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| 43 | Her Thoughts, Reality and Crush?

Charlotte turned in her bed again and released a frustrated sigh. She was tired alright, and yet for some fucked up reason sleep was nowhere near her today. Usually, she just falls asleep within minutes of lying down on her bed. But today…na..uhh…

She rolled to the side and checked her phone, it was 1 a.m. already. She has to be up in 4 hours and now she has no idea how she’ll endure the whole day of training without proper sleep.

Feeling the restlessness increase, she decided to get up from bed. Quietly, she turned on the lamp and walked towards the sliding door. Wrapping herself in the robe, she twisted the knob and stepped outside. The cool air sent a shiver down her spine….and she welcomed it with open arms.

Yeah…May be this will help calm down her mind and the thoughts racing in there.

She closed the glass door behind her and took a seat on the steps. Breathing in the cold air, she started acknowledging her thoughts. That’s the only way to get rid of them….otherwise she’ll get more focused on them instead of sorting them out.

The first thought that came to her mind was the conversation she had with Ayleen today. She has no idea why she asked her about her brother’s mate. Azraiel’s mate is none of her concern …….and yet… refused to leave her mind. Maybe because she was curious how he acts with his mate…or maybe because she just wanted to know who her future Luna would be….

Right…or may be because you have a crush on him and couldn’t picture him with someone else….

Her wolf made an appearance….She was awfully blunt……and apparently a fan of Azraiel. Usually, she couldn’t hear her as she stays quiet most of the time, only offering a word or two of encouragement and assurance during the training….but…when it comes to Azraiel, her words turn to sentences…..and playful?

She wasn’t wrong though. Charlotte wasn’t dumb to pretend that Azraiel has no effect on her whatsoever. But… is this possible….?

It’s been just two weeks since she met him. They haven’t even spent much time together for God’s sake. The only time they are alone is during the training and…..he is very very professional….and a strict teacher. So, is it right of her to have these feelings for him when he is just being nice? Is she signing up for a heartbreak?

A snort escaped her lips.

Hell, yeah!

He has a mate, which is the most sacred relationship in the werewolf world. The books she has read till now have clearly emphasized the importance and value of a mate. So if he has met his mate, then there’s no way he would look at Charlotte in any other way than he already does….the most she could be to him is a friend….in the very very far future….

She knows this already! She has been through this conversation with herself several times during this week. Then why?


Why the hell does his blue eyes refuse to leave her mind? Is it because no other man has done so much for her ever? Or is it because of the lack of male figures in her life? Because she doesn’t have male friends…or because she was just lonely and clinging on a silver of hope?

But…but Matt and Theo are helping her too…and she doesn’t feel like that about them…

Is…Is it lust? Is it because he is handsome…and hot….and kind….?

Charlotte continued to entangle in the various questions that could possibly hold the answers for her feelings…but what she didn’t realize was that she was saying these questions aloud…. muttering them to herself….


A big wolf was listening to her every word hiding behind the trees.

Once she had listed down all the possibilities responsible for her feelings, she came to a conclusion.

It doesn’t matter why she feels like this for Azraiel.

The concern here is what she should do now? She couldn’t let these feelings grow….since clearly she would be signing up for a terrible heartbreak by doing that.

She also can’t avoid him since he is the Alpha of this pack and the first person she sees every morning. She was also aware that no one…. absolutely no one can train her like he does.

Then…how to stop herself?


Maybe she should start spending more time with others….Maybe she should meet more people from the pack….and who knows…she might meet someone better suited for her…!


Her wolf chipped in again….

Charlotte ignored her and dismissed the matter with the decision of meeting more people from tomorrow.

Now….the second thought that has been plaguing her mind is…her family….!

Her…her uncle…the Grishams…Archie…

It has been two weeks since she last saw the Grishams and even more since she last saw her Uncle.

She somehow also felt guilty about finding peace amongst strangers. What if her uncle is looking for her? What if Sarah has hurt her? What… What about the Grishams? Did they come back for her? She hopes not… She was last seen with them…What if people believe that they have a hand in her disappearance?

She had no answers.

When Theo gave her the cell phone, the first thing Charlotte did was to call the Grisham’s. She knew that it wouldn’t connect since they would have ditched their cell phone at Greendale like they initially planned but she was still hoping to confirm that they were alright.

The number was unavailable.

She knew she couldn’t contact her uncle. She couldn’t put him in danger.

She also knew that Azraiel must have been investigating this whole thing. For him, she was still a stranger he knew for just a few days…and one that has lied to him so many times…! But she still felt awkward in asking him about her family’s whereabouts.

But..but it is starting to drive her insane…

Charlotte nodded to herself and made another decision. Tomorrow, after her training session with Azraiel, she’ll ask if he knows anything about her family. Maybe that’d put her mind at ease.

With her mind less scattered than before, Charlotte took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She oddly felt more at peace out here in the woods than the warm comfort of her bed.

Closing her eyes, Charlotte took a few more deep breaths and tried to ground herself…just like Matt had taught her..

She sat with her eyes closed for a few more minutes….

And then….

She opened her eyes abruptly and she expected a bubble of panic to rise up…

Her heartbeat increased and she could actually hear it in her ears….

Someone was watching her…..

She was sure someone was there….

she was left surprised when instead of panic and fear…she felt oddly calm and collected….alert…but not afraid.

But her instincts were alarmed now…. She stood on her feet and roamed her eyes across the woods…

All she could see was darkness…. Only the movements of leaves of trees from the wind caught her eye…and nothing else….

Charlotte swallowed harshly….

This…this almost feels like the time when Theo was testing her senses in the woods….when she asked him if there was someone else with them…and he said no….and she was almost sure there was someone there…..

Hell..she was almost sure Azraiel was there that day….the energy he gives…the protective and safe vibe….it was there that day…

And she could feel it again…the exact same feeling….

She once again looked all around in a failed attempt to detect any unusual movement.

Now she thinks about it….could…could this be the reason that she felt more at ease out here than inside…?

Was someone’s presence effecting her thoughts and feelings….

But who could it be?

Other than….?

Her eyes once again moved to the never ending trees surrounded by the darkness…

Is Azraiel really out here


her feelings for him are making her confused between fantasy and reality?

With one last glance at the trees and an image of Azraiel in her mind, Charlotte turned and stepped inside her room.

Sure….she got rid of the thoughts that disturbed her sleep earlier. But…now, she felt like she was one step closer to her heartbreak…

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