1 annoying guard
"I'm General Erox Lander, Andrews at your service, Princess Margaret, and I'm here to bring you back home."
I said, and I'm so frustrated because Princess Margaret is not even listening to me. A lot of people are helping her fix her face and putting a lot of colour into it. But the most frustrating thing is, we're here near the ocean and a lot of people that I didn't know were all human or wolves like us.
"Are you insane? I still have a photoshoot. You know what, Erox, it's better for you to go to the hospital because I think you still have some defects.
I almost covered my ears because she was shouting. God, where did she learn that attitude? I've known her since we were kids, and I know that she's tired of being a princess always well and proper. But she never acts like this, ever.
"Since you woke up from drowning earlier in the ocean to save me, I feel like you're different now, like you're not you, anymore." the princess said.
"Don't worry about me. I can manage myself. Maybe I will ask some healer once we come back home. "
"Margaret, get ready!"
Some women said they helped the princess walk in the sand.
Her princess dress is nowhere to be found. All she wears is some kind of inappropriate kind of clothes for a princess.
How long did it take me to travel from our dimension through this world? I just got a fight from the siren who stopped me from passing through the gate. And they even ruined my uniform, so I took it off and when I saw the princess drowning, I saved her immediately. Why is this place so far away from our world? They said that once you go through the black hole that connects to our world, you will go to a place beyond imagination. But why does this place look so extraordinary?
If not for the prince, who ordered me to follow the princess and bring her back to the palace safely, I would never be here. But since I'm the general of the palace, it's my job to protect and obey her orders. She still doesn't want to go back, so maybe I will wait for her. But why does she look like a different person now? Not because of the way she dresses or the way she talks, but because of how she looks at me. Because the princess that I know is gentle, soft, and kind. But she's the opposite of the girl that I barely know. What happened to her? Is this because of what happened to her parents? The King and the Queen were killed by some assassins that no one could identify. But it's only been three days since that accident happened. Maybe she is still in the process of accepting it. Maybe she escapes from the palace because she's been suffocated because of what she could hear all around the corner, that her parents are being killed. Maybe I will give her some time before I bring her back home.
"Your bodyguard is really weird, Margaret, but still hot as ever."
My makeup artist said, I gaze flew at Erox. He is so hot wearing nothing above his body and his black pants are ruined too. Last night I thought that he had already gotten mad and quit his job as my bodyguard. But I guess I'm wrong. He confessed to me last night but I rejected him. He gets furious, stops talking then walks out but he doesn't come back home. When morning came, Jesse, my manager, drove me here to the beach for my photo magazine shoot. I was really thinking he quit, but he suddenly appeared when I drowned, and he was the one who saved me. Now he's acting differently. He's been calling me Princess and even bowing to me like respecting me as a madam. He doesn't talk about what happened to his confession like he never did at all. And now he's talking to different girls but in a serious way. The jolly, bubbly, and confident Erox is gone though the confidence was still there yet there is something about him that I couldn't pin point out. I don't know what is happening to him. Maybe this is his way to forget about me. But why is he still working on me? Is he planning to quit when he has already learned to forget me or what? "Aiish!" Whatever his plan is, I don't care! He's not my type, even though he has a darker brown pair of eyes that when the light of the sun hits them gets darker. It's the brightest, but why does it suddenly turn red? Am I seeing things? but still the prettiest eyes of a guy that I have ever seen in my entire life. It's like I'm sleepy and somewhat mad. Looks mischievous, naughty, but twisted with arrogance
boastfulness. His hair is messy and he thinks he doesn't know how to comb. But I don't mind it, because it suits him perfectly. He has long eyelashes and thick eyebrows. pointed nose and his lips' goodness, you can say, made of perfection. If only I could bite it. But I'm frightened looking at his closed mouth. It seems so mad. Wait, why do I sound like praising him? He's not my type, but why do I sound like I am?
No period. Ezekiel, my crush, is far too handsome and I like him because his opposite of Erox. And beside, Ezekiel is the most wealthy bachelor that I know compared to Erox, who is only a bodyguard. I'm not saying that I don't like him because he's poor. It just so happens that I have a man in my heart already that's all.
"So you really don't want him, Margaret? Because I really like your guard. Hahaha. " My makeup artist again, but before she could make some moves, my co-model Annabelle already walked through Erox and flirted with him. Why do I feel annoyed?