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| 50 | Remi and the farm…

Charlotte let out a silent sigh and wiped off the sweat dripping from her forehead on her sleeve as she plucked out the weeds in the pack farm.

In this pack, everyone performs one task or another to efficiently run this pack. The duties for every person keep rotating among tasks they could perform. It actually serves two purposes; one, every person gets to learn about multiple jobs and two, the rotation makes it extremely difficult to be corrupt and get away with it.

Today, Theo informed her that she is assigned to the farms…

And she has zero knowledge about farming…

But it made sense….

No one here really knows her so putting her in a place of authority would be a foolish move, so it makes sense to put her in a place where she can be easily monitored and have fewer chances of screwing up.

The pack grows its own vegetables fruits herbs and spices. Remi, a young man actually supervises everything on the farm. No one can tell that he is not a warrior though. With broad shoulders and back muscles, she would easily believe him to be a warrior. She so desperately wanted to ask him if he genuinely likes farming or if this is a punishment of some sort, but since it’s her day being here she didn't want to piss him off. He actually has a handsome face but there was a scowl present on it when she first met him today… and since they hadn’t spoken to each other for the past hour despite them being the only ones on the farm, she kept him in the silent and brooding type…..just like Azraiel….

Since Charlotte has no experience in farming he asked her to do a really simple job and she was more than happy to do so. The only problem was that her sunscreen had no chance against the scorching sun. Her whole face and arms went bright red within half an hour and now she was sure she looked nothing less than a tomato. After every few minutes, she would look around to see if there was someone else on the farm…

To her surprise, she and Remi have been the only ones here for the past hour.

"It will be only you and me for a couple of days…"

Remi’s deep voice cut her train of thought and for a moment she was left speechless. How the hell did he know that she was wondering exactly that?

But then she must be really easy to read because he immediately spoke up again, "You have been looking around every couple of minutes."

Charlotte bonded to herself and smiled but then quickly stopped when she noticed that he wasn't even looking at her. Remi was busy collecting the harvest of vegetables.

It was silent for a couple of minutes and Charlotte realized too late that he was trying to make a conversation and make her feel at ease and she just stomped on his efforts by not speaking anything.

Trying to rectify the mistake she cleared her throat slightly and spoke up,"How long have you been doing this?" She could tell that he was surprised she was talking to him by the way his body froze and he took a few seconds to turn around and face her.

"Around five years…I guess .."


He must have started working at a young age then. He doesn't look a day older than 25.

"I am 28.." His voice startled her and this time her mouth opened and closed like a freaking goldfish wondering if he could read her thoughts.

“No… I can't read your thoughts but that's what I'd be thinking if I were you… Werewolves age slower than humans…” He gave her a half shrug and went back to plucking the vegetables.

She nodded to herself again.

That makes sense...

"How many people really work here?" She tried again.

"Four to five at max... It actually depends on the work here… Most of the's Rory, Mika, Annie, and me, but if there is more work Nikki and Steve join us too… Of course, the people change every month or so."

She was surprised that only four individuals manage a farm this big but then they are werewolves.

"You should go now. You can do the rest tomorrow. Gamma Theo is waiting for you."

Charlotte looked up in the sky to find that it was going to be evening soon and Theo would be waiting for her next training session. She gathered the weeds she pulled out in a tub and retreated to the small cottage from where she fetched the gloves earlier. After removing her gloves and washing her hands she exits to find Remi standing outside the cottage.

“Give me your phone.” Without asking any questions Charlotte pulls out her phone and handed it to him. She watched in silence as he types something and returned it to her.

“Here..I have put my number in here and now I also have your number. I'll let you know at what time you should be here tomorrow.”

Charlotte smiled at him and said thanks. She saw him smile back slightly and said “See you tomorrow.”

Remi just nodded once and went back to his work.

Hmm... interesting…

He seems like a nice guy… though she has no idea what he has been doing on a farm when he can easily pass off as a model. With light brown eyes that looked like molten honey and dark brown hair, she was sure his looks garnered him many admirers.

Increasing her pace, she tried to focus on Remi and not the Alpha whose thoughts have been clouding her mind ever since yesterday.

She was worried ..for Azraiel...

and scared ..that the truth will make it difficult for her to trust others….

It was even scarier because she wanted to trust Azraiel so much…

Not only Azraiel, but she was also afraid that she has already started trusting these people...Matt, Theo, Ayleen...Dr. Humphrey and though it was too soon to say….she could see herself trusting Remi easily….

Why the hell does the thought of not being able to trust these wolves makes her feel like a hole has opened up in her chest?

Why does the sting of being betrayed by people she has known since birth feel nothing compared to the fear of not being able to trust these strangers?


Charlotte paused in her steps as she heard the answer from the voice in her head…

Because you are one of them….

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