Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Just like old times

Geri and the doctor arrive at Mary’s place and the sun is almost setting. Mary is out of her house trying to feed his pigs when she spots a car standing some few meters away from her compound, she stops feeding the pigs and moves closer to the wooden poles surrounding her compound. She looks keenly and sees two men heading towards her direction. She drops the bucket and enters the house, quickly runs to her bedroom and takes out a shotgun that is all dusty, blows the dust off and walks with it outside. She stands next to the barbed wire and aims perfectly at the two of them.

They walk carefully across the field heading to the big house standing in the middle of the huge field. The doctor knows her sister very well and does not one to take any chances.

“Put your hands up, she gets really messy sometimes” he whispers to Geri who in a long time does not like to be viewed as a weak person but he has no choice and he raises his hands too.

Mary still aiming at them retreats and he can recognize her brother from some distance away.

“it is just me sweetie, I brought a friend with me”

“Stop calling me that, I can clearly see you so just keep your mouth shut Lincoln” she walks towards the wooden gate and still holding the gun just in case she stands at the gate waiting for them to get closer. They both walk faster and reach where he was standing. The doctor stares at his younger sister and smiles at her, she does not smile , he grabs her and carry her just like a little girl while laughing, he seems so happy seeing her after a very long `time.

“Put me down Lincoln, put me down.. when will you ever stop doing this” she yells at him and he drops him. Dr Lincoln always treated her younger sister just like the olden days and doesn’t care if she is totally grown. He loved her so much even though it took him a lot of time to come and pay her a visit.

“Who is your friend?” Mary asks after she realizes Geri is much of a listener than a talker.

“well, this is my good high school friend Geri, Geri this is my younger sister Mary” he realizes Mary is staring at him and he stops talking.

“You are lying Lincoln, you know I know all your high school friends, anyway let us get in. they follow her into the house. The doctor stands at the door way looking at the house how amazingly it had turn out to be, she was not doing so bad after all, she was fairing on well and not as he had always thought, Geri pushes him aside and gets in, he looks at him with mean eyes but still enters the house anyway.

“Wow! This looks great Mary, you are really a survivor out here huh!” he chuckles as he walks around touching almost everything in the house. He comes next to an old fireplace and on top of it sits an old picture of them when they were too young. It gives him memories of the past when they used to always stay together and could not leave each other’s side, they were so in touch with each other till that fate full day that Lincoln left her home with her dad and went to college for more studies overseas, their bond has never been the same since Lincoln raised into fame for being a great doctor and a good scientist. He loves her though he does not think she loves him the same way. She has been staying alone at that farm for almost twenty years since the death of their father, one day Lincoln tried to take her with him to the city but all his efforts are always in vain since she can never leave that farm at whatever the cost.

Mary is in the kitchen trying to prepare them something to eat as Lincoln walks in.

“You don’t look the same Lincoln, what’s up with you, something bothering you?” she notices how he looks so worked out and he really had not gotten any sleep in a while and he looked so exhausted.

“Am good, am just really tired and need some good sleep, and of course hungry too” he tries covering everything up from her suspecting sister.

“Its not a surprise, you are always hungry Lincoln” she says as she pours some soup into two bowls and hands him and while looking him at the eyes.

“You have never come here this late Lincoln, and now that you are accompanied with that weird looking man, I know something is up, here take this and suite yourselves” she lets Lincoln take the bowls and walks out of the kitchen, enters the living room and hands one to Geri who has been sitting on the couch silent as hell all along.

“Hey, drink that, aren’t you hungry!” he tells him when he notices that he wasn’t drinking at all. Geri keeps staring at the bowl as the doctor keeps on drinking his.

“Don’t act stupid, she is a really smart woman and the moment she sees you behaving weird she will start having some a lot of questions about you, just drink it” he whispers at him and he was looking at him with very angry eyes. He finally drinks the entire bowl in just a single sip.

“Oh God! That’s not what I meant, anyway forget about it, this is where we will be staying for a while until things calm down, that’s my plan, I don’t know about you?” he drinks his soup while talking to Geri and waits for his reply.

“Well, I will be leaving tomorrow, am going back home” Geri answers him. The doctor is shocked and places his bowl on the table. He never expected him to leave that soon since he had some really good plans with him, especially his blood.

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