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Well, Chelsea has given out so much information already about herself that if she says this thing now, it will barely mean a thing to her right now, so it is better that she say it now.

Heaving a sigh that seemed to be clutched in her chest, Chelsea prepared herself to speak the truth.

"Fine, Louis, I will speak out, Jaxtyn and I had a fight, and I don't care less about it now. If he is asking you to come home right now, it means that he might have seen me entering your car a while ago," Chelsea said.

She had a thoughtful look, and as Louis's face became even paler than how it actually looked like, he knew that danger was knocking on his door. It is inevitable, he can't hide from it, no matter what he does.

Glaring at the lady who stood in front of him, he asked in a calm but shaky voice, wanting to know about what is going on that he isn't aware of it.

"Why do you say so? I mean, are you sure Mr. Watson might have seen us leaving the house?" Louis asked

. He wanted to confirm his fears, there is no possible way that things could get better after he hears these words, it is either he gets injured, or he loses his job.

Well, one or both might be the solution for him.

"I don't know if Jaxtyn might have seen me enter the car, but the only thing I know is that I left Jaxtyn at the door when I came out of the house earlier, so it can only be possible if he walked by the window to watch me go. I can barely tell you know?" Chelsea spat.

Her confessions only made the man standing next to her feel like passing out. The air around his neck became tight, he could not breathe and no matter how hard he tries, things weren't ready to get better.

"I think I have to go know, stay good okay?" Louis said.

The manner in which things have unfolded themselves, he isn't feeling comfortable at all, and wasting the mafia prince's times another way to openly say that he wants to die, he is already giving up on life.

"Wait! please, wait, why are you this scared of Jaxtyn, will he do anything to you?" Chelsea asked staring at him.

This is unbelievable, she only said these things because she doesn't even know what she is talking about, that is why he wants to know what is going on now, to try and make things better for him.

In frustration, Louis tried explaining his problems to her.

"Ehmmm! the car I used belongs to Jaxtyn, and if he saw me riding it for pleasure's sake, he is going to kill me," he spat in terror.

This caused Chelsea's heart to swell instantly.

"Oh my... Sweet lord, that must be serious then. Is there anything I might do to help, I will help you if it is by my might you know," Chelsea said grabbing Louis by the hands and looking at him.

At this time, she doesn't know what she is talking about or how serious the matter is, all that is in her mind is just to help Louis out. At least, he had been a great companion for most part of the evening. She wanted to help him out if only he will accept her do it.

Louis simply stared at Chelsea with bright eyes, he knew that she just wanted to help him, and it will be an added advantage to him if he allows her to do so, but then, he just brushed it aside not wanting it to be like this. Who knows, possibly Jaxtyn might see the lady with him and get upset, and maybe he was just worrying himself over nothing.

Heaving a sigh, he gently placed his hands on Chelsea's shoulders, ready to say something that will calm her down.

"Well, Chelsea, I thank you for your hospitality and care so far, but then, unless I go to the house, I wouldn't know what is going on just now. Jaxtyn only told me to come home, and his tone was thick. I should get going now. Please, take care of yourself okay?" he asked raising a brow.

Chelsea wasn't certain about this, her heart was throbbing, and so was her heart. Staring at the man standing in front of her, she brushed her mind aside from that taunting thought, it is dreadful, and just thinking about it is enough to cause a migraine to shoot through the mind.

She settled down to the fact that she had to clear these thoughts from her mind, and the earlier she does so, the better it would be for her.

"Fine, I will. But if Jaxtyn wants to bring you any problem concerning anything that concerns me, don't hesitate to come and get me okay? I will support you," Chelsea said boldly.

Her big bright eyes on her head were cool, they sparkled, and he admired the shades of grey that flickered in his eyes. This is the best pair of eyes Louis has had to see in a while, they were pretty, and their almond shape only drew much attention to them.

Louis rolled his eyes over what Chelsea had just said, but being serious now, he tried his best to reply to her.

"Okay, Chelsea, I wouldn't forget to tell you, until then, I have to go now before the boss gets annoyed and come here searching for me," Louis joked.

Well, to him it is more of a joke, and as he walked out of the room, Chelsea watched him go.

She released a deep breathe she hadn't known was clutched in her chest until now, it made her feel light, and the air around her was more comfortable, more than what she can even think of.

Standing in front of his door, Chelsea watched how Louis walked away and entering his car, he horned once before leaving. This didn't make her leave her house, she just stood there, watching it with bright eyes, unable to distract herself from the view that displayed itself in front of her.

Chelsea kept watching until Louis pulled out of the driveway and left, no part of the Hilux cars were visible so she entered the house and shut the door.

The moment she did so, Chelsea heaved a sigh, it was kind of clutched to her chest once more. Lifting her head now, she looked at the beautiful apartment she lives in, to say that it is beautiful is an understatement because it truly is.

She never wanted a house where she wouldn't be comfortable in, so she had given money to a friend to rent an already furnished apartment, and she will pay. That is how she finds herself in this house. It is sometimes difficult to know if she made a mistake in choosing this house, but on second thought, it happens that she likes it this way. She didn't have to bother about decorating the room, no, she just instead added things to meet her taste and fashion.

Chelsea's bungalow consists of one room, a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. The suited her to perfection especially as she loves things to be the way she wants them. To her, living here is pure joy and made her contemplate over the fact that she wants to leave here after she pays the debt.

Until then, she will only have to manage this house first, while hoping for something better. This is the only thing now, and unless it meets her in a good position that something she has to stop selling her body for money, she might even change town to a place where people seldom know her. That is the only solution to her problems right now.

Walking towards her room, Chelsea opened the door that led to her small and comfortable room. She didn't have many properties in here, especially when it has to do with assets, just a big master-size bed at the center of the room, and the corner, there were also all kinds of dancing boots.

She preferred those that have heels, so she bought most of them. There was also a wardrobe hanging at the side of the room, it contained all of Chelsea's belongings. Mostly her stripper's attire, and others that she changes to when going to her friend's house.

Chelsea looked at her small perfect room, it made her heart trip a little bit, but she didn't do anything on that part, just to let it be the way It is.

Walking across the room, she admired her vanity, one of the most valuable assets she has and is proud of it. Especially when she bought it with her hard earned money.

Sighing, Chelsea slides into the bed and as she rested her head on the pillow, all the memories from last night flowed in her mind so freely. She didn't expect it to happen, but here she is, thinking like life does not mean anything to her.

Chelsea thought about Jaxtyn when he first kissed her, it is a memory that she is never going to forget about it. It just makes her want to wriggle her nostril and jiggle herself in more on the bed. She needs to calm her head down if not it risks exploding, and that is not something she wished to happen.

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