Chapter 5 ~ A morning bath together
Gulaab POV
I stepped inside the Hammam and the sight amazed me a lot. It was so huge and the first thing was the stairs in front. I stepped down from them and then realized suddenly that my anklets were creating sound. I quickly shut the door behind me.
I stepped down from the stairs and kneeled down to remove my anklets. I didn't know where to keep them as I couldn't wear them here. I quickly hide them behind the round pillar that was on the left side of me.
I looked raking my eyes from here and then I realized that I was standing in a small gallery. There was a wall on both of my sides and I took a few steps forward. All I could see in front were huge stairs. I walked towards them and I took steps to climb the stairs slowly. I was alone and it was horrifying me inside. The Hammam was properly brightened and I could see that its sunlight but I wondered from where that sunlight was coming from.
I climbed the stairs and I almost lost a few of my breath with the sight when I took the step on the last stair and stood tall.
It was not a tub, nor a pool but a huge lake-type thing. The end of the pool was really far and there were water and water only. There was sunlight falling on the water as the roof was open and it was only covered with the net of iron, I guessed.
It was huge and I was literally awestruck at my sight. I lowered my gaze to my feet and noticed that there were stairs to stepped inside the water. I took a step forward and then one again. My feet dipped in water and I felt it slightly warm. The water was calm and I took a few more steps inside.
My idea was to reach a huge table like the thing that was in the middle of the huge pool. It has an open chessboard settled above it as if someone left the game in between. I wanted to hide behind it before the sultan enters. I wanted to hear his conversation as he had the habit of talking about his plans in Hammam.
I walked inside the water till the last stair. The water was clean and I could see the cream-colored floor below the water. The water reached up to my chin when I get inside completely. I felt my heartbeats and breathes racing as he might kill me for what I was doing.
I walked slowly trying to calm my breath inside the water to reach that table. There wasn't anything other than that where I could hide.
My movement inside the water made it move slightly and I doubted if he senses that someone enters his Hammam. I horrified thinking of it and prayed as the water get calm again.
I reached the table and hide behind it. The table-type structure was made of stone and it seemed like a good wall to hide behind. I slowly stood behind it as it was taller than me.
I tried to calm my breath now and just waited for the sultan there silently. The water was deep here and I could feel that it was getting above my nose sometimes. I try to stand on my toes to breathe properly. I waited and kept waiting.
At some time my feet started hurting and I placed them low back. I hold on my breath for my breath until I was able to stand on my feet again.
Suddenly, I heard the door opening and to be honest. I shivered and get horrified to the core. I tried to hold my breath and tightened my fist on my dupatta. I heard a few steps and I could feel he wasn't alone.
"We have to do something soon sultan." I heard an old person's voice and realized he wasn't alone.
"Hmmm... we will soon. But, firstly I want to focus on the hind." I heard his voice that shivered me to the core and then I heard the splash of water as if he dived inside. It made an immense movement in the water and the waves started reaching my eyes now.
I tried not to black out this moment and tried to keep my breath steady.
Breath...breathe... Gulaab Breathe..."
I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down.
"Jii Sultan... I think we should deal with it indirectly because preparing for war will create chaos and it also can give them time to prepare for it too." I heard that other voice again.
"Hmm... That's correct." He said and then there was complete silence in the Hammam for some moments.
"Seems like someone can't stay without me,"
His words sent immense thrill inside my body and I felt scared to my core. My closed was closed and from inside I felt as if he was standing just in front of me. I opened my slowly and shivered almost.
He was standing in front of me and kept his one hand against the wall of the table beside my face.
He looked over my face and it was possible for him as was taller than me. He was looking above me to the man who came with him.
"Ask Vishakha to get ready for our next move." He said looking at me and I could feel that I was getting out of breath and numb as I couldn't stand on my feet anymore.
"Jii Sultan" I heard the man saying.
"Now you may go and shut the door close behind you," He said in his thick voice and diverted his gaze back at me.
I heard the sound of the door shutting close and it shook me to the core.
I instantly lowered my gaze as his fingers feathered my cheek and he said.
"Begum can't stay without me... Right"
I didn't know why I felt his heavy voice so thrilling and it somehow attracted me in the wrong way. I lifted my gaze to his face as he came closer and I felt his feet touching mine inside the water.
He smiled as he realized I was standing on my feet. He was truly a beast as he pushed my feet down with his and I stood back on the ankle.
The water went above my nose and I felt struggling for breath. I instantly placed my hand on his chest trying to force him away but I couldn't. I tried to move but his feet were above mine.
Tears rolled through my eyes as I felt like getting killed. I try to bring my nose out of the water as my body wanted to take at least one breath.
When I was surviving for even one breath, I saw him smiling a little looking at me. And then, I felt him moving his feet away from mine. I try to stand again on my feet and took a deep breath the much my chest could take. I coughed and shivered badly. He came more closer and then I could see something more in his devil eyes.
He snaked my waist inside the water and I tried to push him away with all my force. My dupatta slipped through my head and shoulder all the while and somehow I felt exposed. He lowered his gaze for a moment and then looked back again as if he was filled with rage and it was my last day on earth.
He pulled me closer and hooked both of my hands behind me, holding them tightly.
Please, someone, save me from him...
Tears rolled down my eyes as I wasn't liking his behavior at all.
He was tightly holding both of my wrists behind with one hand and his other hand cupped my neck dangerously. I tried to breathe, I tried to calm down but couldn't.
And then suddenly, he took me inside the water along with him. My heart denied pumping instantly and I swallowed the water wrongly. I try to throw my legs and get rid of his hold but couldn't.
Oh my god!
I scared, I scared to death. He was an evil beast and this action of his certified it now. I try to get over, out of water. I try to hold my breath, I try everything but I couldn't. I was feeling I was about to pass out. I could feel my warm tears even inside the water.
Please, someone, save me.
I felt terrified, scared, and whatnot.
And then suddenly he pulled me up out of water. I struggled to breathe as I felt out of breath. He pushed me against the wall of the table holding my waist and kept me a little up out of water. I could hear the wild intake of my breath in the pin-drop silence along with the noise of the water.
I looked at his eyes which were darted over me. I felt angry, Never in my life, anyone treated me like this.
"What were you doing here?" He asked with straight emotion.
I shook my head while coughing hard telling 'Nothing'.
"If you weren't doing anything then there must be some physical need... which brought you to take a bath with me"
The moment those few words uttered from his mouth, I slapped his right cheek but it felt that it was so light because I became fragile with the water.
But, it made him angrier and I was still not done.
I pushed him away with all my force and try to get out of there as soon as possible.
He made me very angry. I try to walk back towards the stairs but suddenly, I felt him pulling me back.
"Leave me" I roared in anger but he was angry as well.
He again turned both of my hands behind and held them tightly. I cried almost.
"Leave me..." I said, almost begging in pain.
"Never, even in your dream try to keep an eye on me. If I ever see you overhearing my conversation again. I will kill you" His eyes were bloodshot angry and I could see that that slap pissed him really off.
I chuckled all of sudden.
"I am not scared of you. Neither there nor here. And, I don't die that easily. You can try" All my words just came out because of anger as he misbehaved with me really much.
He left jerking my hand and muttered.
"Get the hell out of here." His words didn't really affect me much and somehow it challenged me more. How could he shout like that at me?
"No," I said stubbornly and stood there.
He came closer and his hand aggressively caged my neck trying to press hard.
A tear rolled down my eyes as I couldn't breathe. First, he dared to think of killing my brother and then trying to rule over me. I definitely didn't like him.
"Is that how you behave with your newlywed wife?" I said in anger.
He loosened his grip on my neck and then suddenly pushed me against the stiff table.
"Ouch" I cried as the hard surface hit my back.
He came closer and snaked my waist with one of his hands and with the other caged my neck again.
He pulled me up suddenly and I felt My head reached his height. My chest came out of the water and I scared to death now.
"You want to get treated as a newlywed wife... Hnn" He said coming closer and pressing his lips against my neck.
I horrified, scared to death, and cried.
"Leave me... Plea-"