Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The walk to the main gates where one hell of a problem and Michelle knew staying on the main part will bring her issues, thus, when she succeeded in finding a way out, she heaved a truly blessed sound, the screech coming out as long time withheld torment.

"Now, I have to find a bank and make the transfer before anyone notice that I have gone missing.

The map showed her the directions, about a twenty minutes walk from Harold's parents residence. She decided to walk there.

The first bank was locked for the day, but she was directed to another one that stays up until early-late hours of the day.

She heaved a sigh as she started off towards the place. Good enough for her, they could receive her as one of the last clients of the day, she transferred the money, took the receipt and started down the streets.

It was there her confusion started. Tamara had been focused on reaching at a bank that she hadn't paid attention to her surrounding. Mount Pearl has almost identical streets, or it was the buildings that stood tall as anything that she has seen before that got her mesmerized for a second, and confused in another.

"Shit! and it's already dinner time," she says to herself, her eyes gluing on the screen.

She doesn't have Harold's number, the man was too proud to give her, or she was too proud to ask him for it.

Her heart bounding to her throat, she takes the road to her left, which happens to be the wrong road. Whatever made her think it was the right one soon appeared doubtful when she walked into an alley she didn't realize when she first came this way.

"Is the lady lost?" she hears the rough voice fill her ears as she made to walk out of here.

Turning slowly, she sees three men, all wearing black with a small hint of pleasure on their faces.

"No, I was just... I shouldn't have come here. I should leave now," she explains, flashing them a small fake smile.

They didn't buy it for anything in this world. Rather, they seemed to be enjoying the show.

"Well, Miss, now that you are here, what about a little fun, huh?" they asked wittily.

Michelle felt her body grow cold, she shook her head in denial, and as she makes it for the other end of the alley, two more men appear there, one opened his t-shirt for her to peek at the knife there.

"Don't you dare run," they said.

As she stood there, her legs trembling, their gang leader, a man with dark straight hair walked up to him.

"I... uh! have some money if that is what you all want," she says her voice weak.

He reached out to her and laughed at her face.

"Money isn't what we might go for now, maybe you have something between your legs that night trigger us, you know?" the leader said.

The rest of the laughed out loud, scaring the living shit out of her.

Even at that, the others grabbed her phone and purse away from her, another cupped her breast as they pressed it harshly. She yelled out loudly, but it didn't help.

Night had fallen now, the streets were either over run by cars, or she did not just realize that she was not going to get notice, or more, get any help. She was at the mercy of these men.

In annoyance, she tried protecting herself.

"Don't touch me, you beast," she says using her right leg to hit the man who had cupped her breast a while ago.

As he groaned in pain, she failed woefully because the third man raised his leg to her, tackling her. Michelle didn't have the time to catch her balance as she went scratching to the ground.

She hit her knees first on the tar, watching her body collide with the tar. She suppressed the pain, and when she placed her hand in front of her steady herself, she bruised her elbows even worse.

"Ahhhh!" she sobbed in pain.

One of the thugs grabbed her hair from behind, pulling her to her feet, his beer stained breath mixed with his anger.

"You bitch! how dare you," he growled out to her face slapping her once as she hits the ground with her head for the first time.

Michelle felt the tears sting the back of her eyes before staining her cheeks. She was in pain, she kept her mind above sanity, but it barely did a trick in helping her out.

"Let go off me," she begs faintly.

When they saw she was truly going to be a problem to them, the leader yelled at her.

"You should have played nice, bitch, but no, you had to ruin the fun for us. Let us go guys, she deserves no less than what we have given her already," he said and the five men scurried away before any man notices them.

The young lady stood there, her eyes on the dark sky, the half lit alley, she had lost her phone, and her money, everything, even her identifications, hot tears burned her eyes, but before she could sulk it, a dark haze consumed her all of a sudden.

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