Read with BonusRead with Bonus

| 31 | Azraiel visits his mate…

Azraiel leaned back in his chair and sighed loudly. He rolled his shoulders back and tried to relax…but he couldn’t. He has been extremely busy all day…trying to pull strings and gather information about potential threats. He was also trying to dig into the H.O.P.E. mission that was in operation when Charlotte was in school. The voice that she kept hearing definitely has something to do with that bloody program.

He turned his head in time to see the clock strike 6. He cursed under his breath and quickly rushed to his house. He has to visit Charlotte and brief her about her training which is to start from tomorrow. He was already feeling bad since he couldn’t be there with her in the morning…and now he was late. After changing his clothes quickly, he walked out towards her cottage.

As soon as he neared her house, her smell invaded his senses. He paused for a second and breathed in a lungful of her scent before walking to her door. Instead of knocking on the door, he stood there, silently trying to concentrate on her movements.

Azraiel smiled as he heard her heartbeat, a rhythm that he was getting used to…slow and steady…. only to go haywire in his presence. He actually liked it…he liked it a lot. He doesn’t know if it brings him comfort to know that she isn’t unaffected by him or just his male ego...but whatever it is…it brings a small smile on his face every time he hears it.

After hearing her for a minute, he finally knocked on the door. The door opened within next 30 seconds…as if she was waiting for him by the door.

He liked that idea too…

There she was…. standing in front of him in a simple black leggings and a powder blue t-shirt. She gave him a smile…yeah the very one that makes his head all jumbled up...and then turned around and asked him to come in.

Azraiel entered the cottage and breathed in again. Azraiel’s brows scrunched together at the scents he smelled. The cottage smelled like Charlotte and Theo. His Gamma’s smell was still very much strong her. A weird feeling started to churn in his stomach…it was the same feeling he had for Matt a while ago….It was something mixed with anger….He didn’t want to name that something yet.

“How are you settling here?” Azraiel tried to start the conversation.

“Great…I mean…it wasn’t like I had to move stuff or anything…. But yeah…I like it here…It’s cozy. And….thank you…really…” She was looking at him with a small smile and right now…he wanted nothing more than to just kiss her.

“Don’t mention it. Did…did Theo stop by?” Azraiel couldn’t help but ask. was him who asked Theo to help her out..but…but he didn’t expect him to come in her house like that.

“Uh…Yeah…Please have a seat.” Charlotte spoke while moving to sit on the sofa. Azraiel too sat down.

“I asked him to stay for coffee.” Charlotte added.

Azraiel just stared at her and nodded…he was afraid something absurd would sprung out of his mouth if he replied her.

“Did he give you your training schedule?” He switched the subject.

“Yeah…yeah…wait…give me a minute”, She stood up and turned towards her room….probably to get the schedule but instead she turned around again and asked, “ Would you like some coffee?”

“Uh…yes…sure…” Azraiel stammered. Charlotte just gave him a smile and went inside.

Did she offer coffee because she felt obliged to do so after mentioning Theo? Or did she really want him to stay?

Just after a few seconds, she came out holding the folder and gave it to him. “Here”.

She then stepped in the kitchen. Meanwhile…Azraiel tried to calm his wolf down. His wolf was a wild animal who wanted nothing else but his mate. He glanced at the schedule and mentally cursed. He has barely interacted with her save for the interrogation sessions and yet he was having a hard tie controlling himself. What would happen when they both would be much much closer to each other for much longer time from tomorrow?

He was trying to assess how much trouble he was in when she came out holding a tray with two cups. She placed them on the table in front of him and handed one to him and then she did something he didn’t expect her to do.

Azraiel was sitting in the middle of the three seater sofa and she just came out and placed herself next to him. For a few seconds, Azraiel just kept looking at her with his mouth slightly open and his hand frozen mid-air as he was about to sip his coffee.

He turned away as soon as he realized how creepy he might have looked just now.

He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. He turned towards her slightly to see her innocently sipping her coffee. She was sitting so close to him…fuck…he could see the faint scars on her face…..their close proximity was messing with his head….and his wolf. Sure, they have been in the same room…hell he even held her when she was crying but this…this was different. She wasn’t in a disheveled state right now.

He took a deep breath and cursed internally the very next second…all he could inhale was her. He cleared his throat and started again..”So…um..this is your schedule for the next week. Here…” he paused to separate her diet plan from the training schedule and put it on the coffee table in front of him..good…that bought him some time to collect himself…”Your day will start at 5 in the morning with me. I’ll be here at 5:00 am sharp and I expect you to be ready, waiting for me when I get here. You’ll train with me till 7:00. After that you can do whatever you want to till 9:00, of course after having breakfast. Matt will meet you here at 9:00…he’ll teach you some breathing techniques and meditation and the other spiritual stuff relevant for your wolf…so that your shift can be as painless as possible. He’ll probably be done by 11:00. You don’t have any training till 2:00. At 2, Theo will come by and you’ll train with him till 4:00. I’ll come by around 5 for another training session which will last for approximately 2 hours.” Azraiel briefly described her schedule.

He then picked up the diet chart and handed it to her. “This diet plan is to make your body ready for the shift. I didn’t know if you can cook or not…so I have enclosed some recipes too. However, if you can’t cook, then just let me know…food is prepared every day at the packhouse too. I can ask our cook to make them for you.”

“No…no..It’s fine. I can cook.” Charlotte muttered lowly.

“Charlotte..” Azraiel called her name so that she would look at him and not stare gloomily at the sheets in her hands.

“Look… My pack knows that you are a human who got bitten by a wolf and might actually become the first ever human to turn into a werewolf. But…that’s all they know. They have no idea how you came near our pack borders or how you were bitten. And….I’d like to keep it that way.” Azraiel said, his voice soft yet firm. It was all for her safety.

She didn’t say anything and just nodded.

When he saw the sadness enter in her eyes, his eyes softened even more…as if that was possible.

“It’s…it’s for your own good. Considering that we still don’t know who attacked you, you are still in danger. Knowing the truth might set the pack in frenzy and unintentionally alert your attacker. So…It’d be safe to not tell them the truth as of now.”

He watched as the sadness dimmed a little bit from her eyes.

“I’ll tell them that I don’t remember anything.” She said quietly. Azraiel just nodded at her response.

“Wait….Am I allowed to meet other members of the pack?” Charlotte asked hesitantly.

“Of course… You can meet them. Though I’ll have to warn you. We are not used to strangers in our pack…especially humans…so they might be a little wary of you. Just…don’t take it personally okay? Even though some of them might not want to interact with you…they’ll never hurt you.” Azraiel assured her. He was sure that some of the pack members were suspicious about her aura and even though they weren’t sure as to she was…their wolves had already acknowledged her as their Luna.

“Okay…” She nodded again. She was probably nervous about tomorrow. He couldn’t even imagine what she was going through all this while. To be separated from her family and then almost dying must have messed up with her head. On top of it…there were her nightmares and the voice she kept hearing.

“Charlotte…I’ll admit I am not much of a talker…but I’ve been told that I am a good listener. So…if we you ever need to talk to someone….you can always talk to me. Whatever you have gone through…it’s incredible that you have managed to stay strong through all of it. Just know that you are away from your family…but you are not alone..okay?” Azraiel probably wouldn’t recognize his own voice if someone recorded and played it for him when he said that to her. His voice had gone so damn soft…Aahhh….mate bond does changes people.

“Okay…Thank You.” She didn’t say much but her face said it all. Her eyes were slightly watering and her voice cracked when she said that but she had a smile on her face.

Azraiel left her cottage after finishing his coffee and instructing her to drink a lot of water and sleep in early. Little did he know that he kept invading her thoughts all night just like she did his.

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