Read with BonusRead with Bonus



According to my research Liam was seeing this girl called Kacey Simpson when I saw her face I suddenly felt outraged but I wouldn't be able to forget a face like hers.

She was my twin sister.

Even though we got separated at a young age I could still recognize her. We had the same features even though we weren't identical twins but we had one thing in common: we were both in love with the same man.

"Is this the girl you were talking about Stacey?" Nova asked curiously.

I nodded quietly.

"She's beautiful but I'm sure that she won't be much of a competition because you are more beautiful than her."

I cocked a brow at her.

Nova was my personal assistant but she was also my best friend and someone I could rely on when things got tough.

I stared at the photo with pure hatred.

"This little brat made a childhood a living hell with her perfect grades pretending to be the best daughter so that our parents would love her more."


Nova looked stunned.

"You're actually related to that woman?" She asked curiously.

"Yes unfortunately she's my twin sister and now she's trying to steal the man I fell in love with but I won't let her get away with this because Liam only belongs to me."

Nova shrugged carelessly.

"I don't want to upset you but you and Liam broke up years ago. I doubt if he even remembers you. I bet you're just one of the women he came across."

I glared at her.

"He can't forget about me. I'll make him remember everything that happened between us and I'll make sure that Kacey is out of the picture for good. I don't care if they share a daughter because I want her gone."

Something suddenly clicked in my mind and I had the perfect idea on how to separate Kacey and Liam for good.

There was a middle man.

Anthony I could use him against Kacey and Liam. I'm sure that we'll come to some agreement if my theory is correct.

"Schedule a meeting for me. I'd like to meet him."

Nova nodded quietly.

And a few days later I was sitting across from Anthony in a small cafe. I didn't want any attention from the media since I was a celebrity.

"So why did you call me here?"

I smiled at him.

"We have one common goal."

He took a sip of coffee staring at me.

"What's that goal?"

"To separate Liam and Kacey."

His shoulders straightened.

I finally got his attention.

"How do you know about them?"

I shrugged carelessly.

"Isn't it obvious they are all over the news?"

"Who are you?"

I removed my sunglasses.

"My name is Stacey Simpson and I am Kacey's twin sister."

He narrowed his eyes on me.

"Kacey never mentioned anything about having a twin sister, maybe you're just a fake."

"She won't say anything about me because we got separated when we were both young. Maybe she doesn't remember anything that much."

"Fine let's assume that you're her twin sister but what would you get if Kacey and Liam and where to separate?"

"I thought you were a smart man Anthony but anyway it doesn't matter I'll feel you in and tell you my opinion."

"I'd get to have Liam Praise all to myself."

His eyes lit up.

"Ah you're just another fangirl of Liam I should have known because this isn't the first time I've encountered women who are still crazy over a man who doesn't even notice them standing in the shadows."

This man was now getting on my nerves.

"Hey don't get angry I'm just joking."

I shot him a glare.

"Well I'm not a big fan of jokes so just keep them to yourself because I'm not interested in hearing any of them."

"Fine but you don't have to be fucking rude if you keep acting like a spolied brat Liam won't even spare a glance in your direction sweetheart he'll just break your heart just like all the other women who were in his life."

"Let's just get to the plan because I don't have time for your nonsense."

He rolled his eyes at me.

"You're the second person who knows my sister very well and you also have access to her house."

He cocked a brow at me.

"You are going to kidnap my sister but you'll be wearing a mask that will hide your face he'll drug and knock her out."

" I don't want to hurt Kacey."

I snorted in annoyance.

"You're just going to drug her and tie her up. If this plan is going to work he'll have to make up your mind or else I'll do everything myself."

"Fine, I'll do everything."

I smiled at him.

"When is the plan happening?"

I glanced at my wrist watch.



Over the past few days Liam and I couldn't keep our hands off each other in a good way I wouldn't be surprised if Tatia suddenly had a siblings because we've been fucking like rabbits.

He grasped my hand.

"Where are you going? Stay with me."

I cocked a brow at him.

"I just want to go have some water. I'm thirsty and the jug is empty."

He let go of my hand.

"But I want you to come back soon because I'll be waiting for you."

I nodded quietly and wore his white shirt which barely covered my butt.

He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and wore my bunny slippers heading downstairs. Once I opened the fridge I took a bottle of water and poured it into a cup.

Before I could leave someone grabbed me from behind, placing wet clothes against my nose and mouth.

I tried to scream but all my sounds were muffled and I was becoming weak. I couldn't let this man take me. I had to fight back.

I pulled on his hair hard enough to make his scalp burn because he released me. I made a run for it even though I couldn't see anything clearly everything was becoming blurry.


"Liam help me…" my cries only came out in a hoarse whisper.

He wouldn't be able to hear me.

Before I could reach the next step something was smashed on my head and l lost consciousness.


I didn't want to hurt Kacey because she had forced me to hurt her because she couldn't stay still without making a fucking noise. If she had managed to climb the stairs Liam would have caught me and it would have been game over.

I couldn't let that happen because everyone had to go according to plan.

I carried Kacey over my shoulder and left the house in a hurry since she was losing a lot of blood.

I hit her on the head with a vase.


When I opened my eyes Kacey wasn't beside me last night. I had fallen asleep while waiting for her thinking that I'd find her beside me. I got out of bed only wearing my boxers. I stopped in my tracks when I saw blood trails at the bottom of the stairs.


I rushed downstairs looking around the house calling Kacey's name like a mad when I saw the broken vase covered in blood. Someone had broken into the house while I was asleep and they abducted Kacey as well.

I pulled out my phone before I could call the police. I received a phone call from an unknown number.

I answered the call.


Someone chuckled from the other end.

"Ah Liam Praise."

"Where's my wife?"

"Your wife?"

The bastard had disguised his voice.

"She's safe."

"You hit her."

"I only hit her because she tried to escape!" He yelled angrily.

"But don't worry she's just taking a nap."

"If you hurt her again I swear I-"

"You don't get to make fucking conditions Liam you're not even in the position to."

I swallowed hard.

"So don't even think about threatening me."

"What do you want? Is it my money?"

"I don't need your money Liam."

"If you want your wife alive you'll have to fulfill the conditions I'm going to give you."

"I don't want you to involve the police and if you're thinking about tracking this number you'll only find yourself in a dead end."

"Your second condition is to marry Stacey and publish the news of your new marriage in the media."


"That bitch is responsible for Kacey's kidnapping?"

"Do you want to see Kacey alive or not?"

"Fine I'll do whatever you want as long as she comes back home safe I'll marry Stacey and publish an article about our marriage."

"Good, I'll send you the location where you can meet her and sign your marriage contract. Everything is already prepared."

"Meet me at the location in an hour. Your bride is quite impatient here."

Before I could utter a word he hung up on me.



When I opened my eyes I found myself laying in a hospital bed. I had a terrible headache and I was struggling to keep my eyes open.


Someone was sitting next to me holding my hand.

Once my vision cleared I stared at Anthony.


"Where's Liam?"

"Just relax Kacey, you're not ready yet to hear the truth yet."

"What truth?"

Anthony couldn't even look me in the eye.

"What's going on? Please tell me the truth."

"Liam married someone else while you were in the hospital."


He nodded quietly.

"The news about his marriage is all over the news."

Tears spilled down my cheeks.

He had broken my trust again but this time the pain was much worse because he had betrayed me for some hot shot model. I didn't want to ever hear from Liam again.

"You need to go get Tatia. I can't let her witness Liam's betrayal; she'll find out that her father married another woman.

He nodded quietly.

"I'll leave for New York right now."

Anthony stood up.

"He's outside."

"I don't want to talk to him."

"I don't want to see him either."

Before Anthony could open the door Liam walked in like a tornado.

"I know everything looks bad but just let me explain myself."

"Anthony, get him out of here."

He grabbed Liam's hand.

"She doesn't want to see you. I think you should leave Liam."

"Stacey got what she wanted but she knows that I'll never love her."

"I might be her husband but that's just on paper for the media."

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