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Hot water

Hot water.

Alpha Malik was in his chamber sharpening his sword, his head is filled of worried and anxiety, he didn't know whether he should send Aurora to the visitor. He's contemplated not because he cared but because she's sick and he didn't want her to die under the thrusting of the old man.

He wants her to die under his torture, he wants to avenge his father's death himself.

He knows how brutal the affluent behave harshly to the less, he might hate Aurora but he didn't want other people who are not his subject to treat her brutally, since they hold no grudges against her.

He alone and his subject are the ones to inflict pain on her, yet he is a king who can't go against his words.

He marched out of his chamber with his sword to the veranda, he met his right man Jaguar on the way.

"My lord," Jaguar said, staring at the sharp sword in his hand.

"My lord, should I follow you?" He asked in a gentle tone.

"I would have told you to follow me if I want you to follow me," he said in a low growl.

He departed and walked towards where his horses are arranged.

"He climbed on a unicorn and saddled the horse, in a jiffy, he's out of the palace.

Aurora blinked her eyes severally before she opened her eyes slowly, she sprang up immediately she noticed she was in the physician's chamber.

"What I'm doing here?" She said inwardly.

She removed the duvet on her body, and hopped out of the bed, she winced in pain as her leg landed on the ground- The leg where Malik struck sent pains all over her body.

She tried to recollect how she got here, her head replayed how she had a blurry vision of Alpha Malik coming closer to her before she collapsed.


Without hesitation, she moved weakly to the door, limping her leg, she placed her hand on the doorknob and about to spun the door- The door opened, and Morena walked in.

Seeing her standing, Morena looked up and frowned glanced broke out of her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a frowned face.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how I got here" she replied.

"The king himself brought you when he found your collapsed body on the field, you lost too much blood and I will advise you to go back to the bed now, if the king meets you here, it won't be funny, he will think you are okay," Morena said out of a concerned heart.

"Thank you," Aurora said, and she looked happy hearing the king himself saved her, she looked elated seeing the physician caring for her likewise.

She slumped on the bed back, but she didn't sleep, the leg ached her seriously, though the king might have saved her she knew the king hate her, he was the reason for the pain in her leg.

She tried to think positively, the king might send her anytime to punish her, and she want to use the medium to rest very well.

Tears gathered in her eyelids as she recollected how she used to joke and played with Alpha Malik, Morena saw the tears in her eyelids, then she patted her other legs and smiled slightly.

"I know you are innocent, and I would implore you to prove your innocence to the king, don't give up, "she said as if she was able to read Aurora's mind.

"Thank you, I will do as you said. I won't give up" she said, yet she's not sure if she wants to prove her innocence, proving it is like disclosing her father as the killer.

"Please don't cover up for the killer, I'm sure you know the killer," Morena said looking intently into her eyes.

Aurora's eyes widened, she was shocked hearing morena saying she knew the killer, she tried to put an emotionless eye.

"I don't meet the killer, before I reached there the killer escaped, I hope you will, believe me, Morena," Aurora said to her.

"I believe you Aurora," Morena said, she didn't know why but something is propelling her to Aurora, she sees her as someone she needs to protect with her whole life.

Alpha Malik rode as fast as he can from the palace, he passed through the shortest route, where people hardly passed a forest.

He finally reached where he was going to, he hopped down from the horse and tied her to a tree, he stroked the horse before he finally moved away to an old hut inside the forest.

He removed his sword and walked inside the hut, he surveyed the hut to see if there is any changes, from the last time he came there.

He sighed relief when he didn't see any differences, he turned his direction to a tiny dark room inside the hut, it has no dim light inside, he used his hands to remove the cobweb hanging upward the door post before he walled in.

His ankle landed on the ground as soon as he stepped inside, he poured water on the ground and lowered his head three times, and paid obeisance before he sprang up.

"I promise to bring your killer to justice, no matter what it takes" he muttered before he huffed the door.

He wielded his sword as soon as he reached outside the door, the hut hold many painful and lovely memory of Alpha Malik, a place he visited occasionally whenever he want to make a difficult decision.

Likewise, he came to the hut before he declared Aurora's death aborted- He welded his sword with the air, and he fought with the air as if he were fighting with a powerful warrior.

Thick sweat was seeping to his cheeks from his forehead as he wielded his sword with the air, he made sure he was exhausted before he ended it.

Jeanne hide close to a wall, trying to eavesdrop on the maid gossiping in the kitchen, she went there to collect hot water for Xena, she hasn't revealed herself when she heard their conversation, she decided to hear the full gist.

"I heard Alpha Malik was the one that brought the late king killer to the Physician's chamber for treatment," one of the maids said.

"But I heard the king hit her with his arrow in her legs and she collapsed, which is the reason the king rescued her" one of the maids uttered.

"Oh! That means the king is the devil and the angel who saved her" one of the maids said.

"Are you sure? or the king saves her because he can't bear it if she dies. Don't forget she is his previous maid whom he liked so......"

Jeanne didn't allow the maid to finish her sentence when she turned her direction back to Xena's chamber without holding hot water for her.



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