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Touch Sir

"Going home you say, I didn't see any money in your bag, so tell me, how do you expect to pay the cab home?" Jaxtyn inquired.

Chelsea's eyes widened, she had not imagined that will happen, at least not coming from Jaxtyn. She knew she didn't have transport to go home, but then, that is her business, it only matters to her and no one else.

"Let go of my hands, Jaxtyn, and I will advise you to mind your business because the manner in which I will use in going home matters to me," she shot.

Jaxtyn stirred at Chelsea as if she had had a hit on her head, her words weren't logical and If he allows her to go that means he is not doing her any good especially not when a man like her was in charge.

"Chelsea, please calm down, I wasn't searching your bag because I thought you had stolen something from me or not, no, instead, I was searching your bag to find reasons to tie you down with me, I think I have, you don't have transport to go home, why don't you take the money I offered you awhile ago?" Jaxtyn inquired raising a brow.

Chelsea was dumbfounded, she could not understand what is going on with her, in fact, nothing made sense anymore.

Why will a man like Jaxtyn pity him for heaven's sake? she was just a harlot as he would call her, she sells her body for money. She hasn't rendered him any service, why then will he give her some money, why?

Many questions flowed through Chelsea's head, and to conclude, she only found him being rude, nothing could make him change his mind about that, his share rudeness was something she could barely cope with.

Seizing her hand from Jaxtyn, Chelsea spat the bile that had accumulated in her heart, she is so damn tired of dealing with someone like him.

"Wow! so you have now become a pity party, huh! you pity me, that is something bad to even think about. Mr. Mafia prince, safe your money for a time you are really going to need it, I am gone," Chelsea spat directly at his face.

He didn't care about her, all that he thought of her was as a gold digger. Was something even wrong with this man or he needed a bat to strike his head before he knows what is absolutely going on? of course not.

Taking a step further, she stopped when she hit a rock. The funniest thing is the rock was breathing, signaling that it is a person. Lifting her head up, Chelsea saw the broad chest she had hit just now. It belongs to Jaxtyn, and what she can not tell is how fast he had used to corner her, that was extremely too fast.

His cologne waffled her nostrils, and it was no doubt that Jaxtyn smelled good, his brushed mouth and clean face were so attractive, yet Chelsea refused to frown in his handsome features, it didn't mean anything to her, not at all.

Jaxtyn held Chelsea's hands she immediately brushed them aside because she didn't want anything to do with him.

"Just let me go," she said.

Although Chelsea's actions were showing that she wanted to go, her mouth was saying otherwise, she didn't want to leave yet, considering the fact that she didn't have anything money to use as transport.

"Why? Chelsea, why should I let you go for Christ's sake, can't you just stay here with me? must you leave?" he asked staring at her in the eyes.

They might have known themselves only for a night, and they didn't discuss much but then, Jaxtyn wanted her to know that he cares about her, when if he doesn't say it, she should know by his actions.

Chelsea felt like a cat had gotten her tongue, she could not speak, and even though she wanted to tell him in the face that yes, she must leave, the words were ripped in her throat.

She bowed her head towards the ground unable to say anything, Chelsea just wanted to avoid this young man's eyes, they bore her eyes, they meant a lot to her, so much, that she just wanted to brush these things aside.

"Let me go, I will trek home, at least, it is better than staying where they will think you are a thief and search everything you have on you. I tell you this, Jaxtyn or whatever you call yourself, this is absurd, just thinking about it makes me one to punch you," Chelsea blurted out.

Hearing her one word, she blushed profusely, she can not imagine that she said such a thing, it was as if she would just open up the ground and fall in it.

"You are free to punch me, Chelsea, punch me if you think it will make you better," Jaxtyn said.

His words caused Chelsea to gasp.

Chelsea looked at Jaxtyn now, she didn't want to say anything, neither did she wish to punch him.

Actually, her heart bleeds, just thinking of hitting this find man across the face is enough reason to wriggle her face and brush it aside from me.

"No, I wouldn't punch you, but just Let me have my way, I want to go home," Chelsea said.

"What is in your house? besides, I love the way your shirt suits you perfectly," Jaxtyn teased her.

'What? was Jaxtyn really playing over my intelligence?' Chelsea thought.

This was his shirt she was putting on, and the way he scrutinized her entire body, it felt like she was naked, as if she did not wear anything at all, that is enough reason to squeeze her face even more.

"Oh! sorry, the shirt belongs to you, I am giving it back," Chelsea muttered starting to unbutton the shirt.

Jaxtyn could no believe his eyes, he was practically dealing with a madwoman, if she truly remover his skirt, she will remain only with her pant, how then will she walk across the streets of Douala? that is absurd, he thought.

Chelsea's mind was blown off, she didn't know what she was doing, yet she just felt her fingers passing over each button, removing it.

By the time she arrived at the third button, she felt Jaxtyn's harsh pair of hands secure hers, she was kind of caught aback by his actions.

Jaxtyn's hands were smooth on hers, and as she lifted her eyes to face him, she saw the hue of excitement in his.

"If we aren't going to make love now, don't try removing your shirt," Jaxtyn blurted out.

His harsh words caused her to freeze in action.

Chelsea found it difficult to believe her ears, how on earth could Jaxtyn throw something like that at her face, this is absurd, she can barely even believe her ears about it.

She didn't have any anxiety to have sec with this man right now, instead, she wanted to retire in her house and sleep, she needs it so much.

"Yesterday, you said you were not going to have an affair with me? why the sudden change of mind now?" Chelsea inquired raising a brow.

She knew his words were going to hit his heart, and she was right because it did.

Jaxtyn's mind was literally blown away when he heard Chelsea ask that question. Chuckling, he decided to speak out, maybe it will make her feel a little better.

"Well, Chelsea, if you want to know why I didn't make love to you, then I will tell you that you already know. How fast have you forgotten how drunk you were last night, huh? you should have at least consider the fact that you were coming to my house and you were on duty, not to eat and drink to stupor, it wasn't a fancy dinner or something," he shot.

This made the lady's mouth to drop open, she could barely believe her eyes, was this man serious? did he really tell that in front of her face?

She felt like punching him across the face, but then, that is the truth, this made her wonder why she even accepted to have anything with him, she would have simply just asked him to go straight to the point with her, that is the only reasonable thing that could be done right now__ so she thought.

Heaving a sigh, it became obvious that this young man had played a mind game over her, and she had fallen over it without thinking twice, like, how is that even possible for heaven's sake? Anger boiled in Chelsea's heart and she just wanted to return home, it didn't matter much what happens, or how it happens, she just knows that she is trapped in her own game.

The only thing Chelsea knows about is the fact that if she removes this short, she will have to stay here the more, she didn't want this to happen, so it is better if she stays with it.

"But it's yours," she said staring at him with fierce eyes.

"What?" Jaxtyn asked.

"I mean the shirt, it is yours," she blurted out.

This caused Jaxtyn to raise a right brow at her, staring at her as if he couldn't understand what is going on. Of course, she has to understand it, Jaxtyn looked at her ready to speak his mind.

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