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Jaxtyn walked up to Chelsea and grabbed her around the waist while holding her left hand in his. His hands-on her gave her a tingling sensation, it felt like something she has never witnessed before.

"Let go of me, you brute," Chelsea spat arrogantly at him.

Raising a brow, Jaxtyn didn't seem to understand why he deserves that name, especially when it was a normal caress from him with no strings attached to it.

"What? don't tell me an experienced lady as you are is afraid of a tiny touch from a man as me? please, at least, be credible," he said sarcastically.

Chelsea rolled her eyes, she didn't want anything to do with this man, and him insulting her professionalism is something she is not going to talk it lightly.

"Wow! what does my job has to do with accepting these little annoying caresses from you? please, I do not want to get offended, so don't try making me angry please," she mouthed her eyes spitting daggers.

She was so annoyed by the fact that this man had said something as such, it might be normal to him, but it was far more than is normal to her, not at all.

Sighing, Jaxtyn shook his head in disappointment, trying to push aside what this lady just said, he didn't believe it to be true.

Jaxtyn didn't want to argue too much, he just let her be for a while, there was absolutely nothing to trouble his mind now.

Releasing his grip from her body, he allowed her to fumble around since she thought it was the only solution for her.

Standing beside her, he did not offer a word to her, she is free to leave if he wants to, nobody is stopping her now.

Chelsea felt like a heavy burden had fallen on her shoulder, she could barely feel her legs, not even a bit. She knew that refusing to go now will make her look like a coward and earn no respect from this man, so she decided to leave, hiding her shame from the world.

Firstly, Chelsea had to stand for a while, struggling to feel her legs before taking any move, and when she did, she made the first step. It was her way to doom, she had barely noticed that until now, she staggered aimlessly around the room, as she aimed to find support.

Finally, she ended up at the wall, crashing herself there, she didn't seem to comprehend what was happening to her, and no matter what, all that matters to her are the fact that she could feel something with her hands.

Chelsea tried arranging her posture, making it known to her that Jaxtyn was watching at her every move so she had to be on top notch.

Swallowing her saliva, she gathered her strength to walk out of the place with no pain in her ass at all. She thought she could do it, and could not even guess the excesses that her body can contain, not at all.

Chelsea thought that she could force everything out of her way, and staggering towards her home is home of the things she could force herself to do. That means that she did not even understand her system yet, not even a bit.

Hmmm! this is the worst thing that can ever happen to her, why were her legs betraying her this much, after everything they have come through together, she thought.

Again, she forced herself to walk across the room, and as she managed herself to reach the door, the moment she touched the door, she found herself zooming away from the world.

Chelsea was slightly aware of her predicaments, it was her stubbornness that caused it, yet she wouldn't accept it. Suddenly, a pair of hands secured her protectively, holding her protectively.

Jaxtyn had seen this coming, he knew that Chelsea was weak, and he needed to protect her, but how will he protect a lady that does not want to be protected was his biggest fear.

Each time he looked at Chelsea, he realized that she wouldn't take a second before collapsing, she could barely even keep fit, but then, she argued a lot, constantly rushing her mouth over the fact that she is fine and can do it by herself.

All lies! that is an open lie between the teeth that was unbelievable, she couldn't even believe her own self, that is why she kept on stumbling around the room.

Finally, the big shot arrived and she came falling towards the ground, and luckily enough for her, she had a young, fine, and energetic man who could help her with ease and tranquility with her problems without having to judge her in any possible way.

As Jaxtyn supported Chelsea from hitting her head on the ground, he lifted her on her laps, helping to get her on the bed.

He carried her with ease in his arms as he walked towards the bed with her almost passing out.

Jaxtyn shook his head in disagreement, for he had warned her to stay and rest before leaving, but now, everything that was in her head is how she planned on escaping from his house... as if it was an easy task.

The young man cares about the lady, and even if he never shows any remorse towards her, that didn't mean Jaxtyn did not care about her. On the contrary, he decided to brush these thoughts away, replacing them with a clean and loyal one.

Jaxtyn carried Chelsea towards the bed, and calmly laid her there, she felt limp and weak, as if the least thing would ache her so much.

Chelsea had complained about her head, it ached her so much, and then she had switched to her feet, that she cannot feel them, maybe these are enough reasons for her to pass out, yes, it is.

"Chelsea? you will be fine okay?" Jaxtyn said staring at Chelsea while reassuring her.

She didn't utter a single word, instead, she laid on the bed motionless, feeling as if the activities of the world did not concern her.

Jaxtyn shook his head in disagreement as he crashed himself beside her, feeling her body go limp. Grabbing her hands in his, she felt her pale and lean fingers against his own. This caused tears to stunk his eyes as he felt like he had not done the right thing bringing this lady to his house.

It didn't matter now, did it? he was stuck with an unconscious lady in his bed and there is barely anything he can do, especially now that she is unconscious.

Jaxtyn was tired of all this drama, in fact, he didn't want it to continue like this. Chelsea had probably had all this drama because she might have woken earlier than planned.

She would have remained in bed for another hour or two, allowing all the functions of her body to be awoken so that she wouldn't have this kind of disgrace ever again, but she wouldn't listen, she is so stubborn that things will not work well for her if she continues this way.

In frustration, Jaxtyn started relaxing too, stretching his muscles out as he placed his head on the soft pillow on the bed. Pulling her head towards Chelsea's side, she looked at her soft skin, her pale face, and everything that could reflect her beauty as it is, with no flaws scribbled on it.

Jaxtyn kept filling his mind with these things till he had to fall asleep. He was so tired of thinking about illogical things.

It was about three hours later when Chelsea finally stirred awake. Her legs had turned to normal, and the pang of headache in her head had subdued. She didn't trust herself yet to walk and was frightened to even make a step further because of the fear that filled her heart.

Shaking from left to right on the bed, wondering why she felt so weak, she met the handsome face that stared at her boldly.

There is no doubt that Jaxtyn is still asleep, but his handsome features startled Chelsea, especially as she had not guessed that he could be sleeping beside her in this awkward manner. Then, something immediately popped in her head and she looked stupid.

When Chelsea had woke up earlier that morning, she had found Jaxtyn by the window sill sipping whatever content that it was in the ceramic cup.

Sighing now, she knew that the guy might have taken advantage of her while she is asleep, but could not bring out any tangible proof to support that fact. It seemed like she was intact because her mount venus did not itch as someone had touched it, and before she could even think about anything reasonable, she brushed it aside thinking that it is better she lives now that Jaxtyn is still asleep.

Unfortunately, two could play at her game. For Jaxtyn, he could even do more than Chelsea would ever think of because he was the bad guy.

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