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"You've lost everything, Chelsea, just because of selfishness, or let me say ignorance, Jaxtyn has given you a sack letter before even fully employing you as one of his strippers. Isn't that enough punishment to you?" Chelsea asked herself all these questions.

It felt like she was in bondage, like some kind of shackles stopped her from seeing the light that is in her.

"What kind of light can possibly be in me?" Chelsea asked chuckling.

The sounds of her own chuckle were bizarre to her ears as if she is not the one that had done so a minute ago.

Her life is slowly turning into a shadow of herself. Just the fact that she will have no money to complete whatever she has to do makes her sad. She thought of how depressed her father will be if she doesn't succeed in paying his debts. Well, not that it is her rights to pay for her father's sins, but then she needs to help the old man who is now sick.

Not only because of the money he loaned, but also because of the fact that his company is not doing better than what he had thought it to be.

Then the thief he had employed as the company manager. The man had done more harm than good to them. Nothing good can actually come out from him, and Chelsea has made a promise to herself to look for the man and punish him mercilessly.

All these things are the lead factor to her father's illness, not only is he diagnosed with high blood pressure, but he also has stroke too. Thinking about all these things made tears roll down Chelsea's cheeks.

Sniffing, she said to herself in a calm and reserved voice.

"You are a strong lady, Chelsea, I don't want to see you crying, ok?" she told herself these lies.

She knew they were pure lies, it did stroke her that bad that she is lying so much that she exploded in another fit of tears. She could not understand her eyes, in fact, this is the worst thing that can ever happen to her, the worst in all cases, and as she cried, she felt like she is going to die.

It has been long since she had this feeling in her life, just thinking about it is enough to make her cry, she thought raising fifty million francs is a tough deal, but then, raising the money in three years has been the worst memory in her life.

Since she clocked twenty years, it has been hell for her, before she even became a stripper, she had tried getting a job and selling other things that will make her have quick money, but that was impossible, in fact, the worst at all times. She has lived a life of lies, seductress, and passed most of her time living behind her shell. Luring men to herself brought money to her, much money that she could not seem to comprehend what is going on.

Moaning, Chelsea covered her face with her hands and dug it in the pillow. She cried her life out and thought of how she had betrayed her family. Deep down in her, she knew it is not her fault, or part of it is not hard doing, but then, things aren't working well like the way she planned it, and she has to deal with it that way.

Slowly, she started drawing out of consciousness, the sleep in her eyes was gently fading away, she kind of didn't think about it like something serious, but she needed to rest. Much rest than possible. The only good thing with Chelsea is that she didn't force it, not at all, and as she closed her eyes, she allowed the entire sleep to consume her.

Fifteen minutes after she had slept, she opened her eyes as if in shock. Staring around, she didn't know why her room looked funny to her as if it didn't belong to her, or simply because has overslept herself.

This is her fault, there is nothing else to do about it, nothing at all.

She didn't know why she was awake and did not even realize that she was asleep, the actions just seemed to have happened so fast that it stroke her mind, kind of strange to know these things.

Heaving a slow sigh, she relaxed her head on the pillow. It is obvious that Chelsea is over stressing herself, she has been brave for so long, fighting her own battles, yet things don't seem to get any better on her side.

Chelsea is kind of raising money that in her entire life she doesn't think she would have raised this much, it is kind blowing, deceptive to even think about these things.

Now, she looked at the ceiling unable to say anything. All she did was to admire it, that is the highest she can do right now, to stare blankly at her ceiling.

This time, her phone started ringing, indicating that she had a caller. Chelsea has a phone but seldom goes out with it. If it is not for business purposes, she barely sees any reason to go out with her phone, and most of the time, she just stays there doing nothing with the phone.

Sliding towards the right side of the bed, Chelsea positioned herself to collect the phone. It laid helplessly on the little table boarding the bed.

Grabbing her android phone, she didn't care to see who the caller ID is as she just quickly slides the answer button to the left, rapidly bringing it towards her ear.

"Allo! this is Chelsea on the line," Chelsea said in her hoarse and thick voice.

She didn't know who was talking, so she used her professional voice in speaking.

"Chelsea, my daughter how are you doing?" the voice asked.

The voice was so familiar that she jumped out of the bed in fright.

The caller was Mr. White, Chelsea's father. Switching on her phone now, she tried looking at the caller ID, and she slapped herself mentally.

'How come I had not noticed it was dad who was calling?' she inquired raising her brows.

It kind of made her a little sad, she did not expect this to happen, not in the least but then, she had to try her best to lighten her voice especially as she had been crying for a long time.

"I... I am fine, father. How are you doing?" She asked.

Chelsea had always lied to her father about the kind of work she is doing in the town, she had lied severally that she doesn't know the last thing she told her father the last time he called.

She didn't want to hurt her father's feelings, they meant a lot to her, and she knows best that such mews wouldn't be welcomed nor appreciated.

In as much as she thought about that, she shook her head severally trying to keep a light head on the conversation at hand.

She heard her father's thick voice in the background and it made a small smile crawl on her face, it is the best so far, especially as it has been a while since they last spoke with one another.

"I am fine thank you, Chelsea. I've noticed that you've been avoiding me all these while, what did I do to you?" Mr. White asked his daughter.

His question caused Chelsea to gasp, she had not noticed that his father was slowly recording her shift in attitude towards him, this means he is slowly recovering, and that is the best part of it, but then, she didn't want all these things to get worse, her father deserves a good life without debts.

The sole reason why her relationship with her father had become weird is because Mr. White kept asking his daughter so many questions. He knows he has not been a good example of a father to his daughter, and after the death of his wife, he had focused more on drowning deep into depression rather than simply taking care of his daughter.

At that time, he didn't think about his little girl who needed him so much, but then, he thought more of being a silly shadow of himself.

Lucky enough for him, his mother came in at the right time to help him out with this tough phase of his life, and will forever be grateful to him.

This didn't mean anything to Chelsea, she grieved over the loss of her mother too, but not as much as her father had mourned his wife, this is absurd, and the thought aching, she decided to brush the things aside, it was worth it at all.

Mr. White did not hear from his daughter, and his reply seemed to be ending, so he called out in his gross voice wanting to know if his daughter is there.

"Allo? Chelsea, are you there?" he inquired.

This caused Chelsea to blink severally, she had not expected that kind of a reaction, or to even black put, so she answered.

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