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| 40 | Can she be a Hybrid?

Azraiel’s office was silent as Theo paused and gave his friend some time wrap his head around his first theory.

Of course. They were just that…theories..

But…but what if…what if any part of them is connected to Charlotte and her previous life?

What if their theory is not that far off from the truth?

“What is your second theory?” Theo turned in time to see Azraiel pour a drink and slide one glass towards him.

Theo quietly picked up the glass and gulped it down in one go.

“Do you remember Fae Dawson?” Theo asked his friend even though he was sure that he did remember her.

Azraiel nodded and looked at Theo with recognition evident in his eyes. He definitely knew what Theo was going to say…Hell….Theo was sure Azraiel had already considered this possibility.

“What if….What if just like Fae, Charlotte too is a supernatural other than wolf, but her identity is hidden by a spell or magic?”

Azraiel squeezed his eyes and leaned back in the chair. “That would make Charlotte a hybrid, Theo.”

Theo nodded at the sadness in his friend’s voice.

“We should bring Katya here. We can’t rule out the possibility of Charlotte being a supernatural being, or worse, a hybrid. We have never seen a hybrid shift, we don’t know about the complications, we can’t put our pack in danger Azraiel.” Theo finished unwillingly.

“I’s just…it’s like a never ending puzzle, Theo. Just when I think that one problem is solved, I discover something that puts me two steps back. I am nowhere close to figuring out what exactly happened with Charlotte, that coupled with her strange past and the uncertainty about the future is getting too much. My wolf…he is dying to be with Charlotte and I can’t do anything about it.”

Theo watched in silence as Azraiel covered his face with his palms.

“Go home, Theo. I am going to ask Katya to visit us as soon as possible. And..please keep an eye on Charlotte for me, okay?” Azraiel spoke after taking a long breath.

“Okay…Azraiel, don’t worry too much…okay? We’ll figure this out.”

Theo left the building and started walking towards his home. Azraiel was visibly stressed out about the whole situation. He can’t stop his friend from worrying about his friend, but he can definitely take on other things to lessen his burden and that’s what he’ll do. With a new surging determination, Theo walked towards his home with only one thing in his mind.

Charlotte closed the door with a smile on her face. She and Ayleen went for a walk after the dinner and it was amazing.

Of course, they didn’t tour the entire pack, but now Charlotte was aware of the important places in the pack, like the medical wing, the training grounds, the grocery store and of course the park. She still hasn’t seen the farther parts of the pack but she now knew the parts around her home.

While they were walking around, Charlotte saw a few people out, but they all either ignored their presence or were just too busy to care. No one paused to talk to them or interrupted their walk. She has a feeling that they were instructed to not bother her.

Anyway, she was happy. She was starting to feel like a part of the pack. Sure, she hasn’t met anyone till now, but there was this weird feeling in her chest that refused to go away. Charlotte was starting to recognize this feeling as that of ‘Belonging’. She never felt like she belonged with her uncle. May be it was because she knew he wasn’t her biological uncle. But here, amongst thousands of werewolves she has never met, she felt more at ease than she has felt all her life. It was like a piece of puzzle has finally found its place.

Charlotte hummed a tune unconsciously and pulled out her diary.

She was finally home.

Azraiel poured a drink and moved to his balcony. He could see the lights on in his mate’s cottage. How he longed to get away from everything and just hold her in his arms.

He gulped down the bitter liquid even though he was aware he wouldn’t get drunk. His Gamma’s words were playing in his mind on a repeat mode.

What if…what if Theo’s theories turn out to be true?

Then there was also the news he received after Theo left his office.

After Charlotte had told him everything about her and the Grisham’s plan to leave the city, he had asked his men to search for the Grisham’s. Today, his men found them.

They were living in a small village in another state. They have been changing places almost every other day.

Azraiel has asked his men to follow them and observe. If the Grisham’s cared about Charlotte as much as she did about them, they’d definitely return here in search of Charlotte, unless….

No…He shook his head at the thought…he can’t sit here and speculate….

He just have to wait and let things unfold on its own..

He waited on the balcony until Charlotte turned her lights off and then went inside his room.

He’ll wait for an hour and then shift into his wolf and sleep near her cottage. There’s no way his wolf would be at ease without being close to her.

While in his room, one of the things Charlotte told about that day suddenly came to his mind….

She said that when she met Richard in the woods, he asked her why she ran away. Richard is the werewolf who bit Charlotte…

Azraiel knew for a fact that it wasn’t the forest magic…

Then…how the hell did Richard know Charlotte..

As well as that she ran away….


Unless someone who knew she would run away told him….

Was…Was it all planned?

Was Richard already waiting for her in the woods when Charlotte reached there…?

And…why the hell did those wolves who saved her knew she would be safe here, in his pack?

Were they…

No…that can’t be…

But the question kept reappearing in his mind again and again…

Did they already know that he would be her mate?

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