Chapter 7
Mr. Ripley called me a few days ago to invite me to a barbeque at the club house. He said he wanted to talk to me about the transplant. But he also wanted me to see his world. I'm not sure why I agreed but I did. Maybe this will get me closer to getting him to agree to help me.
So here we are pulling up to the compound again. I still feel like I've stepped into another world. There are considerably more people than the last time I was here. Callen helps me out of the car and I hear rock music playing through speakers I can't see. A wonderful smell of grilled meat floating through the air makes my mouth water. We have a small detail with us today. Just two additional guards. They go up the ramp first but stand on either side to make room. Finn and Callen escort me to the front door. There is a large man with a familiar prospect jacket sitting on a stool next to the door with a woman in a bikini draped across his lap. At least I hope it is a bikini. Around here I wouldn't be surprised if she was in her underwear. We all look at her in disgust. This is the people they have out here to greet guests. How deplorable.
" This is a private party. We don't let your types in here. You need to get back where you belong." he grunts looking us up and down and snears. Does he actually think he is intimidating? What a joke. This is the kind of disrespectful men my da surrounds himself with. What a pity.The woman giggles like he said the funniest thing. " You heard the man. Git." And makes a shooting motion with her hands. Callen and Finn stifle a laugh under their breath.
" Aye you fecking ogre. Watch what you say." I say. The woman slides off his lap so he can stand. " I told you to leave. Now I'm going to make you leave." he says. As soon as he takes a step toward me, Finn and Callen have their hands on their guns as well as my gaurds ready to pull when I give the word. Just as one of my guards pulls his assault rifle Ace walks out the door followed by a few others. Ace looks at my tense stance then asks the man " Got a problem prospect?" " No boss. Just telling the bitch and her goons to get lost. We don't want her kind here." How crude. And the guy looks so pleased with himself. Ace looks at me as I remark " If this ogre and blow up doll are how you greet invited guests I'm surprised you have so many people here. And how he is alive for that matter." The doll edges toward my arm to close for my comfort and puffs out what I believe is fake tits and whines " You can't talk to us like that."
I don't even think I draw my elbow back and catch her with a clean shot just below her ribs. Enough to knock the wind out of her and shut her up. " Hush cum Barbie the grown ups are talking." Some snickers from behind Ace and a woman's say " I like her already." I give Ace my full attention " My apologies Mr. Ripley. I don't tolerate being disrespected. She is lucky she can still talk. I have removed tongues for less." Ace shakes his head " No need to apologize. And this is not how we treat guests. Is it prospect?" " Boss I didn't know." He sputters " Bitch didn't." He doesn't get to say another word before Ace plows his fist into the guy's jaw. " Then allow me to introduce her. This is Ailee, a guest I personally invited." The look on the prospect and the girls faces tells me they know they fucked up.
Ace turns to me, his face shows his embarrassment " Can we start over? This is not the impression I wanted to make." He truly looks sorry. Meeting his club seems to be important to him. I look at Callen and Finn for their vote and the nod. " Yes, Mr. Ripley. That would be excpetable." " Good.Everyone back inside. Prospect your on door duty the rest of the night then clean up. When you're done, report to me. Trixie reports to Merigold." I'm not sure who this Merigold person is but judging from the fear I see in the girl's eyes I want to meet her.
Ace escorts us inside the club house. It isn't what I was expecting for one thing; it is clean for one thing. There is a bar to one side, pool tables and card tables on the other. The double back doors open to a large grass cover courtyard where everyone has gathered.My security scatter themselves around the yard. I see two little boys come running full speed from through the back doors. " Uncle Ace, Uncle Ace." they yell before stopping in front of us. Ace bends down and picks one up and each arm " What are you two speed demons up to?"
While Ace is holding them I can see they are an adorable set of identical twins about six maybe seven years old. The one on the right says " Uncle Viper says we should come and meet the new princess. Says we need to make good pression." The one on the left looks at me " You even look like Merida." I can't help but giggle that they are too cute. " Jace" Ace sets the one on the right down first. Then the next “Jax. This is Ailee. And her friends Callen and Finn." I squat down to their level and ofter my hand says " It is nice to meet you lads."
Their eyes look like they are about to pop out of their heads. For a second I think I have done something wrong until Jax says " Woah, you even talk like her. That's so cool." I hear Callen and Finn chuckle. I believe the character they are talking about is actually Scottish but I dont have the heart to correct them. “ I see Viper sent in the big guns.” A man laughs from behind the boys. I stand up to see this new person and am greeted by two men actually and a woman roughly my age with a warm smile. One man and the woman are each carrying a little girl. Jax turns to the men `` Daddies come meet the princess.” Did I hear right, daddies? As in more than one. Ace chuckles at the boy's amusement.
“ Ailee I would like you to meet my niece Merigold.” Merigold hands the little girl to Ace before pulling me in for a hug. Unfortunately I wince when Merigold accidently pushes on my medicine port causing her to jump back and Callen to step forward. I whisper to Callen, `` I'm fine.” and he backs up. Merigold looks embarrassed. “ I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just so excited to meet you. Uncle Ace never has guests so I figure you are important to him.” This is when I detect a southern accent.'' I’m fine.” “ If you're sure.” she asks. “ No harm done.” I assure her. She smiles brightly “ Good. I'd like you to meet my husbands. The one with the little girl is Axel and the one standing by the boys is Rowdy. The little one Ace has is our Kassidy. And Axel is holding her sister Kadance. And I see you have met our boys.”
Axel and Rowdy shake hands with me then Callen and Finn. I like that they are being included in the introductions. “ Momma Kadance wants to hug the princess too.” Jase says. I look over at Axel and sure enough the wee one is reaching for me. I’m not sure what to do. When she starts to whimper I can’t resist. “ It’s fine if it is alright with you.” Axel looks worried “ She can get grabby.” “ I’m sure,” I say. Merigold grabs Kadance from Axel “ For crying out loud let Kadance meet her.” I have to laugh as Merigold hands the toddler to me. She is just precious. She wraps her chubby little arms around my neck “ Oh what a sweet wee one you are.” Jace taps my side.” See, she likes you.”
I smile down at him “ And I like her too lad.” Jax steps forward and looks somewhat offended “ What about us? We are likable.” I squat down to get eye level with the boys. “ Aye, lads you are very likable. And I'm honored to meet you. Both of you. And I like you as well.” The boys smiled and turned to their ma “ See momma. The princess says we are likable. I told you she would like us.” Jax says. Merigold laughs “ Yes boys you did. Now let Uncle Ace visit with his guest. You can visit with her again later.” The boys turn back to me “ Bye princess. We will see you later.” The run off to the back yard. I smile at their excitement.
I notice Kadance is getting sleepy so I hand her back to Axel and thank him for letting me hold her. Axel tells me not to worry about it. “ Ailee let’s have a seat at the bar and talk for a minute before you meet everyone else.” Ace says. “ Aye '' I say and we follow him to the bar. I sit in a stool with Callen and Finn on my left and Ace on my right. He introduces me to the bartender, another prospect and tells him to give us whatever we want. Finn and I settle for a bottle of water and Callen gets a beer. After a few minutes of silence I ask '' What did ye want to talk about Mr. Ripley.``