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| 46 | Well…


I keep seeing you

As if you are here

But when I turn around

There is just an emptiness…

These hallucinations

Are driving me insane…

Please don’t do this

To me anymore

I don’t think

I can handle

The thought of

Seeing you

But not having you..

Don’t give hopes

If you are going

To shatter them..

Don’t look at me

With those loving eyes

If you are not going

To be mine....


Azraiel watched in silence as a stream of emotions played on his mate’s face.

Hurt, anger, pain,

But surprise was not one of them….

Which means...that she too suspected the involvement of the Grisham’s in everything that played out. Although, he wouldn’t have met her if she didn’t enter the woods, he would rather live without her than letting her die at the hands of a werewolf.

After a minute, she straightened her spine and then finally looked at him. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she was blinking rapidly to prevent them from falling which really did the opposite.

With a quick swipe at her cheek, she wiped out the tear that escaped her eye.

“How long? How long have you known?” She quietly asked and oddly she seemed calm, despite the range of emotions she was feeling minutes before.

“For quite some time now. My men have been tracking their every move ever since we located them. Did…did you….?” Azraiel couldn’t complete his question.

“Yeah….I figured that they are somewhat responsible for triggering this chain of events. Only…Only Grisham’s knew about the plan to escape as well as the dream. Sure, I told my uncle about the dream I had, but I never told him that I am going to the Coral Woods. Only the Grisham’s knew about that….and then….then Richard…he asked me why I ran away from home…..before he bit me.” Charlotte answered calmly.

Azraiel could do nothing but nod.

And then she chuckled….

“It’s insane you know….If they are really behind all of this and involved in Sarah’s plan, then they have actually helped me by betraying me. Had I listened to them and got on that bus to Nolsenville, I would have most probably ended up homeless or worse dead. Yes, I know I almost died in the woods but I am here, aren’t I? Alive…talking to

you! God knows what would have happened if I went to Nolsenville alone. Maybe Sarah would have executed her plan of getting me killed then.” She blinked slowly, a new emotion on her face….


Azraiel allowed himself to smile at her…

“’s better that you are here…” The words flew out of his mouth unconsciously.

As soon as the she heard that, her eyes snapped to his face. Their eyes clashed, and it felt like a dream.

Pure fucking bliss…!

Both of them were silent for a while, just looking at each other...

And then she blinked.

Not just once, but she blinked multiple times quickly and licked her lips.

And that did it….

Azraiel inhaled sharply and leaned back….his wolf wagging his tail to make a move…

Not the fucking time….Nope..!

Azraiel cleared his throat and started to say what he should have minutes ago..!

“ Now…I am leaving tomorrow for some pack business, but I also plan on confronting the Grisham’s. They are supposed to leave the States on Saturday and if they succeed in doing so, we’ll never know everything that went wrong that day. Not knowing all the players in this story not only puts you in danger but the whole pack too and right now, only the Grisham’s can tell us more about the ones involved. I…I didn’t want to meet them before telling you.”

Charlotte smiled at him with teary eyes…and she looked so beautiful. Even with the tears and sadness on her face. So they are right…there is beauty in pain.

“Thanks…for telling me! And you are right …the more we don’t know the more we are in danger. Azraiel….you…you don’t have to think about my feelings every time…Your pack comes first. If I were you, I’d do the same.” Charlotte spoke with so much emotion that he wished she knew that it’s her pack too…and he’ll always think about her first.

Azraiel nodded and stood up.

“Don’t skip training while I’m here. You are making great progress. Theo will be here at the right time..Okay?”


After bidding her a good night, Azraiel exited her cottage and started walking towards his house but then he heard her calling his name.


So, he turned around.

“Be safe!”

She said it softly but he heard it clearly with the emotions playing in her heart.

He would snap if he stood there a second longer, so he just nodded and quickly rushed to his house.

This small woman….is going to be the death of him.

Charlotte shut the door and took a deep breath. She knew this would be coming…she just didn’t realize that the time was flying by so quickly.

After mindlessly cleaning up her room for a bit, she decided to go take a walk in the back of her cottage. She knew she should sleep if she wants to get up early in the morning but she is well aware that her mind won’t stop thinking if she lay in the bed right now.

Sliding the door, she tightly wrapped a scarf over her head and slowly walked down the little steps.

Instead of walking towards the cleared area, she stopped in her tracks transfixed at the looming trees and the endless darkness. Everyone has warned her about not going into the

woods at night and she obeyed them. Till now.

It was as if her feet had a mind of their own. She started walking into the woods, completely aware of the darkness yet embracing it.

It was eerily quiet, the only sound being that of crickets and occasional swish of squirrels and rabbits moving. The crunching of dried leaves beneath her feet was the loudest sound she could hear.

Charlotte had no idea for how long she walked. But she stopped when she felt like she wasn’t alone anymore. She moved around trying to do the impossible task of seeing if there really was someone there, but she couldn’t make out anything but the trees and yet…she was sure….sure that there was someone else there with her. Oddly enough, she didn’t panic, she didn’t feel that surge of fear she used feel whenever she felt she wasn’t alone. Instead, she felt safe? It was as if SHE knew she was in control of her surroundings.

Looking in the direction she first felt the presence of someone, she turned around and decided to head back. Charlotte had no idea but she was right again. Not only wasn’t she alone in the woods but this time, her presence was felt by not only her Alpha but her pack too.

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