Read with BonusRead with Bonus

| 54 | The past and the present…

Charlotte couldn’t take it anymore, so she let the tears flow down her cheeks.

It’s not like he hasn’t seen me crying before

Taking a shuddering breath, she quietly muttered, “Can I see the video?”

Azraiel silently took the phone and gave it back to her after a few seconds.

No point in delaying anymore….Let’s see why they betrayed me….

She clicked on the play icon and the video started.

Mr. and Mrs. Grishams are sitting on the edge of the bed, looking like they have seen a ghost. Archie wasn’t with them, most probably Azraiel sent him elsewhere on purpose.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to know the truth.” Azraiel’s voice is loud and clear.

“But…who are you?” Mrs. Grishams enquire shakily.

“That doesn’t matter. You are not leaving this room until you tell me the truth. Your son will remain unharmed as long as you tell the truth without skipping anything….Why?” Azraiel didn’t expand the question but it was clear from their faces that the Grishams understood what he wanted to know.

“I...We’ll tell the truth…just don’t harm my baby. What do you want to know?” For a brief second Charlotte felt sympathy for the women in tears but it soon disappeared when she remembered her experience in the woods.

“Everything, start from the beginning. How are you related to Arthur Smith? What happened to Charlotte’s mother? What did you plan to do with Charlotte? Who is instructing you to do this?”

“We…we are friends of Arthur. We were classmates in school and stayed in touch. He has always been like a brother to me. My wife, she is a nurse at the local hospital. We married each other young, 24 years ago when Lenna, Charlotte’s mother appeared in our lives.” Lenna….Charlotte watched as they glanced at each other with pained expressions.

“Arthur found Lenna outside the woods when he was on his morning run one day. She was covered in blood and dirt. It also looked like she had been in a fire since her clothes were burned in some places. She wasn’t dead though, she was conscious and she asked for Arthur’s help but refused to go to a hospital. Arthur…he was worried she’d die without treatment, so he brought her home…and called us. My wife, she took care of her wounds….It was…it was unbelievable. She looked so fragile, ready to die any minute….but only after a few hours of getting the proper treatment, she started recovering. It was…as if she was never so seriously wounded to begin with.” Mr. Grishams started telling the past that Charlotte was entirely unaware of.

“She was pregnant when Arthur found her. He was young and good back then, the shy nerd that wanted to do good for others. He… he couldn’t report her to the police because she pleaded with him again and again…She even tried to run while she was weak because she was afraid we’d hand her over to the police. At last, Arthur agreed to let her stay with him until she gathered her strength. Within a day or two, she recovered quickly and wanted to leave. But Arthur….he was worried, the fact that she was pregnant was weighing on his conscience. He didn’t want her to leave in this condition, so he offered her help. He asked her to be a maid in his house and stay in the servant’s room. Lenna didn’t want to stay but she had no other option at that time, so she agreed unwillingly. We told everyone that she was a childhood friend who moved abroad years ago and is now back. Since, no one mentioned a father, everyone assumed it was from a one night stand. Soon, she became a part of our little circle. We’d treat her more as a friend than a maid. At that time, Arthur was doing internship at a newspaper cum publishing company. One day, he was having some trouble completing the story he was working on. Lenna helped him that day. The work Lenna did for him was appreciated by his seniors at the office and Arthur was grateful. He continued taking Lenna’s help here and there for a few weeks. As a gesture of showing gratitude, he requested his seniors at work to consider Lenna for the internship too. Lenna didn’t want to do it since she was afraid of stepping out in the city but eventually agreed as she wanted to earn money and move away. Soon, she started working with Arthur at the same company and flourished. She was efficient, quiet and smart. It was all going well…but then…” Mrs. Grishams abruptly stopped as her face pinched.

“Then what?” Azraiel prodded.

“Arthur fell in love with her….and Lenna didn’t. It was clearly visible to everyone that he was in love with Lenna. He was ready to accept the baby as his own and was planning to ask her out. But then… day a guy came to visit him when he took a day off from work and Lenna was still in office. The guy, Ron enquired about Lenna…He told Arthur that he was a police officer who was looking for Lenna. Apparently, Lenna was a criminal who had murdered several people in a faraway town and was extremely dangerous to be around. Arthur believed him foolishly….He got scared. He still loved her, but the thought that she was a criminal and not a domestic abuse survivor like he assumed just crushed her. He felt betrayed….So, when Ron suggested that they trap Lenna and arrest her, Arthur agreed. That idiot didn’t tell about his to us or else we would have convinced him to not do so. Two days later, Ron and his men were supposed to arrest Lenna from Arthur’s house, but before that could happen, Lenna went into the labour. Since we knew she wouldn’t go to the hospital, I asked one of my colleagues and we both assisted her in giving birth to Charlotte at home. Lenna was really weak after the delivery. That day, Rona and his men arrived. Somehow, Lenna knew that something was wrong even before they came. So she asked me to take Charlotte and go from there to a safe place and take care of her in case something happens to her. I didn’t believe her but I left so that she would calm down and not hurt herself.” Mrs. Grishams wasn’t crying anymore but Charlotte was…

“Ron took her forcibly. She cried, pleaded and did everything she could do to escape but they were more than 5 men and she, alone. Arthur did nothing…absolutely nothing as he watched those men drag the woman he claimed to love. They injected her with something that made her much weaker. We…we had no idea about any of this. It was all Arthur. I had heard her screams and knew that Lenna was right. So, I didn’t come out until they left in fear that they’d take Charlotte or much worse, harm her.”

“We had no idea what to do. Arthur was so sure that he did the right thing because Ron showed him his ID and the photos of Lenna with her real family and of people she killed. We couldn’t believe that Lenna would do that but it was no use pondering over the thought when she was already gone. Arthur didn’t want us to keep Charlotte, he wanted to drop her at an orphanage, but I refused. I still had faith in Lenna and said that we’d adopt her, give her our name. But…but before we could do any of this, a dead body was found just outside the Coral woods and….it was…Lenna.” Mrs. Grishams wiped off a tear and looked down.

“Arthur was devastated. He felt extremely guilty about believing Ron. Had he not believed him, Lenna would still be alive. He considered filing an FIR against Ron but he was afraid that he’d be suspected too. Besides, Lenna wasn’t identified by the police yet and the case eventually became cold. Arthur was a coward….But after this, he became disturbed.. started to behave irrationally, he would drink day and night. We were afraid he’d die at this rate. The only time he remained sane was when he played with Charlotte. We were skeptical about letting him near her but she seemed to bring out the good in him, so we allowed it. However, we would never leave her alone with him. As days went by, Arthur began loving Charlotte and became sober. He started working again and had soon made a name for himself. Charlotte lived with us until she was a year old. We were happy too since we didn’t have any children and had grown attached to Charlotte. But then…the tragedy struck us again.”

Mrs. Grisham smiled sadly and looked at her husband, who took her hand and squeezed it tightly with tears in his eyes. He continued the story with a sad voice.

“I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had to leave my job for the treatment and it was getting harder and harder for us to manage on my wife’s salary. At that time, Arthur came to us with an offer.

He wanted to help us…he agreed to pay for my treatment…in exchange for adopting Charlotte.”

“We didn’t want to give her up…Lord knows we loved her with our everything…but I was dying… and Charlotte would live just next door, we thought it wouldn’t be bad…so we eventually agreed.”

“Charlotte started living with Arthur from then, of course my wife helped him with her at the beginning but then he started to manage on his own. He sorts of thought it as redeeming himself for betraying Lenna. He took the best care of Charlotte and years went by. I was getting better. It was also the time to enroll Charlotte in a school and we knew it would be a problem. How would we describe her appearance? Her mother, father…? How? Arthur went ahead and started searching for places and schools that had no compliances or loopholes in governance and he ultimately found it.

The H.O.P.E. Mission.

It was the program for special children, as they called it. It asked the parent’s consent to monitor their child in a different setting than normal schools but with the same education. The children were deemed to possess one quality or another…you know…music, speech, intelligence..etc.. It had one perk, since the children were deemed special, their records were kept separately in locked files classified as sensitive to keep their identities discreet until they were ready to shine in the world.…and Arthur had found out someone who could get her in the program. We don’t know who was his connection but it worked. There was only one drawback. The program was conducted at different schools at different time. So he had to move a lot to ensure that Charlotte was enrolled in the program, to keep her identity safe. Arthur asked us to move with him. We didn’t want to leave but since Arthur was paying for my treatment, he kind of indirectly forced us to do so. Besides, we wanted to be there for Charlotte. So we followed Arthur and Charlotte everywhere they went and after a while, we also kind of started enjoying the different cities. Everything was going well until Sarah came into our life.” Charlotte has never seen so much hatred on Mr. Grishams face that was displayed in that one moment when he uttered Sarah’s name.

“She changed Arthur…he became shot tempered, angry, he started screaming at everyone and blindly believed Sarah….he started hating Charlotte…Sarah and Arthur wanted to get rid of Charlotte…When Charlotte heard Sarah and Arthur talking about killing her…it was all a part of their plan. They wanted her to listen to their conversation. They wanted her to get scared and plan to escape. They knew she would come to us. We never wanted to hurt Charlotte…we considered her our daughter…But they threatened us…with Archie’s life…They wanted to harm him….and they did…When we refused to help them in their plan, they started hurting him in one way or another…his leg getting fractured, getting expelled from school for no apparent reasons…it wasn’t an accident…We thought about leaving the city and contacting police, but we had no proof….and then we received another heartbreaking news, my company was laying off people and I was one amongst them, my wife too had stopped working after Archie was born, we didn’t have much savings all thanks to my cancer treatment and it became extremely difficult to even consider to move to a different city with a child and get involved with the police. I…I’m very ashamed to say this but Arthur offered us money and we agreed…You need to understand that we never wanted to cause any harm to Charlotte but we were desperate. We had no money and with a threat looming over my son’s head I didn’t want to risk his life.” Mr. Grishams didn’t look up the whole time.

“So you risked Charlotte’s life?” Azraiel’s voice was neutral but she could sense the anger simmering behind his words.

“No…we only agreed to help on the condition that they would not harm Charlotte. Their whole plan was to make it seem as if Charlotte had run away....which she would but only to save herself. It worked…Charlotte was doing exactly what they wanted….the plan was for us to leave with Charlotte together but as decided we would leave for different cities and keep on moving…Arthur wanted us to stop contacting Charlotte after we left, so that she’d be left in a completely new city without any support, he wanted us to come back after a few days and say that we were on a vacation but Charlotte never joined us…but we…we wanted to help her, so my wife and I decided to betray Arthur by contacting Charlotte after we moved away….but it never worked out like we planned. Charlotte saw some dream about Arthur getting hurt and wanted to leave for Coral woods…we didn’t want her to, but she didn’t listen to us….we thought she would leave for the city as planned after visiting the woods…but we had no idea that she was being followed.”

“Who was following Charlotte?” Azraiel spoke up again.

“Sarah’s brother Richard was following Charlotte.”

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