Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I am in massive pain right now. I can’t believe what I knew.

“L-leyra, let me explain,” The tone of his voice was trembling. He steps closer to me.

“Don’t f*cking come near me!” I quickly get something from my bag, I get some pentle pen and write it down on the back of the photo. I wrote ‘Krio is part of them. Don’t trust him!’. After that I faced him again.

“Who are you!?” I shouted in pain. I can’t believe that the man I choose to love again is deceiving me. Tears started to fall from his eyes. He kneeled in front of me.

“I’m so sorry!” he agonized.

“I don’t want to hear your sorry! Tell me, who are you!? Why are you with the killers who did this to us!?” I can’t contain my anger right now. It just explodes. I’m so done. He’s still silent. “Don’t tell me it was you!? Did you killed him!?” My body is shaking so much. I don’t know how I feel right now. Mixed emotions is what I feel.

“No! It wasn’t me. I-I am part of the group but believe me it wasn’t me.”

“After all this time of seeking justice, I am already in front of the person who killed the person I loved! Krio, you were with me every day! You saw me every day struggling and in pain just to find that justice! How can you say that you love me when all you did was deceiving me!?” I shouted while my tears are overflowing.

“L-leyra, please let me explain.”

“Tell me? Everything that happened between us…is all planned!?” I questioned him.

“No, Leyra. The love I have for you is all real. I never planned this. I promise,” he responded.

“W-why did you do this!?” What did I do to you!?”

“It’s not your fault. It just got out of control. I’m so sorry, Leyra. I don’t know how to tell you. But believe me or not, I didn’t kill him, and I didn’t do this to you.”

“Then who!?” Suddenly, Krio’s phone ring again. It was an unknown number again. I immediately pick it up. He just looked at me.

“Who are you!?” I shouted.

“Meet me at the El Carro Spot,” The only words he said and hang up. I looked at Krio for a second and get my stuffs, after that I immediately leave him.

“Leyra? Where are you going?” he asked me. I turned to him before I exit the house.

“You don’t want to tell me the truth? Then I will find it myself. I’m tired of playing games!” I then leave him. I observed that he followed me and I could still hear him call my name.

“Leyra, please! You don’t know where you’re going.” I stopped for a while and it made me think that he’s actually right, but I was hesitant. After what I found out right now? Can I trust him?

“Take me there,” I calmly said while there were still tears dripping from my eyes.

I:m not sure if I can’t trust my life with him anymore but I will take the risk, I wanted this to end. I am tired!

We immediately got into the car.


“I don’t want to talk to you,” I said in a cold tone. I heard my watch beeps. I immediately grab my notes and write important details I know I would forget, I also get the video recorder, in case anything happens. While he was driving, I cannot contain my emotions. My tears are overflowing. I observed him looking around at me.

“I don’t understand why you did this to us? You deprived me of the feeling of being alive and love,” I cried inside the car.

“And you know what’s the most painful?” I looked at him. “You pretended to be trustworthy…much worse, I loved the version of you that’s pure deception. “ He cannot utter a word, but the tears from his eyes are also overflowing. My watch beeps and my memory fades. I looked at my notes and there I found out everything again. The recurrent of pain.

Shortlytly, we arrived at the El Carro Spot. It was getting late; the lights of the cars surrounded the place. It was a racing place.

I quickly got out of the car and faced the man in the middle of the cars who was sitting. He immediately stood up when he saw Krio come down and he looks worried.

He came to us.

“Hyntall, what is this?” I asked in astonishment.

“Are you now ready to know the truth?” his serious question to me.

“I already did, Hyntall.” Took a deep breath and wiped my tears. I then diverted my gaze to Krio.

“What?” His face were drawn in confusion.

“It was him!” I exclaimed. Hyntall looked at Krio, he nodded his head. “He’s part of the killers who did this to us and murdered Klio. He tricked me!” I said as my hands shook because of the emotions I have felt right now.

“Did you love him?” I feel like the time slowed when Hyntall asked me that question. It repeatedly echoed in my mind and I can vision Krio’s face in my mind. What is happening? This is the first time I can vision him on my mind.

“I did,” I said and nodded my head.

“Is he better than Kliosate?” his intriguing question. I don’t know why he’s asking such questions.

“I don’t know.”

“You’re skeptical. That means he became better than him.” I can’t answer. I know I always forgot him but there’s this something in my heart that told me he was better than Klio. Regardless, he betrayed me.

“The truth is already in front of us, but sometimes we often get blinded by lies.” I looked at Hyntall when he said that. “It’s not him who killed your fiancé, Leyra…there is someone who’s behind all of this. “

“Who?” He turned around. And back to the car he was sitting in. The people, I mean the 12 men that he’s with just sat on their cars, some of them are smoking cigarettes. They were just watching us. Why do I feel something strange about them.

“Please, tell me Hyntall? I’m so tired,” I begged him. When he sat in his car he turned to me. A colleague handed him something. It was a mask. He threw it in front of me. The moment I saw that, the flashbacks of the incident that happened to us came in my mind.

I don’t understand. What does that mean?

“The person who killed your fiancé has a tattoo ring written Anastasia on his finger, right?” his question.

“How did you know that?” I asked in astonishment. He showed his hand on the air. I saw a wedding ring on Hyntall’s finger. It was a ring he had since then. I don’t know why he had that before. He don’t talk to me that much that’s why I have no idea if it was just his accessory. He pulled it out from his finger. My eyes widened the moment I saw a familiar tattoo on it.

“Because I am that person.” My world seemed to collapse when I heard that. I burst into tears. All this time it was him? The man who did this to us and killed my fiancé, is Hyntall. His own brother. I felt Krio approach me. Maybe he just wanted to comfort me.



“ALL OF YOU ARE LIARS! I TRUSTED ALL OF YOU!” I could no longer control my emotions. What I know now gives me pain.


“You probably know the reason, Leyra. You know me and Klio doesn’t dealt with each other.”

“IS THAT AN ENOUGH REASON TO KILL HIM AND RUIN MY LIFE?” I can’t believe Hyntall will go this far.


“M-maybe because I was jealous of him? I did all my best to be worthy for the title of an Heir, but all praises goes to him. He was Abuelo’s favorite.” I nodded my head. For the sake of that title and money he killed his brother. He ruined our life!

“What a lousy reason, Hyntall! Is that where your anger came from!? That’s bullshit, Hyntall!” I wiped my tears. “That’s why justice won’t be served in his death, because it was you who was his blood relative who killed him.” I go to the other side of the car. I ignored Krio. Before I could leave this place, I said, “You’ll pay the consequences of your actions, Hyntall!”

“Hey!” Hyntall called me so I stopped and he handed me a paper. An invitation letter.

“I guess you might want to attend.” I took it from him what he gave me. “And, by the way, before you can finally cut ties with us, you are welcome to attend your best friend’s funeral, to bid your last goodbye to Riushan,” he said, tears dripping from my eyes again. I didn’t respond, I got in the car. I started the engine and before I could leave the place, I take a last glance at Krio. His teary eyes and mine’s met.

My heart aches so bad.

I started the car and left the area. I don’t know where I’m going now. I wanted to vanish right now but I know it’s impossible, the only thing I can, is to escape.

The justice I wanted to know just to free myself from pain just gave me more pain.


It was all true. I was one of the people who ruined Leyra’s life. I know this day would come, and I thought I was ready but seeing her in pain breaks my soul. I hurt the woman I love the most. I betrayed her.

When Hyntall admitted that he was behind all of this I was in shocked. The moment Leyra leave El Carro Spot, I confronted him.

“WHY DID YOU SAY THAT !?” I shouted. He just smirked at me.

“She wanted the truth, so I gave her what she wanted,” he said while looking at the men with him, those men are members of the Nocivo, just like me before. They started to fix themselves and go inside their cars.

“You know it wasn’t the truth. It wasn’t you!” I don’t know why he did that. He released a deep sigh.

“You know my real intentions, right? Don’t worry, it’s okay.” He smiled at me as if everything was just fine.

“No, it’s not okay! You just put yourself in a situation you are not really into!” I hold my head while walking back and forth. I was so tensed.

“She’s tired. I want to end it.” I stopped when he said that. My tears started to fall again. He approached me and held my arm. He then started to fix my clothes.

“You too. Call them,” he said and give me his phone.

“I’ll take the consequences,” he added.

“But it wasn’t you!” I exclaimed. He turned away from me and went back to the car. Before he entered, he left this word.

“You are no longer part of the Nocivo. You’re out of it anymore.” After that he leave me. He got in his car and pulled over. I didn’t know he would sacrifice his self for the actions he didn’t do. I gazed at the phone he gave me. I used it to dial someone. I burst into tears when someone picks up the phone. “I need you. P-please pick me up.” I hang up the phone and kneeled down crying. I was in remorse. What I did to her will never be justified. I don’t know if I will be able to see her again. I don’t want to lose her, but I just did.

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