The supermodel
The supermodel
It felt like the single thread that had been holding her anger hostage in her mind got snapped by that one sentence.
"Have you gone mad Tyler Cruise!" Chloe screeched. "Have you completely lost your mind?"
The cruise was shocked at her outburst. He narrowed his eyes trying to see through her acting because obviously, she was doing just that —acting.
"I am talking to you Cruise, say something? Or have you gone dumb too?" Chloe spat in anger.
Cruise passed a hand over his head and tried to reach out to her once again but she pulled away from him like he was a plague at risk of getting to her.
"Babe, It won't be as bad as you are thinking... it's just one child and we won't even take responsibility for it. I will be with you every step of the way," Cruise said. To him, this was a simple matter. All Chloe had to do was stop taking the birth control pills and once she got pregnant, they would both take care of it and then, Moses could get the child. It couldn't be so hard.
But Chloe had a different idea. Her brain had gone so hot, it was almost a burning volcano. She could not believe Cruise had stooped so low.
"Are you even listening to yourself?" She started as she gesticulated with her hands. "You want me to go on and just give birth to you! Have you ever thought about what will happen to your body? My God!" She exclaimed holding her mouth. This was it. This was the last of the straw. She no longer even needed him. She had done enough big jobs already thanks to his influence, she'd become more relevant than she could ever imagine. She didn't need him anymore!
"You know what?" She yelled moving to the wardrobes.
Cruise just stayed back watching her with a corked brow. He couldn't understand what he was seeing in front of him.
"I am done with you!" She declared as she picked up her box and threw it on the tiled floor and started throwing her belongings inside.
This was a joke —Cruise thought as a smile started forming on his face. Chloe could never leave him, she loved him too much. This sold her out. She was joking.
As Chloe threw her things roughly onto the ground she suddenly stopped as she heard a burst of laughter behind her. She raised her brows in confusion as she turned to check what it was that made that sound, surely it couldn't be Cruise or was it?
She turned around and was shocked to find Cruise laughing. The fool thought she was joking when she said she was leaving him.
"What an Idiot!" She cursed under her breath. She had stolen and extorted enough money for her to stay in a hotel for a few days pending the time she got an apartment for herself.
Thanks to his wolf ears, Cruise heard the insults Chloe had uttered but he refused to believe she truly meant it. He continued chuckling. Chloe would never leave him he assured himself.
She continued packing her things and bent over to zip up her bag. She had no intentions of staying with a man that thought ruining her perfect modelling career was the best thing they could do to her. What a clown!
She finished packing up and started moving to the door. It was then Cruise saw that this was no joke. His heart seemed to start shaking on its own as it feared collapsing.
"Are you leaving me?" He asked in a small voice. He and Chloe had been together for years now. He stayed faithful to her even though she wasn't even his mate. He loved her because she made him happy and she was truly beautiful. And now, she was throwing it all away and for what? Because he asked her to give birth to him?
"Chloe, I am going to marry you. Isn't that what you've always wanted?" This was the ultimate female dream or was it different for ChloThe cruiseise cruises confused as he walked behind the fuming woman who refused to respond to any of his questions.
She got to the main exit and pulled the door open. Cruise held her hand back and she slapped his hold away in a thunderous scream.
"Don't touch me Tyler Cruise! Don't!" She repeated with a shaky finger pointed to his face.
"But Chloe..." The cruise started but words failed him. "Listen, I'm sorry okay? Maybe I said it the wrong way but I intend to marry you..." He said hoping she would start laughing at him now but the cold glare on her face only became ice.
"Cruise! I have had enough!" There was no point lying to him anymore. She was leaving and there was nothing he would say that would stop her. Besides her level of popularity in the fashion industry, rich men would fall at her feet when news went around that she was single again. She needed to test flesh blood. She was tired of Cruise.
"What do you mean, by that?" Cruise asked in shock.
"I mean the very thing you heard." She hissed pushing her luggage, one after the other out of the door. She kept going back and forth to pick up her things and Cruise remained frozen in shock.
Was this some kind of joke? He thought.
"But Chloe you love me?" He asked more to himself than the angry woman.
"Love?" She stopped finally. She turned to him and broke into laughter. "I never loved, yo Ty. You were simply a tool for me to attain success and think I have reached my goal. I am done with you! Go to Virginia and find yourself some sorry wife to give you babies. Not me Ty! Chloe Roberts is a bird and I must fly!" She retorted before taking the last of her bags out of the apartment.