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Strip her

Strip her:Morena is in her chamber, pacing up and down, she has used every medicine she can use on the unknown poison yet there is no change, Minister Lucas eyes remained tight and his breathing has not improved.

Though Jericho never tell her to let go of the man, he told her to declare him dead to the king, telling the king he can't survive is what Jericho asked her to do.

Morena couldn't bring herself to understand Jericho, if the man eventually died, their community will be summon to war, though everyone feared Alpha Malik, still the man community can be summon to war for killing another community delegate.

Morena is exhausted of ideas, and her heart felt heavy, she want to save Aurora and the man, but it seems inconceivable.

The banged on the door brought her out of her reverie, she walked to the door and peered through the peep hole, surprised to see a new maid standing at the door.

She peered through hole on the door, to confirm her curiosity, she's afraid it might be Alpha Malik, she released the breath she's unaware she is holding.

She opened the door, and shastina walked in, she lowered her head and greet Morena.

"What can I do for you?" She asked, looking suspicion at her, since this is the first time she will be seeing her in the palace, but the clothes she had on made Morena knew she is a maid.

Shastina peered around the room, like she is looking for something.

"I'm here to help you ma'am" she said, and raised up her arm, a bottle wrapped with a black cover was revealed under her arms.

She pulled it out, and stretched the bottle to Morena.

Morena hesitated, she didn't know what it means or what she want to use it for.

"I brought it to save the man life, I know how much you want to save Aurora, giving the content to him will neutralize the poison in him, and will make him regain his consciousness'' Shastina said.

Morena was surprised on how she got to found out about the poison.

Shastina hate Aurora yet she want to save her, she wished for her death, yet she's saving Aurora, sometimes she didn't understand herself.

"How did you learn of it?"Morena asked, Also how did you expect me to trust the medicine, what of if the man eventually died.

Shastina chuckled.

"You know he will die eventually if you don't give him the right antidote today, he won't see the brightness of the sky again, if you fail to minister the drugs to him now, is either to trust me and use it, or you wait for his death " Shastina said in a serious tone.

"I'm here to help Aurora but I won't want her to know I help her" She said.

"If you want me to use the antidote, you should drink it first and prove it to me that is not deadly " Morena said, looking intently into Shastina eyes.

She want to know if the antidote is real, she didn't believe in her words, yet she want to take the risk and use it.

Shastina didn't allow her to finish her words when she opened it and gulped some contents into her throat.

"Are you cool with it now?" Shastina said sarcastically.

She hate the fact, that she here to help someone she want her death, yet they didn't believe in her saving her.

Though tomorrow, she might be choking her life out Aurora, that is what her head craves for.

A smile shown on Morena face, seeing her drank it, she felt relieved her a little.

Morena poured the medicine into a container, and use a medicine spoon to put the medicine forcefully into minister Lucas month.

Shastina was there looking at her, ministering the medicine to her, after a while Morena was done and she looked at shatsina direction.

"Is there any thing else you want me to do again" Morena asked.

"No, but I won't like, been reveal to Aurora, we aren't friends and I didn't do it for us to be one" Shastina said it, and Morena almost chuckled with the way she talk in a funny way.

"Okay, my mouth is seal" Morena said, using her mouth to close it.

Shastina evacuates the room, Morena was just looking at her as she huffed the door.

Instantly she leaves, morena dabble a towel on minister Lucas forehead, using a warm water.

Many maids rushed to the training ground, hearing the king want to torture Aurora, they felt happy because many people in the palace hate her.

Shastina was seen among the maids who was finding their way to the torture ground.

Xena walked with Jeanne to the torture ground likewise, there are noises and murmuring among the workers of the palace as they surround the torture ground.

Aurora looked at them, tears prickle in her eyes, but she forcefully hold the tears, she didn't want to give the people around her, reason to be happy when she's sad.

Xena hide herself in the crowd, Alpha must not see her or other concubine watching servant torture.

But Xena hate Aurora, and want to see how the king will whip her, she wish Alpha himself will whip her, it will give her deadly scars if he whip her.

Xena was peering around in the crowd, searching for Jericho, she was about to turned her direction, Jericho, suddenly show up with Alpha Malik.

There was silence in the atmosphere instantly, people felt like their mouth was sealed by Alpha Malik, but it was the fear of him that made them sealed their mouth.

His aura made men peel in pant, his face looked deadly, he walked to the centre of the torture ground, he raised his head and looked at Aurora who's eyes looked ragged due to the beating of the rainfall.

In a jiffy, Evans presence was revealed with the fiercest man in the farm, he looked broad, his muscle is enough to makes people run away from him.

His face hold anger and ruthless, he lowered his head immediately he sighted Alpha Malik, and paid obeisance to him.

Evans has informed him what he was called for, Alpha Malik looked at Evans, immediately Evans moved to Aurora and lose her from the tree. He understand his king looked signal.

She looked at Alpha Malik stylishly, and his face hold expressionless gaze.

"Strip her" a cold voice comes from Alpha Malik to the man from the farm.

Aurora blinked her eyes frequently, hearing Alpha Malik words, she wished the earth will open up and shallow her up.

"I can't possibly go naked in front of this whole people, a Princess of gigal going naked in front of people" echoing in her head.



[11/10, 5:57 AM] Worthwhile Novel: Morena halted the king decree;Aurora nearly passed out as the farmer named Neon walked up to her and tried to remove her clothes.

She lifted her eyes to see the man who was coming to remove her clothes, she watched and her mouth parted at the sight of him, he looked huge more than King Alpha, his broadness with his thickness. He looked dirty more than she could imagine.

"Is this the person the king wants to use, to punish me?" comes out of Aurora's head.

"Stop" icy words comes out of Alpha's mouth.

"Let her do it herself," Alpha Malik said.

"Okay my lord" Neon said and moved two feet away from her, his eyes feeding on every part of Aurora's body, and he licked his lips.

Although she is not yet naked, her beauty glow, upon how she has been treated since the late King died.

She has a glowing beauty that attracts men, she symbolizes a princess's body whether she is dressed as one or not, and her body structure screamed royalty.

For a while she stood still, doing nothing, his eyes glued to the ground during this interval.

"Did you want him to remove the clothes for you?" Alpha Malik said curtly, as low as his voice sounded, the harshness was felt in it.

Hearing him, Aurora swung into action. People's surrounded her, and the maids and the servant were present to see how the king wants to punish her, the tortured ground has been a place where the kings punish the disobedient palace servants.

There is a table on the ground, Aurora moved towards the table knowing fully when, what will happen to her, tears prickled her eyes but she fought them back hard, she couldn't bring herself to shed tears in the presence of the mockers.

She knew how kings used to treat servants wickedly, knowing how her father had treated some of the maids and servants in the Palace years back, she fed on that past scene, and fear ensued her.

Her hand reached the zip of the gown she wore, and she zipped it downward.

She zipped down gently like someone whose hand hurt, her glistening eyes were on the floor during this process.

She removed the gown off her body, remaining her underthings.

She clamped her hands together, finding it difficult to remove her underthings, her head replayed her many years of training as a princess, she was trained never to allow anyone to see her exposed body except her husband, but here she was about to expose it to several people who were are below her caliber. The thought alone makes her wish death will swallow her up.

How can she expose her body just like that, "Where is my father?" She cried out in her mind, she wished she would just disappear out of their presence.

As much as she loved Alpha Malik, she is beginning to hold bitterness against him, he has used her dignity as a princess to rub the ground, she wished she hasn't fallen in love with him, but this wouldn't have happen.

She summoned the courage to endure every pain that will comes her way, her father warning on how the community comes first before her dignity or her life rang a bell in her head.

"Take off your underthings, and get on the table, don't make me repeat myself"

At that moment, Aurora knew there is no way out, the king has made his decision.

"Just pray the man survives, if not, you won't leave to see tomorrow," the king said which made everyone present gasped their mouth.

Shastina prays silently for the drugs to work on the man, he is the only one that can save Aurora from the trauma, then the king might pardon her if the man survives.

She didn't know why she didn't want Aurora to die, her death will open a way for her yet she see herself wishing her to live.

With a tingling leg, Aurora walked up to the table and placed her hand on the bra, suddenly a loud sound was heard.

"She is not the one" a loud voice echoed.

Everyone was present on the ground, looking tho and for to locate the owner of the voice, as much as the king want Neon to torture Aurora, his concentration was tampered with by the loud voice.

"Who is that? He said in his hoarse voice, his patience has a limited and he expect the owner of the voice to show his face.

"Continue with what you are doing and don't waste my time here" Alpha directed his word to Aurora.

Aurora lifted her eyes and looked at him. Different thoughts rushed through her mind, she should kill herself after all she has been trained on how to kill herself whenever she can't withhold pain and torture as an assassin.

In the process of the deliberation, Morena appeared in front of Alpha Malik with her head bowed.

"My lord" Morena let out in a humble tone as much as possible, Jericho glared at her, her presence gave Jericho this nervousness that he can't withstand.

In a jiffy, he moved towards where the king stood, and muttered to Morena with a devilish expression he had on.

"What are you doing here Morena? You should be attending to the minister of gigal, we can't afford to go into war with a community that wants to make harmony with us" Jericho said.

"My lord, I'm here because of it," She said, directing her speech to Alpha Malik.

"If so, then you should wait for the king to finish with his decree," Jericho said and tried to drag Morena out of the king's presence.

"My lord" Morena muttered.

"Shut your mouth" Jericho snapped back at her.

"Leave her, let her say what makes her halted her king, from his decree " Alpha Malik said in an icy tone, directing his word to Jericho.

"Your Highness" Jericho said, he boiled angrily inside the moment the king let out.

"You can speak Morena," Alpha Malik said impatiently, he can't wait for the pain to be inflicted on Aurora.

He's trying to be patient to hear Morena speak, if she eventually has no reasonable word to say, he might inflict more paint on Aurora because of her.

"My l---o---" Morena stammered, as she sighted the gazed Alpha Malik face held.

She didn't want to lose her head for Aurora yet she want to save her, she was finding appropriate words to use not to outrage Alpha Malik the more.

"Morena you know how precious time is to me, I gave you privileges because you are the royal family healer, don't make me regret it," Alpha Malik said with a calm tone, but emotionlessness can be felt in this calmness.

"Your Highness, the........"

To Be Continued.

I'm back for Good on this story no slack off again.

Please help me with your comment and likes.

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