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| 45 | Why?


Do you know?

I saw you yesterday

In my dream

We were at your house

In your bed, fast asleep

Your arm around my waist

My head on your chest

Legs tangled with the sheets

Hair messed up

We had smiles on our faces

And there was blood everywhere……


Charlotte somehow managed to not embarrass herself more in front of Azraiel during the training session. By the time the session came close to an end, Charlotte was on the brink of losing her sanity. She couldn’t relax even for a second. The butterflies, fireflies and all other kind of flies just made it impossible for her to ignore Azraiel’s presence. She was aware of his every fucking moment…as well as his eyes that were mostly trained on her…

There is absolutely no way that this man doesn’t know the effect he has on her…

As soon as the session ended, Charlotte wanted nothing more than to run inside her cottage and take a cold shower. She was about to bolt after muttering a quiet bye when his voice stopped her.


Charlotte froze and took some time to compose herself before turning around.


“There won’t be any session with me for the next three days. I am going out of the pack for some pack business. So, Theo will take these sessions with you during this weekend.” Azraiel spoke up, his face barely revealing any emotion.

“Oh…uh..okay..!” Charlotte wasn’t expecting this. Sure, she promised herself she would ignore her feelings for him at all costs, but she knew very well how much difficult it will be to just not see him for three days when she has seen his face almost every day since she came here.

Dejected, she tried to control her emotions and gave him a tight lipped smile.

“Well, have a safe trip then. Bye!” With that Charlotte turned around and stormed inside her cottage without looking back. She just…couldn’t look back because she knew he would be there…staring at her.

Once inside, she quickly rushed to her room and straight to the shower. She’ll have to get her emotions under control before her session with Matt. With that thought in mind, Charlotte turned off the geyser and let the ice cold water wash away her sadness.

Charlotte tried to behave normally. She really did. She attended her sessions with Matt and Theo as usual, even asking more questions than ever to distract them from observing her. However, she knew it didn’t work by the way they had both squinted their eyes at her and asked if she was alright or not.

She told them she was just tired but curious.

She even went to the pack bakery with Ayleen in hopes that the sweet goodies would make her feel better, and they did…at least for a while. Besides, Ayleen didn’t let her eat much anyway. She said it would ruin her progress in training.

She even met a new guy today, Robby. He works at the bakery and also teaches music at the primary school. He was handsome…not as handsome as Azraiel of course, but handsome in a cute chocolate boy kind of way. He has dark sandy blonde hair and swoon worthy blue eyes...and most importantly, he didn’t make a face when he spotted her drooling over the chocolate truffle pastries.

Ever since she has started going into the pack with Ayleen, most of the wolves that see her either ignore her completely or make a face that is full of confusion and curiosity. Sure, there are a few exceptions who welcomed her with open arms like Dr. Humphrey and the nurses but she thinks it’s because they spent a good amount of time with her and eventually realized that she is harmless.

But Robby, he gave her a big smile…the one where your eyes shine a bit brighter and he talked to her as if he had known her all his life. When he saw her gazing at the pastries with wonder and excitement, he immediately pulled out three of his favorites and gave them to her. They talked for half an hour about the various flavors of cakes and pastries and cookies and ice creams and what not…

And yet….as soon as she stepped outside the cute little bakery, leaving behind the cute baker, the sadness seeped right in.

Charlotte was having a hard time figuring out her emotions.

Why was she feeling so sad?

It’s not like he’ll never return….He is going away for just three days.

Then why the fuck her heart wants to weep out oceans and seas….?

And why…why why why did the voice inside her head go oh so silent when she heard the news of him being away?

Just why????

Containing in the scream that she so wanted to let out, Charlotte closed the door of her cottage and sighed.

Ayleen had been chatting about something the whole way back and she barely paid any attention to her. She was sure Ayleen could see she wasn’t paying attention to the conversation and hence didn’t ask her anything.

Or did she??

Ugh…..Great…she is going nuts.

Deciding that it would be better to just eat dinner and wallow in her self-pity while lying in her bed, she changed her clothes and quickly finished her dinner.

She was about to go to her room when someone knocked on her door.

She knew it was him.

No one other than Azraiel comes to her home at this time, not even Ayleen.

Forgetting about the bed completely, she rushed to open the door.

And there he was…

Standing in a dark grey hoodie and black jeans, with his hair damp and pushed back from his forehead, Azraiel looked every bit of an Alpha that he is. Not because of his appearance but because of the cold yet caring look in his eyes. Sure, his face didn’t reveal his feeling but his actions have proved time and time again that he cared.

“Hey, Come in!” Charlotte broke the staring contest and stepped aside to let him in.

She waited for him to sit and then quietly took a seat on the adjacent sofa. Azraiel looked like he wanted to say something but was afraid of her reaction…you know that look when you want to tell a child that he won’t be getting the candies he was expecting…..yeah…the very one….

“I’m sorry to disturb you so late, but this is important. I didn’t get a chance to talk about it this morning. I…I already told you that I am going away for pack business for three days….which is true but there is another business that I’ll have to take care of, and it’s something related to you.”

Charlotte sat up straighter at his words…something related to her?

“I have been keeping an eye on the Grisham’s ever since you told me about them, Charlotte. They have been changing towns ever since you entered the woods and from what I know, they are planning to leave the States forever. Do…Do you know anything about this? Was this something you guys planned altogether?”

Charlotte nervously licked her lips that seemed extra dry in that moment.

“Yeah…We …we decided that we’d change our location frequently so that no one can track us…until we could leave the states for good. I didn’t want them to get in trouble because of me, so we decided that them and I won’t stay in the same towns but the nearby ones which is the reason they were to leave for Greendale and I for Nolsenville. But…Why are you asking this?” Charlotte knew why but she was too damn afraid to speak it out aloud. It would make it real. It would break her trust…and most importantly it would shatter her if what she was thinking turned out to be true.

And then…Azraiel spoke the words she was afraid of…

“Charlotte…I …I think the Grisham’s not only revealed your location to Richard but are also involved with Sarah.”

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