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| 34 | Ayleen


Oh, Darling,

Don’t be sad

Don’t frown and don’t be mad

He stays away from you

Not because he wants to

But he’s afraid

He’ll lose his heart too

When he has already lost

His soul to you!


Feeling fresh and energetic after her shower, Charlotte quickly went into the kitchen and started making breakfast for herself. She unconsciously started humming a song…. a song that she wasn’t sure even existed.

Her mind automatically went to Azraiel again. Today, their skin made contact several times while they were training and it did things to her. Things that invoked feelings…feelings she didn’t want to acknowledge.

To distract her mind from him, she went into her room and grabbed a book. She quietly ate her breakfast all the while trying to focus on the words written in the book she was reading and not the blank faced Alpha who affected her so much.

She wondered if he knew her state of mind in his presence or if her presence made any difference to him?

With a sigh she shook her head as if it would get rid of her thoughts.

After finishing her breakfast, she took everything in the kitchen and started cleaning up. She had just washed her hands after cleaning up everything when someone knocked on the door.

Afraid that she lost track of time and Matt is already here, she rushed out to open the door.

When she opened the door, she was expecting a tall handsome man named Beta Matt to be standing there. Instead, she found a beautiful girl standing in front of her.

As soon as their eyes met, the brunette standing in front of her smiled brightly and waved at her.

“Hi..! I am Ayleen…Azraiel’s sister!

Azraiel leaned back in his chair and rubbed his palms over his face.

He was worried about Charlotte. If it is indeed her wolf that is trying to communicate with her, then they have a lot to figure out than just her past.

It’s good that Ayleen is here though. Today, when he was training with Charlotte, Ayleen called to let him know that she has reached the woods. Usually, he lets her travel to the pack alone, but with everything that has been going on with Charlotte and his suspicions about the rouges, he didn’t want to leave her sister alone in the forest. So, he ended his session with his mate and went to pick her up.

Although he had instructed his sister to rest and freshen up, he was sure that she was too excited to wait. She’d have hopped to the cottage to meet Charlotte by now. He just hopes Charlotte doesn’t feel uncomfortable by her showing up. He didn’t tell her about Ayleen after all.

He smiled involuntarily at the thought of his sister and his mate in the same room, they are polar opposites. While his sister is bubbly and cheerful and an extrovert to the heart, Charlotte is shy, calm and an introvert. He wonders how they’ll find each other’s company. As far as she knows, Ayleen will soon grow on Charlotte. That’s just how his sister is.

Although, they have one thing in common.

They both have seen pain.

A lot of pain…

His heart ached every time he thought about the incident that took place years ago. Ayleen was so young back then….

And yet, she stood strong along with him, lending support and strength whenever necessary and hugging the shit out of him whenever he felt sad.

And now, his mate, she too has seen a lot, been hurt a lot.

And Azraiel was more than willing and ready to take away the pain of these two important women in his life.

Slowly but surely, they’ll heal…and who knows…. maybe he will too.

“Hi..! I am Ayleen…Azraiel’s sister!” The brunette smiled cheerfully at Charlotte.

Slowly, the words registered in her brain and she smiled.

“ Hi..! Please come in.”

No point in introducing herself, she must already know who Charlotte is if she came here at the cottage to see her, Charlotte thought to herself.

She curiously watched as Ayleen placed herself on the three seater in the exact same spot where Azraiel sat yesterday.

Like brother, like sister, huh.

“Would you like anything to drink? Tea, coffee, water?” Charlotte asked.

“Nu-uh…nothing. I just wanted to meet you. Come, sit.” Ayleen replied, patting the space beside her on the sofa.

Charlotte smiled and obliged. When Charlotte looked at Ayleen again, she realized that she looked a lot like her brother. They had the same nose, the same face cut and even though the color of their eyes was different, their eyes had the same deep smoldering look. The one that wants you to not look away from them while being intimidated at the same time.

“How are you feeling?” Ayleen asked her, a small smile on her lips and concern in her eyes.

“I am good. My…leg doesn’t hurt anymore so it’s all good.” Charlotte replied briefly. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to share with her and what not.

“That’s great. Have you met the pack or not?” Ayleen asked again.

“ I have been at the hospital till yesterday.” Charlotte felt awkward talking to this beautiful girl. Her beauty not only made Charlotte feel like trash but her confidence also reminded her that she was not an ordinary person. She belongs to the family of an Alpha, has Alpha blood in her veins and is the sister of the Alpha of this pack. This young girl sitting right next to her is probably the most powerful person in this pack after Azraiel and that realization scared Charlotte. Till now, she has been having a hard time figuring out how to behave in front of Azraiel and now she has to figure out the same for Ayleen too.

“No worries. Azraiel told me everything about you. Don’t worry, I can feel that you are strong. You’ll definitely survive the shift. Besides, you have us with you.” Ayleen replied with so much enthusiasm and belief that it uplifted Charlotte’s spirits too.

“Thank you…for everything”. That’s all Charlotte could say in that moment.

“Oh…Don’t mention it. We all want you to survive this shift and live a long happy life. Now, tell me how my brother has designed your schedule. We can meet in between the breaks or after your training sessions…and I’ll introduce you to a few pack members. Don’t worry, they are all really nice. I am sure you’ll love them. By the way, did anyone bring clothes for you or not? I’m sure you need a few clothes of your choice. Just let me know when you are available and we can go to the pack seamstress. She makes amazing dresses. And did Azraiel give you a phone? I’ll need your number okay…since I can’t mindlink you and all. I’m sure you have met Theo and Matt, right? Who do you like more among them? I like Theo…he is fun…he helps me pull pranks on Azraiel…he is not like……..”

Charlotte watched with a chuckle as Ayleen didn’t even stop to breathe. She kept on talking about the pack, the members and everything that she wants to do with her.

For a few seconds, Charlotte kept staring at the girl in awe. She has been here for a total of less than five minutes and still managed to put Charlotte in a good mood.

Charlotte’s lips stretched into a smile when the feminine voice popped in her head again.

“I like her.”

I like her too, Charlotte replied.


Tell me, love

Do you love me or not?

Or is it that

You like the thought

Of being in love with me?

You know they

Are both different.

You know because

You know that

I am in love with you

And you are not

In love with me.


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