Read with BonusRead with Bonus

| 44 | Trouble?


I am afraid…

Not of you

But for you

I look absolutely innocent

But I am not…

And once I

Fall in love

I don’t leave at all…

Tell me darling..

If I let my

Feelings out..

Will you love me back

Or get the hell out?


Charlotte woke up with determination and positive energy this morning. She had already outlined the day in her head while taking the shower. Her main priority today would be to keep her mind off Azraiel and try to focus on something or rather someone else…

When she was tying her braids, she suddenly paused. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she realized in that moment how much she has changed. The chubby overweight girl was now replaced by a fitter version of hers. Sure, she wasn’t fat by any means but she wasn’t also on the leaner side. No one ever told her she was overweight because she fell into the category of people who looked fine to others and still felt insecure about their body. However, she realized much later that almost every person on this planet is insecure about their bodies, maybe not all the time but yeah sometime or other every one of us has faced this.

Charlotte slightly brushed her palms across her cheeks. Her chubby cheeks looked defined and her double chin has almost disappeared. She turned sideways to see if her belly was still protruding and to her surprise it still was but much much less than ever. Putting her palms on both sides of her waist, she squeezed the fat to see if it would fit her palms. It did…but much less. Her thick thighs and hips that always troubled her while finding her choice of denims and bottoms now looked firmer and leaner.

She brought her eyes back to her face and allowed herself to smile.

A genuine happy smile.

After a long time…she was finally feeling confident about her body…

Not only that…she was actually feeling proud of herself for enduring these weeks without her family…going through what she has faced….and still willing to do more…

After smiling at her reflection with teary eyes for another minute or so, she quickly cleaned up her room and started walking outside for her first session.

Inhaling the cold fresh air, Charlotte moved to the makeshift training area in front of her cottage and started stretching. Soon enough, she heard footsteps and her head turned towards the sound instinctively.


There goes her plan to keep her mind off him…..

All the way down the fucking drain….

Charlotte let out a shaky breath at the sight in front of her.

Azraiel was walking towards her, dressed in all black from head to toe. She could see his muscles flex with every movement he made. His hair, still wet from the shower he took and pushed away from his forehead….and…he was looking right at her….as …as if he already knows what she is thinking about him….

Soon…he was closer to her than she thought he was…

Great… he is also going to smell delicious….

It took Charlotte some great freaking efforts to put herself together and not salivate. No…She wasn’t a dog in heat by any means but this man…the one standing right in front of her makes her feel things that she hasn’t felt before…!

“Hey..! Good Morning..!”

And then comes his voice……fucking deep…and sexy….

“Good morning!” She replied curtly…

How the hell is she supposed to keep her feelings at bay when she meets him daily AND he is a complete fucking package..?

This man is truly a piece of art!


Her wolf chimed in….

And this is the part that’s most confusing to her..

If the voice in her head is really her wolf…the she would also have a mate…and from what Charlotte has learned about wolves and their mates….they are very very loyal…even before they have met their mate and more so after…

Then…Why the hell does her wolf encourage her thoughts about Azraiel that are…um…inappropriate for the lack of a word…

She has tried asking this very question to her wolf a lot of time…but every time she voices her doubts, her dear wolf decides to happily ignore her and goes back to appreciating Azraiel when he comes in front of her…

All the while training with Azraiel, Charlotte had a hard time controlling herself from just blurting out something stupid…and she was sure Azraiel could sense her uneasiness all the while…

Charlotte was literally counting seconds till the training would be over…

And since she was busy counting seconds, she didn’t realize she was about to land herself in deep trouble…

Azraiel was teaching her the tricks to be safe during a hand to hand combat and she was barely paying attention. It didn’t come as a surprise when Azraiel stepped forward to attack and in order to save herself, Charlotte somehow ended up falling backwards. Azraiel, in order to prevent her fall, circled her waist with his arm and pulled her towards him.

As soon as his arm touched her back, Charlotte felt it. The fucking spark that attacked her determination to ignore her feelings for him.

She felt like she was on fire. The heat from his palm placed on the side of her waist, spread like a wildfire through her spine. She could bet she looked like a tomato because she could feel her cheeks and ears get red due to the heat she felt. Her upper body was flushed against his and she could definitely feel his hard chest beneath the T-shirt she was currently scrunching in her fist.

And she was right….

He smelled delicious….

And he was looking at her with that look again…

Like he wanted to say something but restrained himself anyway….

Finally, after what felt like hours, but was actually a few minutes, Azraiel spoke up.

“Are you Okay?”

“Yeah…I am. Thanks for um..not letting me fall.”

No…I am not okay…and you should have just let me fall…Maybe that would have helped in knocking some sense into me…

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