Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A night in the moon

Mary comes back in the living room with the dog’s food and feeds it. The dog is now calm than before and both Geri and Lincoln are also quiet and calm than before.

“I really need some rest Mary” Lincoln is so tired and wants to go and get some sleep since he had not slept for so long.

“You know your room, and you can share it with Geri, right? Yeah share it with Geri?” she is still seated on the couch and Lincoln stands and heads to his bedroom which had been deserted for a very long time. He opens the door and sees things are almost the same way as he had left them sometime back when he had come to see Mary. Mary and Geri are still in the living room.

“You have a good place here” Geri starts the conversation after some long silence.

“Yeah, its an old house though, I have been thinking of renovating it lately, would you care for a cup of coffee?” she asks him and he remains confused and does not know what to say, he just smiles along.

“I will take that as a yes” she stands and heads to the kitchen to make some coffee for two.

Geri was now getting more comfortable now that he was getting so free with Mary who seemed to be a very harsh lady.

Lincoln on the other side in his room has gone into deep thoughts, he lies on the bed, so exhausted and tries to get some sleep but he cannot get over the fact that Geri will be leaving the next day without achieving whatever he wished to do, all his experiments with his blood. He sits on the bed and starts thinking about it. He gets off the bed and goes to his bag and takes out some notes and looks into them. He digs in and takes out the only thing that was making his life more dangerous, the serum that he had made, he had never tried it before since he did not know who to try it to and did not want to risk any innocent lives as the government had suggested before.

Mary is able to see Geri clearly when she is in the kitchen, she stares at him and wonders what he is but despite all this, there is something she really wants so bad and she sees Geri as a perfect solution and in other words, she desire a lot as a woman and she can no longer control her feelings anymore.

“Here, take this” she comes with two cups.

“Thank you” he takes it and they enjoy the coffee together. It is now the first time in his life he is alone with a woman in the same room and he feels so weird. Mary tries doing anything possible to make him fall for her heartwarming charms. She is wearing a robe that covers her entire body but from the way she is sitting in the couch, Geri is able to see her flawless thighs that makes him so uncomfortable. After the coffee she takes the cups and goes back to the kitchen and she passes so close to Geri and the smell of her perfume catches Geri and he turns back to look at her and by coincidence their eyes meet and this is where everything begun. She did not know what she was getting herself into but all these did not matter to her and all she wanted was to experience what she hadn’t experience for a while.

Lincoln takes his toys and this is a microscope and his desktop and starts doing his experiments. He tries creating the serum once again and does new calculations and everybody else thinks that he is asleep. At around 12 am at midnight he is so worked out and finds himself sleeping at the desk in his room. He suddenly wakes up and realizes Geri is not yet in the room. He stands and switches off the light and throws himself at the bed.

Geri might have come from the forests but he was a man and could not resist the temptation of Lincolns sister. She follows her into the bathtub and finds her waiting.

Very early in the morning Geri wakes up before anyone else and opens the window. He stands by the window and notices the weird serum on Lincolns desk. He takes it and looks at it and suddenly remembers Lincolns words about making super soldiers and what the serum could do. He hears Lincoln getting up and hides it in his pocket.

Lincoln is not aware of anything, he puts on his shirt and goes to the bathroom for a shower.

Mary is also up and she seems so happy and energetic than before. She could be heard singing at the kitchen all the time which was not normal. She was always a quiet lady but today she had woken up in a good mood. Lincoln takes a long shower and he feels so human again. He feels like everything is in order and he can go on with his normal life once again. He joins his sister and they talk and even helps her in making breakfast. He notices her sisters mood and occasionally stares at her and knew that something was up with her, something that he did not know at all but he liked seeing her happy and that’s all that mattered to him.

Lincoln goes out and lets the animals out, helps in feeding them and he enjoyed doing this.

He sees a cloud of smoke from far away which was not okay for him.

“Mary!” he called her out.

“Come look at this!!!” Mary comes out quickly and looks at the far end of the field and they see a troop of armored army vehicles coming their way.

“Oh my God” she says knowing something terrible was just about to happen.

“RUN!” they both run in and try to make an escape through the back door.

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