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| 39 | Theories?

“I don’t know about Matt….but I think my wolf recognizes her as my Alpha.” Theo replied with a sober look on his face.

It took Azraiel a few seconds to realize that Theo said Alpha and not Luna, which means there is much more to the story.

“Now…I am not sure about this because my wolf hasn’t communicated it clearly…but the way he behaves around her…it’s…it’s so different than he behaves around you. I know that Luna holds just as much power and authority as an Alpha if not more but…this feels different, Azraiel. My wolf knows you are his Alpha, he respects you more than anyone else in this world and still his willingness to submit to Charlotte is far more than to submit to you.” Azraiel was listening to his Gamma patiently…well it looked like it. However, his wolf was starting to wake up at the mention of his mate and her power.

“The most terrifying thing is…that I have known her for just a few days…and that too as your mate and my Luna….she hasn’t shifted yet…so we don’t know if she would be a normal wolf or among the higher ranking wolves….and still my wolf recognizes her power as an Alpha.” Theo said…looking almost relieved to let it all out.

“So…you are saying that everything from her surviving the bite so far to the incident that took place today….it can all be because she is an Alpha?” Azraiel asked…or more like said it all aloud so his brain could register was his Beta was currently saying.

“Yes…that and now I want to share what I have found…and the theories I have cooked in my head...I know they are just theories but may be something in them could help us getting to the truth.”

Azraiel nodded and asked him to continue, “Well…go on then.”

“See…the first time I met Charlotte, my wolf could barely stand in front of her. I don’t know how I managed to sit there in that hospital room and talk to her when all that I wanted to do was to submit. So…I decided to look after all the reasons why her aura felt as much as powerful as yours if not more when she was just a human and you a Trueblood werewolf. Now…here’s the first theory…While I was going through my father’s papers, I came across a file that contained all the strange events that happened when your father was the Alpha and our King was still alive. In 1965, When the Alpha of Black Onyx pack, Emmanuel Reed was blessed with the Trueblood status, he became greedy. Since he was the only Trueblood in the world and no one knew much about them, he started experimenting. He…He wanted remain the strongest werewolf and build an army to invade other packs and take over them. He started biting his pack members in hopes that they would turn into an Alpha if not into a Trueblood, he wanted to created an army of Alphas. Not only this, he didn’t have any mate so he raped some of his female pack members because he was sure that his offspring would be an Alpha too. During this time, no one wanted to interfere because clearly he was the strongest wolf alive and the new and young King had just taken over, so the King’s council decided against taking action to control Emmanuel. Out of his experiments, almost all of them died immediately, but…but two of them survived. One male, who was bitten by him didn’t die but he didn’t turn into a Trueblood either…instead he turned into an Alpha. He became the most powerful person in the Black onyx pack after the Trueblooded Alpha. When the Trueblood status of their Alpha was snatched away, he too became powerless and vanished just like his Alpha. The other person who survived was a female wolf. She became pregnant after being raped by the Alpha but she somehow managed to escape the pack. No one had seen her since then.” Theo paused to take a quick breath.

“What I am trying to say is...What if the reason behind the her strong aura and strange events after Charlotte had been bitten is..

.is that …

What if she too has been bitten by an Alpha or a Trueblood?”

Kira sighed as she exited the medical wing. Two young pups got into a fight today during the training and injured each other pretty badly. Kira had just visited them and warned them to not fight each other again. This happened on a daily basis as the young pups were way too hormonal and were not accustomed to control their wolves.

As Kira was turning towards her house, she saw a familiar figure turning toward the other direction. A smile etched on her face as she realized it was Ayleen, Azraiel’s sister. But soon, her smile turned into a frown when she realized that Ayleen wasn’t alone. Another woman was walking by her side.

A woman without a wolf.

A human.

The human.

Kira’s eyes narrowed at the retreating figure. She also tried to mask the hurt she felt due to several reasons.

Ayleen was like the sister Kira never had. Since Azraiel didn’t have any other female friends at that time, Kira was the only one who gave Ayleen company. Soon, they became great friends and were practically inseparable until Kira decided to become the Head Warrior. Ayleen too moved to her aunt’s pack since she has been ill for a while and they grew distant. But still, whenever Ayleen was in the pack, she visited Kira before meeting anyone else from the pack.

Until now.

Forget about visiting, Kira had no idea that Ayleen was going to be here.

Then there was that Human.

As the Head Warrior, Kira should have met and questioned that girl before anyone else and yet, she was the only remaining among the top ranks to meet her. Even Ayleen, who didn’t hold any official title in the pack had met her. Hell, she was even bonding with her.

Matt and Theo too were being so tight lipped about his. Kira had tried so many times to ask them about the human girl but all she got were vague answers.

It was now getting on her nerves to see her closest friends being so secretive about this human and excluding her from whatever it is that’s been going on. It made her wonder her worth not only in her friends’ lives but the pack’s too.

What was about this girl that made Kira’s closest friends behave so strangely with her?

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