Read with BonusRead with Bonus



I stared at the pictures the media had posted in disbelief. I'm sure that this was all Stacey's doing. She wanted to ruin my life. That's why she painted me as the villain in her so-called love story with Liam.

She wanted to make me look bad.

She was glued to Liam's side offering her brightest smile for the press.

I still couldn't believe that she had called me a homewrecker. I wasn't even the one standing between their relationship. It was Liam in fact he wouldn't even stop following me. I gripped my cell phone in my hand tightly. I wanted to hit them where it would hurt the most, especially Liam.

Anthony's proposal would do the trick since I never gave him an answer.

I pulled out my phone dialing his number to my surprise he picked up on the first ring.

"Kacey, how are you?" He asked curiously.

"I'm fine, I'd like to meet you somewhere. I'll choose the place."

"Ummm okay but is something wrong?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing is wrong, I just want us to eat out, maybe some dinner?"

"Sure dinner sounds good, I'll see you tonight."

I hung up the call feeling proud of myself. I can't wait to see Liam's reaction when he reads the news. He'll be pissed off.

A few hours later I got ready for my dinner date and made sure to get dolled up so that I would look good in all the photos the media would be taking. I tucked the ring I had bought for Anthony in my coat. I would be proposing to him in front of the news that would go viral.

A few minutes later Anthony came to pick me up and he dropped me off at the restaurant.

I had reserved the best seats for us in the restaurant.

He smiled at me.

"You look beautiful Kacey, what's the occasion? Because you rarely don't wear that much makeup."

He was right, he knew me too well but I won't let see the truth otherwise my plan won't work.

"Nothing I just missed hanging out with you" I lied.

He cocked a brow at me.

"So why did you want us to have dinner tonight?"

"To celebrate."

He looked confused.

"Celebrate what?"

"The new relationship we are about to start together."

"Kacey, what are you talking about?"

I pulled the ring and got on one knee.

His eyes widened in shock.

He looked around the restaurant when he saw the flashing cameras.

"A few months ago you had asked me to marry you but I never gave you an answer so today I want to be the one seeking for your hand Anthony."

"Kacey you don't have to do this."

I sighed softly and opened the box taking out the golden band.

"Anthony, will you marry me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He swallowed hard.

"Get up Kacey."

"Is that a no?"

He chuckled softly.

"I'm the one who's supposed to propose to you not the other way around but since you have a ring right now I won't stop you."

He smiled at me.

"Of course I'll marry you. I'd be an idiot if I rejected you right now."

I slipped the ring on his finger and Anthony took me in his arms hugging me tightly.

"I've always dreamed about marrying you Kacey and now my dream is coming true thanks to you."

He tightened his hold on me.

A part of me felt guilty because I wasn't being truthful to him.

"I don't want to ruin this moment Kacey but I have to ask you something."

I pulled back.

"What is it?"

"I thought you were in love with Liam."

"I used to love Liam but not anymore. I'm over him and I want to start my life afresh with an honest man like you."

He grasped my hands gently.

"Liam doesn't deserve you."

"So when do you want us to get married?"

I smiled at him.

"How about tomorrow afternoon?"

He looked surprised.

"Isn't that too soon?"

I shook my head negatively.

"I'm just eager to become your wife."

He smiled at me.

"I'll give you the most grand wedding ever, Kacey."

Anthony pulled me close, crushing his lips on mine and I let out a gasp because his lips felt alien to me but I kissed him back with the same intensity.

The next morning it was soon time for my wedding even though everything was done on short notice everything got arranged. My mother and Tatia weren't happy about my decision.

"Are you sure that this is what you really want? Maybe you're marrying Anthony to make Liam jealous but Kacey you're forgetting that this is a lifetime commitment not child's play."

"If you're getting married to Anthony with those kinds of intentions it's better that you call off the wedding because the both of you will be miserable in this marriage and Anthony will be the one suffering more because he has high expectations."

I swallowed hard and ignored my mother's warning.

"I don't know what will convince you to snap out of this fantasy Kacey but think about your daughter's happiness."

"Liam is a married man and no one stopped him when he chose to marry that little snake. Why can't I be happy as well? I want to get married as well and forget about him."

"He forgot about me so I'm also allowed to do the same. What's the big deal?"

My mother sighed softly.

"That little snake is your twin sister."

"That woman is not my sister."

I picked my wedding dress and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"I will get married today."


At first I thought that the press were talking nonsense. I saw the photos of Anthony and Kacey's engagement.

She proposed to him to make me feel jealous because I married her sister but Kacey didn't even know the reason why I married Stacey instead of her.

"Are you thinking of going to her wedding?" Stacey asked curiously.

When I didn't answer her she scoffed in annoyance.

"You're even married to her but she has you wrapped around her finger like some vice."

"I'm your wife Liam and you're not allowed to think about other women while I'm still in your life especially my stupid sister."

"I will go to Kacey's wedding and witness it for myself. No one will stop me, Stacey, not even you."

"I've had enough of that brat and I can't stand her anymore!"

I walked away and left Stacey in the bedroom who was throwing a tantrum like a kid.


I got ready for my wedding and my mother helped me do my hair and makeup since everything was done on short notice. I looked in the mirror trying to force a smile. I was beating Liam Praise at his own game yet I wasn't even happy.

Could my mother be right? I shook my head negatively and pushed the negative thoughts away.

This was my big day and I wasn't going to let anyone ruin it. Even Liam's presence won't take away my happiness because I don't care about him. He was there in the crowd but I ignored him and smiled at Anthony brightly.

My father was the one walking me down the aisle.

When it was time for Anthony and I to take our vows I couldn't help but search for Liam in the crowd. He was still there watching the wedding with a heartbroken expression.

When Anthony slipped the golden wedding band on my finger Liam suddenly got up and left the venue.

He was gone, maybe he couldn't bear to see me get married to another man.

After I was done saying my vows it was time for me to slip the golden wedding band on Anthony's finger but I froze.

"Kacey?" Anthony whispered when people began murmuring.

I looked at him snapping out of my thoughts.


At first I thought that the press were talking nonsense. I saw the photos of Anthony and Kacey's engagement.

She proposed to him to make me feel jealous because I married her sister but Kacey didn't even know the reason why I married Stacey instead of her.

"Are you thinking of going to her wedding?" Stacey asked curiously.

When I didn't answer her she scoffed in annoyance.

"You're even married to her but she has you wrapped around her finger like some vice."

"I'm your wife Liam and you're not allowed to think about other women while I'm still in your life especially my stupid sister."

"I will go to Kacey's wedding and witness it for myself. No one will stop me, Stacey, not even you."

"I've had enough of that brat and I can't stand her anymore!"

I walked away and left Stacey in the bedroom who was throwing a tantrum like a kid.


I got ready for my wedding and my mother helped me do my hair and makeup since everything was done on short notice. I looked in the mirror trying to force a smile. I was beating Liam Praise at his own game yet I wasn't even happy.

Could my mother be right? I shook my head negatively and pushed the negative thoughts away.

This was my big day and I wasn't going to let anyone ruin it. Even Liam's presence won't take away my happiness because I don't care about him. He was there in the crowd but I ignored him and smiled at Anthony brightly.

My father was the one walking me down the aisle.

When it was time for Anthony and I to take our vows I couldn't help but search for Liam in the crowd. He was still there watching the wedding with a heartbroken expression.

When Anthony slipped the golden wedding band on my finger Liam suddenly got up and left the venue.

He was gone, maybe he couldn't bear to see me get married to another man.

After I was done saying my vows it was time for me to slip the golden wedding band on Anthony's finger but I froze.

"Kacey?" Anthony whispered when people began murmuring.

I looked at him snapping out of my thoughts.

"The priest has already called your name three times, are you getting cold feet?" He asked curiously.

Anthony was a great friend to me and I couldn't lie to a Friend.

"Our wedding is almost over."

I sighed softly.

"I shouldn't have played with your feelings Anthony I'm so sorry my mother was right."

"I wanted us to get married so that I could make Liam jealous."

"I can't marry you because I'm still in love with him. I can't forget about him either."

Anthony remained speechless.

"I hope that one day you can forgive me. I shouldn't have given false hope or even wasted your time."

I kissed Anthony on the cheek and took off the veil abandoning my high heels and ran out of the wedding venue but when I arrived outside Liam was already gone.

I knew the one place where Liam would go to seek comfort at a time like this and that was at club kiss where it all started.

I arrived at the club barefoot and the bouncer didn't even try to stop me when I walked past him trying to get to Liam.

I found him by himself drinking himself to death.

"Aren't you going to ask me to join you?" I asked curiously.

He turned around to stare at me dazed.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting married?"

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