Chapter 4: Worth it
As I awoke unexpectedly in the middle of the night on this full moon evening, I saw a flash of blue in my eyes. As my body had been used to waking up at certain times, I sensed that the time had been slightly shifted towards the morning as I blinked my eyes again. As I considered my surroundings, my eyes enlarged as if they were looking at me from nowhere. I was trying to figure out whether I was dreaming or if time had just jumped ahead in a way that I was not aware of. I was having trouble deciding.
When I glanced around, I saw a wall sculpture and antiques that I had never seen before. The room is far larger than mine, and the surrounding area has considerably more costly and unique furniture that was most likely placed in this location not long ago, if not immediately. The bed was twice as large as mine, and the soft covers were as fragrant as the flowers in the meadow! I couldn't believe how comfortable it was!
I took the tip of it in my hand and moved it closer to my nostrils. I closed my eyes, my heart racing with the need to inhale the aroma for as long as I possibly could. While getting out of bed with the blanket still in my possession, I thought to myself: "This is really refreshing." The instant I set foot on this brown carpet, I was struck with a sharp pain in the side of my head. The existence of a little werewolf was one of the random occurrences that came into my head, but as I attempted to figure out what it had to do with me, my mind abruptly shrank away from the task at hand.
"Huh?" I worried, shaking my head and smirking as I added, "I wasn't expecting that." While standing up, I shrugged my shoulders a little. However, as soon as I saw Ryan's leg poking over the edge of the sofa, which was facing away from the bed, I unintentionally dropped the blanket. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had been sleeping in his room and that my body was giving me goose bumps.
Most likely, yes?! There is no question that he was the owner of this room!
Because I was scared, I accidently knocked my right hand against the side table of his bed, which happened to have a vase on it. In addition to the vase falling to the ground as a result of the bumps it received from both the table and my knee. The vase shattered like a pair of broken glasses, emitting a harsh, annoying sound that could be heard by anybody around, including myself. As I took a few steps back, my spine straightened.
As I stood there watching this antique vase break, I covered my mouth with my hand. Oh my gosh! I'm in shock! It's possible that I've damaged or destroyed one of the most holy objects in this castle!
"Do you need anything?" Just as quickly as it had begun, the voice from which I want to be free had begun speaking again. Then, when I gently turned my head to look at him, I saw that guy was standing a few feet away, wearing a sloppy, disorganized ensemble. It wasn't until he moved his gaze to me that he realized what was happening.
I was perplexed and looked down in embarrassment as soon as I realized what had happened. I pressed my lips together as I covered my face with my hair, pressing my fingers in between each strand of hair. With those tiny footsteps in barefoot from him, I was suddenly aware of his presence walking closer to my location. The moment he got a little farther away from me, he started talking again. I was surprised. I can't stop myself from daydreaming about what he would do to punish me!
Is he going to hit me?
Are there any chances he'll send me back into the wilderness where I'll be eaten by unknown wild animals?
Will he assassinate me?
It was a monotonous voice saying, "You aren't answering my inquiry." After what I did, it was difficult for me to look at him in the eyes again, but I knew that I had no option but to stare at him since it would be much more embarrassing to simply run away!
"W-What?" I inquired, my brows wrinkled in confusion.
He breathed in deep air before he answered, "Do you need anything? Are you hungry or you know... Feeling something bad within you?"
My mouth was slightly wide as I blinked my eyes many times and my jaw hung out a bit.
What I can't figure out is whether or not he was joking with me at all or not. I could see the fear in his eyes as he stared at me with his gaze fixated on mine, as if he were expecting me to give him an answer right then and then. In quiet, I coughed and swallowed my own spit as I straightened my back and tidied up the garments that I was wearing. I can't face the thought of seeing him in the eyes for some reason that I don't comprehend! Whatever the case, one thing is for certain: this scenario is driving me insane!
"N-nothing... I think," I chuckled, raising my shoulders as I forced a forced, uncomfortable grin on my face.
Ryan, instead of just standing by and watching me go through my crazy day, he unexpectedly went closer to me and finally caressed the back of my forehead with the back of his hand. Because I was not aware of it at the time, I was forced to retreat in fear. He seemed to be a little taken aback by my response, but he carried on nonetheless. Instructed me, "Don't move." All I did was stare down at my feet and like he wasn't there.
In the process of running his hand over my face and down to my neck, Ryan applied pressure to it with all of his fingers, as if he was suspicious that I was suffering from a high temperature.
"Can you tell me what you're doing?" I inquired of him via the whispers of my conscious thoughts, assuring myself that I would not seem too cringe-worthy in the process.
Ryan took a little break from touching my face, but he ultimately returned to it and kept holding onto my hair as he gently tapped my head thereafter. My shoulders shrugged and my neck squeezed to it as I tried to alleviate the uneasiness and fidgetiness I was experiencing. When he observed that I had taken a step back away from him, he grabbed my elbows and drew me closer to him with his hands. His other hand was resting on his hip pocket, and I can just make out that the first two buttons on his t-shirt were undone. I had unintentionally cast a glimpse into it and had to quickly divert my gaze away.
I can feel my breathing become shallow as he just gazed into my eyes, which were blazing blue inside. "You're not fine," he said in hushed tones after gazing at me for an inordinate amount of time. I felt more like I was talking to a concerned friend or family member rather than a total stranger about his feelings for me.
As I questioned his observation, the creases in my brows deepened. "What? I am absolutely alright," I said in response to him. With a shake of my head, I yanked his hand away from my elbow.
I straightened myself and wiped the folded portion of my skirt clean. Oh, well, I nearly didn't notice that I was wearing one until I realized what it was. "I have no recollection of what occurred before I arrived here. And, more importantly, why am I here?" I questioned him when he was in the process of mending something. "You fainted in the midst of the forest," he replied, and I felt him coming closer to my front as he spoke. Following his reaction, I was able to straighten my back. "Oh..." I whispered, raising one of my brows while saying it. That full moon triggered a recollection of what had occurred to me before.
Katelyn, who had abandoned me in the midst of the woods, came to mind at that moment. "I was with Katelyn last night," I told him as I scanned the room with my eyes, attempting to recall all that had happened.
I pursed my lips together, certain that Katelyn was attempting to irritate me by doing something like this. Although it was our first meeting, knowing that it was our first meeting provided me a threshold to state that she did not purposely leave me out in the cold. "Did she come with you?" Ryan inquired, seemingly out of nowhere. As he waited for my response, his eyes were wide with curiosity in my direction.
For some reason, I'm unsure whether or not I should smack him in the face since I asked him a question that had a clear answer to it. As I proceeded, I scratched the side of my eyes and said with a nod of my head, "Well," my shoulders rising as I continued, "Y-Yeah... But, I believe she was also lost in the woods while returning to me."
Ryan's expression became solemn as he nodded slowly. I faked a grin on my naked face as I blew a breath in quiet then blew another breath.
Someone came at the entrance of the room all of a sudden. It was the maid who had previously aided me in such a condescending manner. As long as she was looking at Ryan, her countenance was fine, but when she occurred to see me in the room, her face furrowed with resentment. This elderly lady seemed to be dealing with a great deal of difficulties.
The moment she turned around and gave me that expression, I just turned away. Ryan turned to face her, and she was able to direct her focus back to her. "What led you here?" Ryan inquired in a firm and authoritative tone.
When the elderly maid woman came to the door, she bent halfway and placed her hands on her tummy before stating, "Miss Katelyn Vicky of the upper class family has come, and she is waiting for you in the living room."
"Why she's here? I didn't summon her," Ryan said immediately, and I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was a little upset.
His response elicited a slow shake of the maid's head as she replied, "I have no clue, but I am certain she did not give me any particular reason. She has just informed me that this is a private issue between you and her." Her face was painted with a smug expression.
The maid kept one eye on me as if she were attempting to prove something to me. My inclination is to hit her in the face because of her obnoxious smile, but I refrain since I have a lot of respect for her as the head maid and as a senior citizen. I just walked away from the bed and sat on top of the bed linens.
Ryan's brows were furrowed. He also moved with me and remained by my side throughout the process. I gazed at him with a pinched brow, wondering what in the world he was doing following me. Instructing the maid, he said, "Please tell Katelyn that I will be there in a minute". After that, the elderly gentleman bowed his head before departing.
After seeing that the maid had departed, I took a deep breath. Finally! It wasn't until Ryan got in my way that I realized I couldn't get up. I raised my eyes to his, my mind reeling from his quick gesture. While I was gazing at him for an excessive amount of time, I observed that he was still fatigued, and even drowsy. By mistake, I made the remark, "You look exhausted." I instantly put my hand over my mouth, hoping that he would not hear what I was saying!
"I don't think so," he argued, shaking his head. "After seeing you nearly completely recovered, it seems that one night of being awake was well worth it."