Chapter Two-2

“Yes, Aidan. You have to go on one knee,” I stand up, looking down at him as he stays focus, “If you would like to disagree, I wouldn’t want to sign your contract or agree to marry you. Okay, that’s all for now, you’ll have to send me back to the hospital as I have patients to attend,” I say as I make my way out of the cafe, leaving him all by himself calling for the bill after giving him the professional gesture.

As soon as I step out of the cafe, I am greeted with both Flynn and Gerald as they stand beside the car. They turn to look at me before looking at someone behind me, the none other than Aidan.

“Kenna,” He calls out.

I turn to look at him, “What?”

Surprisingly, he takes a few steps closer towards me while I stay still at my spot. My eyes wander to look at his face as he grabs onto my left hand . . . leaving me raising an eyebrow but I stay quiet—waiting for his next move.

Both of his eyes are focusing onto my hand which leaves me pressing my lips into a thin line before he looks up at my face after letting go of my hand.

“Let’s go,” He says as he walks towards the car, opening the door for me while I keep on glancing at him as I step inside with him trailing behind me. Expectedly, he starts to take his phone out before typing something in which I don’t bother to invade.

When we’ve arrived at the hospital, he grabs onto my hand just seconds before I can step out of the car which causes me to look down at his grip, “Don’t forget to email me your list of conditions. Just . . . make them bearable,” He says and I chuckle.

“You’ll see,” I answer.

Just like that, I step out of the car before making my way towards the entrance. My lips curve up to the few doctors that are smiling at me and as soon as the air-conditioners greet me, I am left sighing in relief.

“Kenna!” I turn to see Lucas walking towards me with a smile on his face, “I was about to ask you to grab lunch with me but they told me you left,” He says, revealing his right dimple. Both of his green eyes are looking directly at me which reminds me of … plants?

“I was with a friend,” I reply, “You really need to work on your timing, Lucas.” I continue to speak and he laughs, leaving me smiling at him before turning to look at Willow, seeing that she has both of her eyes glued onto me.

Lucas nods with a smile, “I’ll just have to make sure that I don’t have surgeries to perform before asking to grab lunch with you,” He replies.

Well, you see . . . Lucas here is a surgeon. He’s a specialist in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department which means he deals with giving birth and pregnant women. Yet, he seems to be smiling a lot—other than getting the pressure from hormonal women.

He also appears to be a highly-requested doctor in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department due to his good-looks . . . patients said they were able to bear with less pain when having him as their doctor.

Like I said, hormonal pregnant women.

Just before I can answer, someone calls out for me which causes me to turn around—seeing that he has a panic-look on his face. I turn towards Lucas, “Sorry, Lucas. Duty calls,” I say and he nods, gesturing for me to make my way as I quickly walk to the nurse.

“Albert has nightmares again . . . it’s getting severe,” He says as we walk towards the stairs, after glancing at the elevator—seeing the amount of people there. My eyebrows furrow at the thought of Albert, he has been having trouble breathing for the past couple of weeks yet he’s such a tough cookie.

A stubborn one, I tell you.

“Why didn’t you call the other doctors?” I ask as we both push onto the hospital doors, reaching towards the third floor. The hall is busy with the amount of nurses walking in a hurry with files in their hands while others are dealing with patients.

“He didn’t want them,” He replies.

As soon as I enter Albert’s room, I am greeted with two other doctors trying to calm him down as he keeps on shouting for my presence while his heartbeat is raising. The two interns turn to look at me, gesturing for me to make my way towards them.

“Albert . . . it’s me,” I say and he starts to calm down a little before turning to look at me, “You need to calm down,” I add when I realise that his heartbeat is not slowing down.

“What happened?” I ask one of the interns, seeing that they’re breathing heavily from trying to contain Albert. He has been in the hospital for the past couple of months but due to his age, it seems impossible from him to not have any sickness.

“He was having nightmares and he started screaming so we helped him but he has been shouting for you. We were trying to give him a sedative,” He replies and I quickly take it from him before turning to look at Albert again.

“Albert, I need you to calm down. Just look at me and breathe,” I continue to say but he has both of his eyes focusing onto the other doctors—leaving me turn to look at them. My hand grips harder onto the sedative, “It won’t hurt . . . it’ll calm you down,” I add.

“They were hurting me!” He says.

“It’s okay . . . it’s going to be fine,” I slowly inject the sedative into his veins, causing him to lose grip on the sheets as his body begins to relax. My eyes focus onto the beeping machine, seeing that his heartbeat is also slowing down to a normal rate.

Then, he closes his eyes as he drifts into a deep slumber. The nurses come inside to help him by checking his heart rate again, seeing that they’re normal. Both of my eyes wander to the two interns, “You must be new. He’s not fond of other people,” I say.

“We were just trying to help,”

“He hates that. It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I nod my head and they both turn to leave the room, leaving me looking down at Albert—seeing that he’s deep in his sleep. His nightmares are getting severe than before and it has not helped him with the death of his wife, either.

Albert was supposed to be under Doctor John but apparently, he wasn’t very fond of John. When John was absent that day, I was the one who calmed him down—apparently, he was kind of fond of me . . . since then, they transferred his name as one my patients. He has been suffering with high-blood pressure yet he can’t seem to control his temper.

“If he keeps this up, there’s a higher chance he’ll get a stroke.” I mutter under my breath to the nurse beside me as he nods his head, agreeing. As I look down at my wrist watch, I quickly make my way out of the room and down the hall.

Hours have passed as I take off my coat before looking down at the time, seeing that it’s getting late but I had to wait for Albert to wake up or he’ll react the same. As I make my way towards my car which is parked in the basement, I turn to see Lucas.

“Kenna, you’re still here?” He asks, stopping his steps. Both of his eyebrows are furrowed as he eyes my outfit—seeing that I’ve changed into a shirt and pair of skinny jeans. ”It’s getting late … I thought you didn’t have night shifts this week?” He continues.

“I’m heading home and uh, I had to wait for Albert. What are you doing back at the hospital?” I ask, realising that he had left a few hours ago.

“Albert . . . right. He doesn’t like other doctors,” He replies and I chuckle, “My patient gave me a call saying that she was on her way to the hospital. The baby is due a little bit early,” He answers, leaving me nod my head before unlocking my car.

“I’m sure it’ll all go well,” I say.

Lucas smiles as he reveals his dimple, “You should go home. Sorry for taking your time because you look tired and I should’ve noticed. Drive safe,” He says and I smile before stepping inside my car before locking the doors again.

Without further ado, I quickly drive out of the basement and head straight home. My mind has been thinking of laying in bed while surrounded with pillows which causes me to press harder onto the gas pedal—unable to deal with the temptation of sleeping.

As soon as I’ve arrived home, I immediately push my heels aside before running towards my bedroom. Just as I lay onto my bed, I am left staring at my laptop which causes me to sit up straight before putting it in front of me.

The conditions.

With a deep breath, I begin to write.

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