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| 26 | The Truth

Alpha Raven

Sometimes...we expect only love and care from some people...we deem them incapable of hurting us....they are the ones we love after all....but that's our biggest mistake.....expecting from people we should not...and not expecting from the ones we should.

Azraiel left for the medical wing as soon as he received the call. He was so damn worried. Just yesterday, she was fine, laughing even. Then what the hell happened in just a few hours that she wanted to meet him at 5 in the morning. The nurse who called her had to assure him again and again, probably more than 5 times that her life was not in danger, that she was fine; physically.

But she did mention that she has been crying hysterically for more than an hour and absolutely refuses to tell anyone the reason behind her waterworks. The only person she wants to talk to is Azraiel.

Oh, Lord...I just hope she hasn’t changed her decision of staying here!

He quickly made his way to her room and knocked twice before entering.

There she is!

Oh, God!! She looks worse than she did when she described the events encountered by her in the woods.

He cautiously approached her as if walking towards a wounded lion.

“Charlotte?” His voice was just above a whisper.

She turned her head towards him and the sight before him just broke his heart. She looked frightened beyond measure. Her hair sticking in every direction, her eyes wide and red and still brimming with tears. Her whole face has turned red from the crying. But what shatters him the most is the expression on her face. A mix of guilt and fear….but for what?

Azraiel walked towards her and slowly sat on the chair.

“What happened?” He asked quietly, hoping she would tell him the truth this time.

“I...I want to tell you something.” Charlotte spoke finally...her voice quivering and scratchy.

“Well...Go on. I’m listening.” Azraiel has a feeling he is going to hear the truth from his mate for the very first time and he couldn’t help but be happy about it.

“I...Please...I’m sorry Azraiel. I...I was just so scared. Please forgive me for not telling you this earlier.” Fresh tears started spilling from her eyes. He wanted nothing more than to gather her in his arms and tell her that it’s okay. It’s perfectly fine. It will be fine. They will be fine. But he knew that it was far from the truth. If what she has to tell today is in any way dangerous for his pack, then he’d have to draw a line between them until he solves the whole story.

“It’s okay. Now, please stop crying. You’ll make yourself sick like this” He spoke softly, hoping that he could comfort her in some way without losing control.

He watched as she did that thing again. Taking five breaths to calm herself down.

“I...I am really sorry that I lied to you earlier. I was ..I was just so scared….with everything that had already happened...I was focusing only on staying alive and when I came to realize that you were a werewolf too...I just panicked….so I made a story. Not all of it is a lie. I just twisted the beginning a little….But I really really didn’t think that it would pose a threat to your people. I….In the fight to save myself… didn’t occur to me that I might be putting your pack in danger. Trust me...that wasn’t my intention at all. I never wanted to bring any harm to the people who saved my life.” She spoke again...a bit more composed than earlier.

“Okay. What’s the truth then?” Azraiel spoke with as much emotion as he could. He wanted her to trust him and tell the complete truth. If what his intuition has been telling him is right….then they have more enemies than she could possibly think of. They have to act quickly and discreetly.

“I’ll have to explain a brief history of my life till now before I tell you the events from that evening.”

“Go on.”

“My….My mother died while giving birth to me and I don’t know who my father is. All I know is that she came from another country...possibly running away from an abusive relationship. I don’t have any proof but I am pretty much sure that she changed her identity while living in Rysterbia. Since she never had the citizenship of Rysterbia she always avoided using public services in order to stay hidden. She started working for a publishing company which my uncle arranged for her. She even lived with my uncle. They were like brothers and sisters. My uncle told me that she was already pregnant when they first met. The ...the pregnancy had some complications from the start and my mother refused to go to a hospital...since it required documentation of the patient and that would just blow up her cover. So...I was delivered at my uncle's home Mrs. Grisham who at that time was also a nurse at the public hospital. After my mother’s death, my uncle took me in and started taking care of me. We changed a lot of homes so that the government can’t track me. The Grisham’s became my caretaker and extended family. Wherever we went, they came along. He always kept me hidden...away from the public eye. I went to college but his contacts there..arranged a program there keep me hidden.

Before I tell you anything else...I just want you to know that my Uncle never hurt me. He took care of me in the best possible way he knew.” She paused to see Azraiel’s reaction and he just nodded for her to continue.

“Everything was fine until I turned 10. We moved here….near the Rysterbian woods after my 10th birthday. Our house was secluded from the others in our neighborhood. It was also the first time that I was enrolled in a public school with a private program for special children. I was considered ‘special’ because I was quiet and didn’t speak much. They thought there was something wrong with me. After I was enrolled in the program, I started to experience weird things.” Charlotte paused, probably reliving those memories this time.

“Weird things? What did you experience Charlotte?” Azraiel asked, pulling her out of whatever she was thinking. He wanted her here..with him.

“I...I started hearing voices…just one voice actually....At first, I thought it was a hallucination...or a dream. But...then I started hearing it more frequently. The voice was that of a man...or it could be of a woman too...I mean it was distorted….sometimes friendly...but mostly ominous. Whenever I felt any negative encouraged me to do reckless things... there was one time when I was angry at one of my classmates for saying something to me...The voice was encouraging me to push her... maybe kill her...just hurt her in some way. Whenever I felt a positive emotion, it almost scolded me for thinking good things. It drove me hear that bloody voice. I never told anyone about it since I was afraid everyone would call me crazy and not believe it. Hell...if it didn’t happen to me...I would too never believe something like this. Although I never told anyone...I had a feeling that the faculty from the program knew about it. They didn’t say anything to me..but in my gut, I knew that they knew. So...I tried fooling them..When questions related to our mental health were asked..when questions related to hearing or seeing or sensing things were asked..I always lied. After a year….I started seeing...things. Sometimes...I would see someone sitting at my bedside….but when I switched on the lights..there was no one there. Sometimes...I would see a dream...and remember it….and the next day it would come true...Whatever I dreamt last night would come true. It kept on going like this. I knew the students in the program were kept an eye on. They spied on us...tracked our every move. So….I never told anything to anyone and kept on going with my life. all changed after my 18th birthday.”

Azraiel never looked away from her. The pain on her face spoke so much...She has been through hell and now she has to go through another one.

‘What happened after your 18th birthday?” He asked when he sensed her drifting off to painful memories again.

“It stopped. Everything stopped. The voice...the weird dreams….seeing people...things. Everything stopped. Even the people from the program stopped spying on me.” Charlotte sounded surprised...frustrated if she has been trying to figure it out herself.

“ it stopped. Then?”

“I was happy…..surprised and afraid too..but happy. College was good...I was still in the private program but the classes held more people….I felt less isolated. They weren’t tracking me and I was relieved. Everything was going well until someone started visiting my uncle. It was a woman named Sarah. At first, I thought that she was his girlfriend, so I kept out of their business. I wanted him to be happy….He has sacrificed so much for me...I didn’t want to meddle in this. But then I started noticing changes in him. He started shouting...getting angry at the smallest of things...and my Uncle never shouted. Before she came into our lives...I have never watched him so….so angry...bitter. He started treating me and the Grisham’s badly. We all dismissed it as some phase in fear that it’ll make him angrier if we spoke about it. But...but then last month I heard my uncle and Sarah talking.” Charlotte’s face paled at whatever she was thinking about.

Azraiel watched as fresh tears started spilling again.

“What were they talking about, Charlotte?”

She blinked fast to get rid of the tears and turned towards him. The pain and hurt on her face were becoming unbearable for his wolf. After she answered the question, all hell broke loose.

“They were planning to kill me, Azraiel.”

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