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| 57 | The White Wolf…

It was 3:30 in the morning on Monday. The sun wasn’t out yet and the sky was still dark. The streets silent with the occasional barking of stray dogs. The local police department of Nievland, a small town in the state of Rysterbia received a call from a man named Peter Sheffield. He was driving back from a late party in the next town when suddenly something dropped on the top of the car, making him lose balance. Whatever it was, slid on the glass, making it difficult for him to see in the dark night. He lost balance and his car swerved on to the side of the road, almost bumping in the tree trunk. Scared, he came out of the car and switched on the flashlight of his cell phone to see if it was an animal or a bird….But it was neither….

A young woman was lying on the road in shredded clothes. There were several bite and scratch marks on her body. Her body was missing a lot of pieces, blood dripping from everywhere…but what shook Peter to the core was the fact that her eyeballs were gauged out and her heart was lying a few inches away from her rest of the body…

Charlotte couldn’t sleep the whole night. An occurrence she has noticed almost every night in the past few days.

Everything that Azraiel told her yesterday was playing in her mind. But more than that, what he didn’t tell her was making her anxious.

He said he’d tell her something by Wednesday…


And the way he looked at her…like he always does…like he wants to say something but doesn’t….it…it was just messing with her head.

It was around four in the morning on Monday when she pushed open the door of her room and stepped out.

It has become a habit, she noticed.

Whenever she can’t sleep, she steps out in the backyard and strolls through the woods…Even though everyone has told her to not do so at night. But she can’t help it. She instantly feels calm and collected when she walks here. She has no idea if it’s the woods or the winds, but its soothing.

Charlotte carefully stepped into the woods, trying to avoid stones and branches. It’s a wonder she hasn’t fallen yet despite being here every day at night. She is clumsy and she knows it, so she knows that her wolf must be helping her to navigate through the woods in the dark or else she would have hurt herself multiple times till now.

She kept touching the trees’ trunk while walking, unconsciously leaving her imprint on every tree. Without even realizing, her mind has now wandered towards this pack and its people leaving behind the worry of the unknown. She starts thinking about the people here, her shift and the life after the shift….if she survives…..

Soon, Charlotte gets so lost in her own thoughts that she stops paying attention to her surroundings. She has entered the deep woods without even realizing that she has come way too far from the cottage. Lost in her thought she keeps walking, when suddenly a bat comes in front of her and she steps back with a shriek, stepping on the branch behind her and loses balance. Charlotte falls awkwardly, scratching her leg and arms. The wound on her arms being a bit deeper than those on her legs. Her arm is bleeding a bit. She can’t see her wounds in the dark but she can feel the pain. Wincing at the pain, she turns on her side and tries to get up by supporting her palms on the ground. She was about to get up by pushing her weight up when she freezes.

She heard a growl.

Fuck…someone’s here.

Scared, she scrambles towards the tree trunk while still on the ground and leans on it. She opens her eyes wide and tries to see if there’s anyone in sight. In the dark, all she can see more darkness. She slows her breathing, trying to make as less sound as possible. But then she hears it…the sound of breathing…of someone else…

Behind her…..

She turns sideways and looks behind the tree…

Charlotte’s breath gets stuck in her throat when she sees a large White wolf standing there, staring right at her. She has to remind herself to breath when her head starts feeling dizzy in a few seconds. She is transported back to the day when she was bit by Richard…But then he starts walking towards her.

Charlotte wants to run away, but she is paralyzed with fear….This wolf looks way bigger than that of Richard…

She tries to do the exercise matt has taught her….Breathe in…Breathe out…count to five. Soon, her breathing goes back to normal…Starting to breathe now, she tries to relax and starts thinking. If this is a werewolf, then he must belong to the pack, and there is no way Azraiel hasn’t instructed them to not harm her. She has no idea why her trust on Azraiel won over her fear, but she calmed down.

She kept staring at the wolf, his eyes gleaming golden in the dark night. His mouth is closed, but she can hear his breathing and low growls. She doesn’t move her eyes away from him. He too is looking right at her, never letting his eyes wander away from her. Interestingly, she becomes calmer as she stares into his golden eyes…


He is closer now. Just one step away from her…In next five seconds, the distance between them is nonexistent as he steps forward in front of her. The closeness, the uncertainty…it sends shivers down her spine.

He stretches his neck forward almost touching her nose with his snout and Charlotte stops breathing in that second.

Oh God….

Fearing the worst, she squeezes her eyes shut and wait…for the pain…for him to move away….anything…

She waits for several seconds….but nothing comes…But she opens her eyes, when something wet glides on her arm. Confused as hell, Charlotte opens her eyes abruptly.

The sight leaves her speechless.

The big white wolf is licking her arm, where she has scratched herself when she fell. His tongue glides over the wounds again and again, wiping off the blood. He then focuses on the scratches on her legs, licking them like he did with the wound on her arms.

Charlotte stares at the creature in front of her with surprise and amusement. Here she thought, he would attack her but he is …licking her? She doesn’t move….but keeps her attention on the wolf. Her eyes roam over the wolf’s body, taking in every detail. He is really big. He is white…could also be grey and she is just confused in the night but she has a feeling it’s white…don’t know how…but white…She is so tempted to run her fingers through his fur. The white fur looks so soft…

Charlotte looks at him again when he stops licking. She looks into his eyes again, wondering what he’d do next. He keeps staring into her eyes…never breaking contact…. And then he ….he leans down and licks her cheek…

That little shit…

Charlotte opens and closes her mouth trying to understand what just happened. She looks at his face…and…it looks like he is smirking…or grinning…or whatever it is that wolves do with their mouth.

Before she could do anything, he steps back quietly and leaves. Yeah…he leaves her sitting on the ground speechless…confused….and calm?

What the hell just happened here?

Charlotte stretches her leg forward, and to her utter surprise, there is no pain. She stretches her arms then, moving them in front of her face. When she doesn’t feel any pain, she tries to feel if there’s any blood by touching her left arm with her right palm. Nope…none…!

She lets out a chuckle at the incident…What the actual hell?


She doesn’t feel any pain. Hell…it’s like there were no wounds, no scratches…none…like she never fell down.

With her feet now on the ground and her mind now lost in thoughts of the white wolf, Charlotte leaves the woods and starts walking towards her cottage.

What the fuck just happened there?

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