Shopping With Mr. Landon
Shopping with Blake is not what I was expecting. I thought he'd take me to the mall and let me run wild. But no, he seriously surprised me. His idea of shopping is taking me to choose elegant and beautiful fabrics and getting tailored. We sat in an elegant room, with Scott, his tailor, and after countless books and getting sized, he had me booked for ten dresses, he wanted them done a.s.a.p. because as he said, I am to go with him on a business trip in a month from now. Is he seriously giving this old werewolf ten dresses to make me in just four weeks? It's insane... seriously, completely insane and irrational.
He is seriously very demanding in everything he does. He is very particular about his taste and ordered Scott to be precise in what he and I had asked for.
He is very protective of our pack and has managed to expand our land in such a short time. He has really surprised me with all he's accomplished here. Our pack now has their own schools, we have our own hospitals, emergency personnel in first responders, our own mall, cinema, and much more. Needles to say, we do not need to leave our pack's premises.
I was not expecting him to be like this. While we were growing up, I always thought he was going to be one of those stupid bachelor boys who slept with every skirt that came before him, why? Because regardless of how arrogant I thought he'd become, he was still hot as hell. But even our women in our pack are very much respectful towards him. I have not had any girl hit on him in my presence. I mean, it's more than obvious they drool over him, hell, I drool over him too, but.... they somehow have this strong respect for him. I really admire him for that.
After we were done speaking with Scott, we got back into his SUV. his driver Chester, who is also one of the warriors, took us directly to the mall so I can do as I wanted, piss him off by running around like a little girl shopping. I wonder if he gets mad if I spend over a thousand? Guess we'll find out...
We arrived at the mall, and immediately I got out without waiting for him to get out. The mall had everything. Wow, not bad Mr.Landon.... not bad! I made my way into papayas, shopped there, then I went to forever twenty-one and shopped there, went to Lane Bryant's, Windsor's, and ten other nice-looking stores. The more annoyed he got, the more I shopped. Then I thought, he's being a good sport, he deserves something nice... so I went to Victoria's secret and tried on a few nice pieces for him to pick for me. I modeled the pieces before his eyes, let him touch a bit, and gave him a few teases here and there. He maintained composed for the most part, which was good... didn't want to end up doing it here in the dressing room for our pack to hear.
It was fun to see him trying to act composed. I got a lot of cute bras he liked, thongs, and laced underwear he picked out himself. And my favorite, a beautiful nightgown in silk fabric to wear tonight. For a girl who hated all this crap, I was beginning to like wearing them. Especially if it was to wear for him. It's just something about the mate bond that makes you just want to please your man all the time. Fuck Selene, you are way head over heels for this man.
We went around, walking from one place to the other. He'd sit and wait for me to decide. He was really trying to keep patience. I'd take ten shirts in at a time to the fitting room to try on, showing him a piece at a time. Put all the pieces back in their rightful spot, bring back ten more pieces, and tried them on. I can sense the irritation in his being.
I wanted to burst out laughing the whole time but, I kept composed. When it was time we usually have lunch together he took me to a nice bistro inside the territory, about a five-minute walk from the mall. We headed out, I ordered a shit load of food telling him I could not decide and wanted to try it all. I got us a nice bottle of rose, that cost him two hundred and fifty, and drank a glass from it. It was pretty decent. Sweet and savory. I had our waitress pack everything to go and told Mrs.Tally to place them in the fridge or give it away since nothing was touched by my hands.
After all the shopping we did and all the food I made him buy, I was really exhausted. I headed into our room, collapse on the bed, and passed out. Goddess that was fun.
I stood by my desk, pinching my nose, and had my eyes glued shut. I grabbed the glass bottle of bourbon and poured myself a drink to calm myself down. How in the actual fuck can a girl spend more than ten fucking thousand dollars in clothes, makeup, and shoes? She's unbelievable. The only thing in here I didn't mind one bit for her to actually buy was the lingerie. Other than that... I feel like burning it all already. She bought a whole fucking wardrobe full of clothes.
I thought she had enough with the dresses Scott was making her, which it's beside the ten grand I spent at the mall. But then she had to pull her shit with her puppy eyes saying she wanted to go to the damn mall. I wanted to strangle myself from the second we arrived. Besides having to wait for her to go into almost every damn store she saw, I had to constantly get interrupted by one of our pack members. Maybe building that damn mall was not such a good idea after all. Then to have our table completely covered in food, I couldn't even savor my food peacefully, she just kept talking nonsense the whole fucking time. She knows I like to eat quietly.... why the hell is this happening? I thought I was gonna pull my head off.
I desperately grabbed the whole bottle of wine she ordered and downed the whole damn thing myself. Fuck, I'm glad it's done and over.
Knock knock
"Come in" I answered.
"Alpha, dinner is almost ready. I checked on Luna, but I'm afraid she has fallen asleep. Do I wake her for you sir, so she can freshen up and get ready?" She asks in a calm motherly voice.
I made her a promise, and I was bound to keep it. I have to start treating her better.
"No Mrs.Tally, that's not necessary. Plate our food on a tray, we'll have dinner inside our room tonight. Call me when you have the tray ready. I will take it up myself. I'll be here working till then. After you're done, you can all turn in for the night." I inform her.
She turns on her heel, nodding in agreement.
"Yes Alpha, as you wish."
I worked in my office for a while. I had to make sure I left my pack completely protected and unharmed for the days I was leaving with my wife in a few weeks.
I went over the map of our perimeters, encircling where I wanted guards, runners, trackers, and warriors. I then went over the schedule, revising when and where they each would be. I was blessed to have so many loyal pack members I could count on. A lot of our women gave newborn pups, I needed to make sure they were being protected the most. Just the thought of me having my own pup sends me to protective mode....just to think of those pups getting hurt makes me so fucking pissed. If anyone dares touch a hair on any of my packs, I will rip their head off personally.
It was taking me a while to finish, I paused when I heard the link Mrs.Tally send me, informing me our food was plated. I make my way out as calm as possible. I have been on edge lately, and all the veins in my arms, neck, and face are visible. I don't mean to look scary, but all the younger pups always seem to scare away from me every time this happens. A lot is happening lately, things I need answers to.
I make my way, trying to compose myself so my veins can diminish in size. I grab my tray with one hand, holding the wine and glasses on the other, and make my way upstairs. I place the wine and glasses down by a table with some stupid decorations Selene placed by our door, while I get the door open and make my way in. I slowly lean down and set the tray down by my side of the bed.
My beautiful wife was still fast asleep. I go back out, get the glasses and wine and enter my room again, closing the door behind me.
The bit of light peeking in, kissing the side of my wife's body reminds me of that night I found I was her mate. The moonlight caressed her beautiful curves perfectly.
She is making me lose my damn mind.
I grab a quick shower to cool off, when I'm done, I turn off the water, wrap my towel around my waist and walk out of the restroom.
My dear wife is already awake, awaiting with a bright smile. A smile that can melt me inside.
"Blake!" She calls my name, with the sweetest voice I've ever heard.
I make my way, holding onto her as if it was for dear life... I can never get tired of hearing her say my name.