needed to do was tell her mother and she would get it even if it was at my own expense. I thought I'd never give up on trying to win my mother's favor but this time, I give up, I refuse to let my emotions get the best of me.
A week later.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT THE JOB! I'M SO HAPPY MARTIN!" I squeal so loudly, I believe I may have damaged poor Martin's eardrums but can you blame me? He's just too amazing for his own good.
"It's okay Ella, but you do know you have to start from scratch right?" He asks and I'm wondering if he thinks he's talking to a toddler.
"Martin, when are you gonna understand that I'm a grown woman now and I understand how things work? I'm no longer that kid that you have to babysit." I remind him in a mock annoyed tone.
"Anyways putting that aside, do you have any idea what I'm gonna be doing?" I ask.
"Well it seems you'll be joining the designers. I told them of your last collection and after checking it out, he agreed to let you join them," he replied and a feeling of excitement overwhelmed me.
"Doesn't the director approve of the designers first and I thought the director is a she?" I voice out confusedly, recalling that the director of AT had been a woman.
"Well it turns out that she in this case is the chairwoman and the director is her son. I heard he took over recently." he explains, clearing my confusion.
"So, when am I officially starting because I can't wait!" I said, feeling slightly anxious but at the same time excited.
"You start tomorrow actually and you owe me a drink for being the greatest friend of all time. I make it look easy but it really wasn't easy so you need to work hard. So don't let me down Gaby and best of luck to you," he answered back, getting ready to hang up.
"Firstly Martin, don't call me Gaby cause you know I hate that name and secondly, I know I've said it a thousand times but I really love you boo. You are the best and if you weren't gay, I'd definitely fuck the hell out of you." I tell him jokingly and I hear him laugh out loud before hanging up.
Walking into the building, I got goosebumps immediately. Not only was it a new beginning but it was a new life for me and I really hope I make it far here.
Getting to the receptionist, she directs me to the fifth floor where I'd find my new teammates and I really hope they are friendly because I'm terrible at making new friends and that's why Martin is my only actual friend.
I walk out of the elevator and I start to imagine how things would be like working here, getting lost in my thoughts I bump into someone and I temporarily freeze.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for bumping into you. I should have paid attention, I'm so sorry," I apologize over and over and when I look up to see the victim of my clumsiness, I end up staring at one of the hottest guys I have ever met in my entire life.
"It's okay miss, I should have paid attention too so it's not a problem," he replies politely and offers a warm smile.
I also get distracted by his smile before realizing that I'm actually supposed to be at my table at this moment and I can't afford to be late on my first day.
"Sorry to bother you but can I ask a favor?" I ask politely.
"Sure thing miss, what can I do for you?" he asked.
"So, I'm new here and I need to get to the designers personal office but I don't have any idea where that is, can you direct me?" I ask hoping that at the very least, he knew his way around here.
"Yes, of course, it's just to the first door on the right. It's actually not far from here," he replies quickly, getting ready to walk away but he stops again.
"I'm sorry but what's your name?" he asks and I answer immediately not bothering to ask him for his.
"I'm Gabriella Johansson and I have to go. Thank you and please excuse me!" I blurt out before running off to avoid being late.
I step into my new work space with my heart in my mouth. I had thousands of questions taunting me at the same time and I just couldn't shake them off.
What if they don't like me? What if they end up being bullies? What if they don't want me here or even worse, what if I get fired on the first day for not being good enough? All these thoughts pop in my head randomly but I mentally pat myself on the back and assure myself that everything will turn out just fine.
"Hey, sorry for disturbing but I'm Gabriella, the new designer and I was directed to come here." I speak out and to be honest, I wasn't feeling comfortable at all. The stares and the confused expressions on their faces didn't sit well with me at all.
"Oh hello Gabriella, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jack and I'm the head designer around here and I've actually heard of you. You are welcome to AT," a tall handsome stud probably in his mid thirties and most likely British, greets and offers his hand towards me for a handshake and I take it as politely as I could.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Jack." I reply with a small smile plastered on my face.
"Just call me Jack dear. I'm not that old," he says with a calm smile before turning to face the already curious crowd.
"So ehm, everyone, this is Gabriella Johansson and she'll be working with us from today. Now, don't be rude or impolite towards her and you better drop the silly jokes this time." He orders in an authoritative tone, which scares me a little bit.
"Miss Johansson, your table is right over there," he turns back to me pointing towards the table that was towards the window.
Walking happily to my table, I arranged myself and my essentials as quickly as I could and immediately took a seat only to fall hard on my butt. Something I wasn't expecting to happen to me.
I check to see what could have gone wrong and to my surprise, it seems someone had loosened the screws of my chair and now everyone is laughing at me and when I turn to look at Jack, he only offers an apologetic smile meaning I'm alone in whatever this is.
This is gonna be much harder than I even imagined.