Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The safer side

Mary joins them at the living room, and finds them quiet both of them done with heir soup. She sits next to her brother.

“What’s with the silence guys, Lincoln, you never shut up” he looks at him and stands again walks to her old television.

“Its even good you are here, come over here, this has not been working for a while now” he calls Lincoln who hurriedly runs and takes a look at the TV. He fixes a couple of wires and it starts showing miraculously. Mary is so excited when she sees the TV is working.

“Now I can watch the news and see what’s going on with this crazy world out there, been hearing a lot of gunshots lately, what is going around with all these wars” she sits down and concentrates on the TV.

“It’s an ongoing war throughout the world and has lasted almost a month, we hope it ends soon” Lincoln answers him and he had barely finished speaking when his picture showed up in the news as usual. He does not want to make eye contact with his sister and hopes she is not paying attention but this go so wrong when she realizes its him. She looks at him and notices him avoiding her eyes and she quietly stands and walks to the TV and puts the volume up. His names are clearly mentioned and he is said to be an enemy of state and they both hear it clearly. She switches off the TV and goes back to her seat without uttering a single word.

“Lincoln, just look at me, what is that all about..” she starts and her voice is up. Lincoln totally knew how angry she could get and he calms her down.

“Okay, everything you saw and heard, and I mean everything is lie, they are trying to hunt me down, take my research and kill me Mary, what was I supposed to do for Gods sake” he starts explaining everything and gets out of control.

“Just calm down, for how long has this been going on?” she needs to know everything and she keeps on asking questions after questions.

“About a week or so..”

“And who did you speak to before on your way here?” she goes on asking, Mary was one type of a lady that always wanted to make sure everything was safe and secure and she needed to know everything before she could calm down and have a peace of mind.

“Well nobody, we just took a cab straight here, what’s the big deal anyway, no one is tracing us, so stop with the questions Mary?”.

Mary’s telephone starts ringing, which is weird, it hasn’t received any calls for a while now and now that his brother has arrived, someone is calling. She looks at Lincoln and she is really upset, stands up and goes and receives the call.

Lincoln listening keenly and looking at her, the reactions on her face can really tell that it is not a good call. She hangs up and sighs looking at Lincoln, a cold feeling feels the entire room.

“Why are they calling me and asking me such questions, Lincoln, who are they and how on earth did they get to know about me” she shouts at him. He tries thinking so hard and this is when he remembers that walked in Charles barbershop.

“Oh my God, Charles!” he is so shocked and does not want to believe it.

“What is it, which Charles are you talking about?” she shouts back at him again.

Lincoln already knows what might be the cause of the call, Charles has been a longtime friend to him but he really did not believe in him that much. He really thinks he is the one that had given the cops his sisters contacts, but how the hell did he find the contact? He goes on overthinking and he becomes so confused about everything happening.

Geri was not saying anything and as soon as Mary realizes this, she pulls Lincoln to the kitchen.

“And who the hell is that, you disappear for a very long time and show up in my house with a guy I do not know and he is quiet all along, your name and picture all over the news and now a weird phone call Lincoln, what is going on, Who is that!!!!”she is so upset and overreacting, Geri back in the living room is able to hear every single word of their conversation which could not be heard by any normal person.

“He is a friend trust me, I can never bring a bandit at your house, just allow us stay and when things calm down we will be leaving” Lincoln now calms down and he seems to be begging her own sister for a place to stay. She looks satisfied and allows them to stay and this is just because he was her blood brother otherwise she would have kicked them out immediately.

They stay for the night and things are calm again. Mary asks Lincoln to help with getting the pigs and the horses in because it was getting late and it was already dark. They sit and they are talking and laughing again, but suddenly Mary’s dog comes to the living room and as soon as it spots Geri, it starts barking uncontrollably while looking at him. Mary tries to calm the dog and now thing start getting worse. Geris emotions start rising but just a single look by Lincoln calms him down. He bites hard on his teeth and controls his emotions.

“He is probably hungry, let me grab some food for him” she heads to the kitchen to get some food and she closes the door behind her, she is a smart lady, she stands behind the door and watches them and what she sees shocks her, she peeps through the opening and looks at them again. She suddenly backs up and breathes heavily holding her chest, she was filled with fear.

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