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Unlike the way she had thought this thing to be, Fred didn't give a fuck about her, and thus, he pounced on her, but then, before he could get any close to the lady, the young man heard police siren howls.

"You all are under arrest, for violation of properties and excess abused drugs," the police officers shouted.

That was hilarious because at once, they will started running for help.

At first, Ashlyn did not understand what was going on until Fred woke up and started running. It was kind of hard to even believe that Fred would escape.

"Fred, please wait," Ashlyn begged as she tried waking up.

That was impossible for her, in fact, she didn't get too close to wake up because the people who were trying to escape now fell on her body as they trampled on her trying to run.

Fred didn't even stand to help her out, he literally fled, leaving the thoughts to fly away, he rushed out of the place as fast as he can.

Ashlyn tried to wake up but that was impossible because the police were there already, and thus, they arrested her.

Ashlyn's clothes were torn, she was barely even dressed, and the fear that governed her just consumed her body Her tattered pants, and her tank top that could barely cover up her body and as she took deep breathes to calm herself down, it barely worked because she was being handcuffed and take away by the officers.

At the station, they were over fifty people who had being arrested from the party and they even said they were going to jail never to come out because of the use of illegal drugs.

Ashlyn was drunk and could make out the words the officers said and during questioning, she was unresponsive to the point that they had to ask her to call a friend or relative to coke and bail her out. With her current status, she could only remember the sim card she had slot into her body when she entered the gate, thus, she removed it and gave it out.

Blaze Lucas Campbell was slightly asleep when he remembered that he can go and check on Ashlyn. Despite the fact that they had quarreled a lot earlier, he woke up to the time being twelve p.m.

His first instincts were to rush out to the lady's room and check out on him. Remembering he had spare keys of the room, the young man picked it up and rushed to the room at the first floor. He had discretely opened the door when he saw that the room was empty.

He had to look severally to notice that it was empty. Well, that was how he felt, but then it just got out of hand when he heard weird sounds coming from the room.

Turning on the lights, Blaze's eyes widened when he saw the little girl on the bed. His eyes broadened so well that he thought that it would pop out of his sockets.

"Holy crap!" the young man muttered out firmly.

Laying on the bed was a baby, and the shock that covered the young man's face was hilarious. Blaze heard the child's even breathing and it made him glare at the man as if he was speaking thrash. That was impossible, but as he approached the bed, he made even more unbelievable sounds.

Putting his hand lightly on his forehead, the child's head was burning hot, and at once, he knew that she was sick. Oh yes! the child is so sick.

One thing that got him more worried was the fact that Ashlyn was not in sight. In fact, it seemed like she had not being here for almost part of the evening, and he has being there sleeping profusely.

Going into the bathroom, he quickly brought out a towel drenched in cold water, and came back to put it on the child's forehead. He moved a little bit and what he murmured made Blaze froze at the moment.

"Mommy Ash, my head hurts to badly, I speak the truth," he said not opening his eyes.

His temperature was high, but then, he acted like he was okay, but this was not his fault, there must be an explanation to this child, and if Ashlyn is his mother or not.

"The bitch, and I had being clear when I told her no lies telling. She has just done what she wanted and now, he has to react on his own, making sure that the lady confesses all her his doings.

Blaze had given the child the drugs he saw by the bed side, and realization dawned on him, Ashlyn had not gone to be with her lover when he left earlier, on the contrary, he had truly gone to buy drugs, but they weren't for him.

"All those times she had to excuse herself from the kitchen whenever they are together, and take herself to the room, and that was terrible, but then, there isn't much of a thing to even consider that much. The lady is good enough in keeping secrets, I wonder what else is in her heart that she is keeping so badly.

"I think I hate the lady so much I feel like squeezing air from her neck," Blaze spat out with precision.

The child's fever had not gone done but then, he heard his phone ringing, thus, he felt like leaving the child for a second and going to get who is calling him at this ungodly hour.

Blaze literally cursed as he answered the call. He noticed that there was a caller at the end of the line, and that got her a little worried, and to an extend though.

Putting the Phone to his ear, a manly voice got to him.

"Mr. Campbell, come to Douala's district police station, your fiancee, Ashlyn has being arrested," saying this, the officer hung the call leaving the young man in the doubt.

Blaze was in deep shock.

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